字幕表 動画を再生する
Stupid alarm clock.
It’s 4 o’ clock in the morning.
I don’t think I’ve got up this early since…
Honestly, I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.
Today we are off to explore the world’s largest fish market,
今日はなんと世界で一番でかい 築地の市場に行くんだ
It’s often described as one of the must see things to do in Japan.
日本にくるなら必ず 行かなくてはいけない場所の一つとされている
And though I’ve been a few times before,
今まで築地には何回か行ったことがあるけど 朝の忙しい時間にいくのは初めてだ!
I’ve never really been into the market in the morning rush hour
But fortunately, a friend who works for a popular sushi chain, has offered to take us in and show us behind the scenes firsthand.
でもなんと有名なお寿司屋さんで働いてる友達が 今回特別に魚市場の裏側を見せてくれるんだ!
So I think, I can justify getting up this early…
Just this once.
Let’s go.
Over 2,000 tons of marine products are handled at Tsukiji fish market everyday.
2000トン以上もの魚介類が 築地で毎日取り扱われている
Due to the dangerously chaotic atmosphere tourists aren’t actually allowed in until 9am.
朝は慌ただしく危険なので 観光客は9時以降しか入れないことになっている
However, thanks to our friend Mr Kondo, we were given some magic orange clothing, so we could access the entire market.
でも友人の近藤さんのおかげで 特別なオレンジのベストを着て中に入ることが出来た
And almost get run over.
It’s like some sort of video game. Or obstacle course.
ビデオゲームの世界みたいだ それか障害物競争か。笑
One wrong move could end in tragedy.
Being in here feels like being underwater.
まるで海の中にいるみたいだ 魚がそこら中にいて水があふれているから
The atmosphere is very damp - the air is quite damp. It’s such a bustling atmosphere.
湿気があって せわしなくうごめいている
I don’t think I’ve been anywhere quite like this ever.
こんな場所に来たのは 本当に初めてだ
With the tuna auction due to begin at 5.30, we headed over early to first inspect the fish.
セリは5:30から始まるけど 少し早めに行ってセリに出るマグロを見た
It’s quite weird to be stood right here in the middle, of literally hundreds of tuna.
これだけ大量なマグロを見るのは すごく不思議な感覚だ
I’ve seen this on tv and videos and things all the time, but to be here for the first time in person is quite surreal.
テレビとか動画でみたことはあるけど 目の前にするとすごい迫力だ
And it’s such a weird atmosphere
Everybody inspecting the fish. Examining them so thoroughly.
In ways that I can’t even begin to comprehend.
How many people can you feed with one fish?
One sushi….12 grams.
One piece of sushi is 12 grams. How many sushi with that.
寿司1個が12グラムなのか ってことは寿司何個分?
Maybe 3,000 pieces.
3,000 pieces! With one fish?
With one fish?
One fish.
Woah. Oh my god. That’s quite a lot!
なんてことだ.... すごい数だね
With the buyers having inspected the tuna for freshness and fat content and settling on their price, the bell began to ring signalling the start of the auction.
バイヤーが魚の質をチェックして 価格を決めたところで開始のベルが鳴り始めた
Buyers would quietly show their bid with a simple hand gesture.
買い手は手を使い、 静かに価格を示した
The first tuna had been sold in just 10 seconds.
Everything happens so fast. They kind of do that with their fingers and it’s sold, it’s gone.
すごいスピードだ! 指をあげてるかと思って、 瞬きしたらもう売れている。
The auction has been going on for about 6 minutes and already half of the tuna have been carted off.
セリが始まってまだ6分くらいだけど もう半分以上のマグロが買われていったよ
Off to their new owners to be chopped up and sold at tasty profit.
買い手の元へ運ばれて 捌かれるんだ
The largest and most prized tuna came in at 200 kilograms,
この日一番大きかったマグロは なんと200kgもあった
and was sold for a remarkable 2.6 million yen.
Not surprising given that this one fish could literally feed the 5,000.
約5000個の極上の寿司ができると思えば その値段も不思議ではない。
Having witnessed the most intense and fast paced auction I’d ever seen,
and our tuna being carted off, it now made sense to go and give the tuna a real send off.
そしてマグロが運ばれていくのを見たあと 本当にマグロの最後を見届けたいと強く思った
So later that evening we headed for Itamae sushi,
where we found our friend Kondo san outside, with his brand new haircut.
そしたら 近藤さんの髪型が変わっていた。
Along with the catch of the day and lots of impressed passers by.
今日のセリの収穫の 通行人からの注目度は抜群だったよ。
It’s getting a good reaction from the street. Everyone’s looking and being amazed.
みんな見てるよ。 大きなマグロに感動してる
Itamae sushi has a reputation for having a ruthless pursuit of delicious sushi.
板前寿司さんは新鮮な魚を使った美味しい寿司を 追求することで高い評価を受けているんだ。
Every January the restaurant chain holds a ceremony to bless their first tuna catch of the year
Showing their appreciation to the tuna and bringing Itamae sushi good fortune throughout the year.
その年の商売繁盛を願い、波除神社で 競りで落としたマグロに祈願する
A ritual that fish and chips shops in the UK would do well to consider.
イギリスのフィッシュアンドチップスの レストランも見習うべきだな。
And tonight, the restaurant would be holding an event
今夜は競りで落としたばかりの新鮮なマグロの 解体ショーが行われる
where customers could watch the freshly caught being skillfully carved and prepared.
お客さんは解体の巧みな技を 目の前で体感することができる。
But before the event we decided to kick things off with a few pieces of sushi.
ショーが始まる前に 少し腹ごしらえをすることにした
That looks rather exotic. Everyone’s taking pictures.
すごく華やかだね! みんな写真撮ってる。笑
Take the picture! Go on!
The speed is phenomenal!
And it was all going well until my friend and I were dared to eat a large shrimp - a large shrimp that was still alive.
そこまでは最高だった 生きてる巨大なエビを食べることになるまでは...
So they’re bringing out live shrimp for us to eat. I don’t know if I can actually do it.
生きてるエビを持ってきてくれる。 僕は食べれるかどうか分からない。
I’ll just be sick.
I was actually quite excited but now I regret it. Shit.。
ちょっと楽しみだったけど 今ちょっと後悔してる。
From excitement to dread.
Look at what just arrived.
I genuinely don’t think I can eat that.
Who is going to be the first to try it?
I don’t know how to eat it - as I supposed to remove the head?
どうやって食べればいいか分からない。 頭を取るの?
After a few minutes the chef generously removed the head.
2〜3分躊躇してたら 板前さんが頭をとってくれた。
Oh the tale is moving.
Okay ready, 1, 2 , 3.
Ah it tastes good.
Very good.
美味しい! すっごく美味しい!
I feel a bit like Gollum eating that.
ゴーラムになった気分だった でもすごく美味しかった。
But it was pretty good. Once the head had been taken off.
But when it was moving around,
でも動いてるときはマジで怖かった。笑 でも味は抜群だ。
that was terrifying. But yeah it was alright.
Unfortunately though, it turned out I still had to eat the head.
脚と頭は食べれないでしょ。 食べるべきじゃないでしょ。
The head…it can’t be edible. It can’t be edible surely.
Which is the best way to eat it. That way or that way?
Eat it all!
小さな目がこっちを見てる。 「食べないで。」って。
Look at his little eyes. He’s saying
“Don’t eat me. I was killed 5 minutes ago.”
Come on!
It’s got a bit of a crunch.
Oh fuck me.
It’s crunchy.
It’s better than I was expecting.
エビを楽しんだあと、 遂にマグロの解体ショーが始まった。
Having successfully pretended to enjoy eating the shrimp
- it was time to see the freshly caught tuna being carved.
巨大なマグロが解体されて 美味しい身が現れたこと。
In many ways I’m not sure what was more impressive.
Seeing the gigantic tuna being carved up to reveal the delicious raw meat.
マグロを解体するのには 20分かかった。
Or the overexcited reaction from the huge crowd of customers.
It took 20 minutes to carve the tuna and
僕たちは貝殻を使ってマグロの 試食をさせてもらえることになった。
as the sushi chefs went to work preparing the sushi.
We were able to scoop out the remaining tender raw fish using seashells.
No way. He’s scooping it out with a seashell.
Look at that.
We’re going to scoop the tuna with this seashell…scoop it out.
Wow. It’s really really easy to do.
そして遂に、 念願のマグロのお寿司を食べることになった。
But not when you’ve got a camera under your arm.
これが求めていたものだ。 本当に美味しい。
Very very good.
Having waited all day, it was time to try the freshly caught prepared tuna.
Oh yeah! That’s wahat I’m talking about.
That’s brilliant.
自分の知っている形容詞では この美味さ表現しきれない。
So good!
Such an awesome texture.
I need to think of some more adjectives to describe it!
板前寿司でした。 東京で行った寿司の中で最もうまい寿司屋の一つだ。
本当に美味しい、本当にいくことをお勧めするよ。 チェーン店だから東京にたくさん店舗がある
Like a magic.
どの魚も新鮮だ。 築地からの直送だからね。
So that was Itamae sushi - one of the best sushi restaurants I’ve been to in Tokyo so far.
残念なことにこの築地市場は 2016年の11月で移動してしまうんだ
Its absolutely delicious, I highly recommend going
だからもし機会があれば 是非みんな今年中に行ってみてくれ
its a chain you can find throughout Tokyo.
ご視聴ありがとう もう朝の4時には起きません
And it’s so fresh! Straight out of Tsukiji fish market!.
Unfortunately the legendary Tsukiji fish market will be relocating in November 2016,
so if you have the chance make sure you go and check it out before the year is out.
Thanks for watching guys - now let us never speak of getting up, at 4am again.
Oh my god.