字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント This is how Japanese school food is made in Japan 日本の学校給食の裏側に密着すっぞ [Intro Music] 今回はMADE IN JAPANの動画をお届けだ so I'm back with another made in Japan video 前に駅弁当工場を紹介したことあったよな Before I showed you how train bentos were made 今回は学校給食調理場に来てんだ But this time we're gonna go inside of a factory 子供たちの給食が どうやって作られるかを紹介するぜ so I can show you how kids school food is made 本編を始める前に オラの日常は Instagramをチェックしてくれ But before we start like always if you チャンネルサポートは グッズ購入からお願いな want to see what I'm doing on the daily 日本や日本旅行に関する質問は オラのDISCORDコミュニティーを覗いてくれよな check out my Instagram account オラ前から ここ めちゃ気になってたんだ If you guys want to help support the channel じゃ、早速中に潜入してみようぜ check out the Tokyo Japan merch 今回も「MADE IN JAPAN」シリーズだ and if you guys have any questions about Japan 日本ならではのことが どんな風に行われているのかを紹介っぞ or Japan travels then check out my Discord community 今回は 日本の学校給食が どのように作られているのか取材していくぞ That said 日本では小学校と ほとんどの中学校で提供されてるぞ I've always been interested to see how all of this was done バランスがとれてて種類も豊富で so let me just take you inside 栄養士が献立を考えてるんだ and let's find out このシーン見覚えあるだろ? 何が起こるかもう分かるかな? せ〜の… So here I am ほらっ 完璧 Bringing you another Made in Japan hitter 中に入ってみよう where I uncover how things are uniquely crafted in Japan 入り口まで来たぞ もう何度もやってるしな This time how real deal Japanese school lunches are made 働いてる人見つけてついてってみようぜ called Kyushoku 今日の工場はでっけ〜ぞ! It's served in all Japanese elementary schools 今日は武蔵野市給食・食育振興財団に潜入だ and most junior high schools なっげぇ〜 It's known for its well-balanced and 18校にサービスを提供してて 181人のスタッフが働いてるぞ varied menus all planned by a certified nutritionist 今回は、そこの調理場の一つに潜入だ okay so we've been here before デカすぎるから 食品工場って呼びてぇくれーだ you know what's gonna happen let's do this この調理場では日々8校分の給食を作ってんだ and there you go let's go inside みんなが思ってるスクールカフェテリアとは レベルが違ぇぞ! so I'm just in the entrance right here おっ 配達が来たみたいだ and I think we've done this enough time 朝は7時半から始まるぞ so maybe you can just follow one of the workers in 昼飯までに調理して 各校に届けねぇといけないからな we're going BIG on this one 8つの学校 合計生徒2700人分だ Today I've got special access to visit 配達はこの特別な受け取り口でスタッフが受け取るぞ The Musashino city school lunch and 一度に一つのドアしか開かなくなってんだ dietary education promotion foundation 外からのゴミが施設内に入るのを防ぐためだぞ damn that was long 中に入るとスタッフが検温して、検品すっぞ servicing 18 schools 厳しい衛生基準にも気を配る in total with 181 hard-working staff おっあの人が何してるか見てみようぜ I'm going inside to one of their massive おっす! Japanese school food kitchens 何のチェックをしてんだ? so large in scale I want to call it a food factory 何%くらいが引っかかる? to better capture its size 何年くらいここで働いてる? It's so massive that it produces food for 他の仕事もある? eight different schools each and every day どっちが好き? This ain't no regular school cafeteria kitchen ありがとな Oh the deliveries are here ! 今日の給食のメインはブリの照り焼きだ so morning start at 7:30 a.m どうやって調理されるか楽しみだな as the food must be prepared cooked and then shipped out ここから全食材の下ごしらえが始まる all before lunch time ready to eat for eight 野菜は配達されたら 洗って 切って 皮を剥く different schools with a total of 2700 students 日本ならではの食材の準備もあるぞ Workers use a special docking room to receive the food 日本の給食は野菜たっぷりだから 調理はすげー手が掛かるんだ where only one door is opened at a time 1日に約40人のスタッフが作業すんだぞ outside debris from entering the facility. 手で数えたら80本だな Once inside, workers thoroughly inspect the food by taking it's temperature, in addition to paying attention to strict government sanitary guidelines. ゴボウみたいな根菜類は土がいっぺーついてるし、 アクが強えぇから Oh cool, let's see what this guy is doing over here! ここでは専用の機械で下準備すんだ Excuse me, can I talk to you? でもほとんどの野菜は手作業で下準備すっぞ What are you checking? ここでは地元農家の野菜を使ってる Oh! What's the percentage of food that doesn't pass? 子供たちが毎日新鮮な野菜を食べれるようにな So, how long have you been working here? 土が付いた採れたて新鮮な野菜はうめーぞ! So, do you have to do other jobs as well? 日本の小中学生は一年を通して 新鮮な旬の食材を食べられるんだな Which one do you like the most? これは日本の食教育の一環なんだ Thank you! 食育って言葉もあるんだぜ Today's school lunch main dish is a teriyaki yellow tail fish 日本では、昼めしは食育の時間なんだ Can't wait to see how it's prepared! 授業の間のただの休み時間じゃねぇぞ So this is where all of the food prep begins! 日本人は、栄養バランスの取れた 美味い昼めしを毎日食うことで After delivery, vegetables must be washed, cut and peeled 良い食習慣が自然に身につくと考えてんだ 学校の外で何食うべきかも自然に学べるかんな in addition to any other specific prep unique to Japanese ingredients 日本では、家庭の収入に関係なく学生はみんな 最低1日1回は健康的な飯が保証されてるんだ and since Japanese school lunches are rich with vegetables, やベぇ! リンゴの皮剥き機があんぞ it takes a fair amount of skilled hands to get the job done. 皮剥き機で下ごしらえの時間短縮だ about 40 total, I mean 80 if I were counting both hands! 皮が剥かれた後は手で仕上げをすんぞ Anyway, root vegetables like burdock naturally come in with lots of dirt and grit, 最後はリンゴを配膳できるように 容器に並べる so the kitchen uses specialised machines to wash them off どんな気持ちよ?アップルさん but, the majority of the vegetables are prepared by hand. こっちの部屋は何してんのかな? At this kitchen, all of the vegetables are sourced from local farmers ここでは米が炊く部屋だぞ! so the kids can eat the freshest produce possible every day でっけぇ炊飯器がいっぺーあるんな which is why some are still sporting that farm fresh soil! 一つの炊飯器で、1回でなんと700食分炊けるんだぞ All in all, it means that Japanese school kids can enjoy fresh, seasonal food この米がたっぷり入ったザルは30kgもあるんだ throughout the entire school year. こりゃ〜ちょうどいい修行だな! In fact, it's all a part of Japan's food education system, 米は水に浸けられたら、熱湯の中に入れられる which they even have a word for! それから2分して蓋が開けられる See, in Japan, lunch time itself is considered food education 米を混ぜて、また蓋をしたら30分炊き上げる as supposed to a simple break between classes. 高温を保つために、ゼッテー蓋は開けねぇのが鍵だ Japanese believe that providing the youth a balanced and delicious meal every day at lunch ちょっと質問してみようぜ naturally teaches them good eating habits and what おっす!今何してんだ? they should be eating outside of school なんの米を使ってんだ? no matter the family's income level なんで? every student is guaranteed one healthy こんだけ大量に米炊くのって大変? and balanced meal once per day うまく米炊く秘訣は? oh damn it's an apple convention in here おっ炊けたぞ sweet juices they even have a full on まじグレイヴディガーみてぇに米を混ぜるんだな apple peeler to help them minimize the prep time この飯移すのなかなか大変らしいけど これは重要な仕事だ once peeled the apple still needs that なぜなら、日本の給食の炭水化物として出るのは ごはんが一番多いかんな! personal touch to get finished off パンとか麺類以上にな finally the apple slices are placed into 容器はそれぞれ正確に計量される containers ready to be served 各学校のクラスごとに人数分を提供するからな how do you like them apples チームで、スピーディーかつ効率よく進めることが大切だ so before I continue on i want to give a 昼めしの時間に間に合うように、準備するためだな quick shout out to the sponsor for this ここはメインキッチンだ video squarespace if you all don't これは豚汁用に出汁を準備しているところだな already know squarespace is the number 他の料理にも使われることもある one way to build your online presence 出汁は日本料理の要 ここでは昆布と鰹節を使って作るぞ In fact I use squarespace for my website 豚汁は日本の伝統的な汁物で tokyo zebra here are just some of the 野菜と豆腐と豚肉が入っている reasons why I love using squarespace so much これには、たっぷりの野菜入ってんだ whether you're starting your だからスタッフが力を合わせて色々な野菜を切ってる passion project or building a business 一杯の豚汁にたくさんの栄養と愛情が詰まってるぜ squarespace has all the tools to get it おっ ここでは味噌が準備されてるぞ done while also looking ultra sleek and やっと調理の工程だぜ professional at the same time 今日の汁物には2種類の味噌を使ってるぞ They support numerous portfolios and gallery 白味噌と赤味噌だ 日本語では「合わせ味噌」って呼ぶんだ designs which you can customize and even 互いの味を引き立てあって、コクが深まるんだ password protect so the right people see 肉、出汁、野菜、その他の材料の準備が終わったら 最終調理の工程で合わせられる your work use its fully integrated オラが1週間で食うもん以上の食材数だ! blogging tools and commenting features ここで魚が焼かれてみたいだぞ such as threaded comments replies and メインの登場だぜ likes to help engage your community and ここでは魚が手作業で下味をつける my personal favorite built-in analytics 今日は照り焼き味に漬け込まれてるぞ to see how your visits unique visitors 浸けたらトレイに並べて 巨大オーブンに移動して 焼き上げられる and page views trend over time so there go 各オーブン 1度に100切も焼くことができるぞ go to squarespace.com today for めちゃ効率いいな your free trial when you're ready to 仕事中なのにつまみ食いしてんぞ! launch go to squarespace.com/paolofromtokyo 今何してたんだ? and get 10% off your first 具体的にどんなとこチェックすんだ? domain or website もしうまくなかったら? all right let's continue on これやってると太っちまわねぇか? let's see what they're doing in this room over here この仕事の好きなところは? [Music] 好きなメニューはあるか? so this is where they steam the rice 魚だけに限らず、2700人の生徒が食うことになる 全てのメニューを試食するんだ wow so many giant rice cookers 発送する前に味と品質をチェックをすっぞ apparently each giant pot can cook up to 700 これは日本の伝統的なおかずの準備だな servings of rice at one time and that さっき下ごしてた野菜を調理すっぞ colander filled with rice and weighs スタッフは、レシピ通りに全てのメニューを調理していくぞ about 30 kilos 66 pounds 味と品質を一定に保つためだな that's quite a workout every day 毎日メニューが変わることを考えると スッゲー数のレシピがあるんだな so after the rice has been soaked さらに毎月1〜2品の新メニューを考案すんだって It goes into a vat of boiling hot water 子供たちを飽きさせないようにしねーとな! [Music] それは何だ? Then after it's boiled for 2 minutes the lid is quickly opened この規模で料理するるとき大変なことある? The rice is stirred and the lid replaced to let cook 好きなメニューは? for 30 minutes absolutely making sure to 生徒の一番人気はカレーライスなんだってさ not open the lid until then to maintain オラも食いてぇぞ a high temperature ちなみに料理を運ぶための 金属製のこの容器 めちゃ分厚くて let's go ask some questions over here 学校で生徒が食べる時まで 温かさをキープできるんだって Hi what are you doing right now ? 調理された給食がここで積み込まれるぞ! Oh what kind of rice do you use ? 給食のカートがトラックに積み込まれて Why is that ? 10時半から11時半の間に 学校に到着するようになってんだ What's the most challenging thing これで昼めしの時間に間に合う! when cooking this much rice ? 給食の積み込みが終わって、 トラックが出発すっぞ So what the key then to making delicious rice ? この食育システムは政府によって支援されている Cool, the rice is finished 公立学校の保護者が支払う給食費の平均は Damn they really go gravedigger style on that rice 小学校で1か月約4300円 中学校で1か月4900円なんだ apparently the workers say 1ヶ月あたり、$32~$36ってとこだな it's pretty exhausting to scoop it all out こうやって給食は出来上がる オラも給食を食ってみんぞ! But I guess it's all worth it うめぇ! because surprise surprise it's the most こうやって日本の学校給食は作られているぞ served carb in Japanese school lunches この動画を気に入ってもらえたら いいねボタンで教えてくれ over bread and noodles 今日みたいな動画とか 日本についてもっと見たい人は and each container needs to be weighed チャンネル登録と通知設定も忘れずに precisely to serve the exact number of また次の動画で会おうぜ students for each class in each school It's definitely a team effort to work fast and efficiently to get it all ready by lunchtime so this looks like the main kitchen area now the workers prepared the dashi for the soup called Tonjiru as well as for other dishes as it's one of the key ingredients for many Japanese dishes and here they're making it from scratch using kombu and katsuobushi kelp and smoked and fermented skipjack tuna Tonjiru itself is basically a traditional Japanese soup with vegetables tofu and pork It requires a lot of different vegetable ingredients hence the team of workers cutting an assortment of vegetables there's quite a bit of nutrition and a lot of love goes into just one bowl of Tonjiru [Music] Oh cool I think there's some miso action going on over here okay now we're cooking For today's soup the workers are using two types of miso white and red the combination called awase miso in Japanese which complement each other's flavors and creates a deeper umami taste once all the meat soup vegetables and other ingredients have been separately prepared they're all mixed together for the final cooking Damn that's more ingredients than I eat in a week [Music] so I guess this area is where they prepare the grilled fish Time for that main dish hitter At this Japanese school kitchen the fish are marinated by hand and today into a teriyaki sauce once fully marinated it's trayed and moved to the giant ovens to be grilled each oven capable of cooking up to 100 pieces at one time damn that's efficient [Music] hey he's eating on the job what are you doing ? What are you exactly checking for ? What if you are not satisfied ? Ah I see ! But to be honest have you gained weight doing this ? so what do you like most about this job ? And what's your favorite menu item ? cool thanks apparently not just the fish is taste tested But every single dish that's going out to the 2700 kids must be checked before packing to ensure its taste and quality [Music] Oh ! I think she's preparing a traditional Japanese side dish more of the chopped vegetables prepared earlier are now going to be cooked and like all the dishes a day the workers must follow the recipe precisely In order to produce a consistent taste and quality That's quite a lot of recipes considering the main menu changes every day plus the kitchen creates one to two new menu items every month so the kids don't get tired of the food Hi ! What's that ? Is there anything difficult about cooking at this scale ? What's your favorite dish on the menu ? Interestingly the most popular dish among the school kids is their curry rice makes me want to try it myself By the way the metal containers used to transfer the food are so thick that the food is still hot when it's served to the kids at school Okay so this is where they load all the food that's been prepared [Music] Now the food carts are loaded onto the trucks with the delivery scheduled to arrive at the school between 10:30 to 11:30 Just in time for lunch [Music] and there you go all the food is packed up and the trucks are leaving now and this entire food education system is supported by the Japanese government meaning that on average the monthly school lunch fee paid by parents at public schools is about 4300 yen at elementary schools and 4900 yen at junior high schools about 33 to 38 US $ a month and here we go lunch is served let me try a quick bite That is amazing so there you go that is how school food is made in Japan If you guys like this video like always help me out and hit that like button if you guys want to see more videos like this or anything related to Japan hit that subscribe button and the bell button and I'll catch you guys in the next one
B1 中級 日本語 米 給食 日本 スタッフ メニュー 食う 準備 How School Lunches are Made in Japan 30 0 jacky に公開 2022 年 05 月 11 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語