字幕表 動画を再生する
- Hey gorgeous! How's it going? - Dehydrated Japanese noodles under fluorescent lights.
- やぁゴージャス!元気にしてますか?- 蛍光灯の下の脱水和風麺。
- Does it get better than this? - Question:
- これよりも良くなるのでしょうか?- 質問だ
- You're not dating anybody, are you? Because I've met somebody would be...
- 誰とも付き合ってないんでしょ? 誰かに会ったことがあるから...
- ...perfect for you! - You see perfect might be a problem. Had you said...
- ...君には完璧だ! - 完璧なのは問題かもしれないあなたが言っていた...
...codependent or self-destructive...
- Do you want a date Saturday? - Yes, please.
- 土曜日にデートする?- お願いします
OK. He is cute. He is funny. He...
- ...is a he? - Well, yeah. Oh, God.
- ...彼が彼?そうだな
I just... I thought... You're not... Good, Shelly... OK.
私は...私は... あなたは...よし シェリー...いいわよ
I'm just gonna go flush myself down the toilet now. OK. Bye, bye.
- So what is it about me? - I don't know. - Coz you're smart, you're funny...
- 私はどうなんだろう?- 分からない - 君は頭が良くて、面白い...
Ross is smart and funny. D'you ever think that about him?
ロスは賢くて面白い そう思ったことは?
- Yeah right! - WHAT IS IT?!
- そうだ! - 何なの?
OK. I don't know. You just... You have a quality.
いいわよ私は知らない。あなたは... あなたには質がある。
- Yes! Right? A quality. - Oh, oh, a quality? Good, because I was worried you guys were gonna be vague about this.
- やったー!だろ?クオリティー- 品質?よかった、心配してたんだけど君たちが曖昧なのが気になってね
I just have to know.
OK? Is it my hair?
Yes, Chandler, that's exactly what it is. It's your hair.
そうだよ チャンドラー まさにその通りだ君の髪の毛だ
Yeah, you have homosexual hair.
Hey gorgeous.
- Hey, look, I'm sorry about yesterday. I... - No, don't worry about that.
- ねえ、見て、私は昨日のことを謝る。I...- いいえ、気にしないでください。
Believe me. Apparently other people have made the same mistake.
Oh! OK! Phew!
- So, what do you think it is about me? - I don't know why.
- で、私のことをどう思っているのか?- なぜだかわからない。
- You just have a... - Quality, right. Great.
- あなたが持っているのは - クオリティーだないいね。
You know, it's a shame because you and Lowell would have made a great couple.
あなたとローウェルは いいカップルになれたのに 残念だわ
Lowell? Financial service's Lowell? That's who you saw me with?
ローウェル?金融サービスのローウェル? 私を見たのはその人?
- What? He's cute. - Well, yeah... He's no Brian in payroll.
- なんだよ、かわいいじゃん。 - 給料のブライアンとは違うな
- Is Brian? - No! I don't know. Point is that if you were gonna set me up with someone,
- ブライアンは?- 違うわよ!知らないわもし私を誰かと組ませようとしていたなら
I'd like to think you would set me up with somebody like him.
Well, I think Brian's a little out of your league.
Excuse me, you don't think I could get a Brian?
Because I could get a Brian! Believe you me!
ブライアンを手に入れることができたからだ! 信じてくれ!
I'm really not.
Chandler, I love you, man.
And listen, man, if you wanna be gay, be gay!
Doesn't matter to me.
You were right.
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel.
I love you the most.
- Well... You know who I love the most? - No. - You!
- えーと...私が誰を一番愛してるか知ってる?- あなたよ!
Oh, you don't get it!
- Hey Lowell. - Oh, hey Chandler. - So how's it going down there...
- やあ ローウェル- やあ チャンドラー- それで 調子はどうだ...
- ...in financial services? - It's like mardi gras with paper mache heads.
- ...金融サービスで?- 頭を張り子にしたマルディグラのようなものです。
- How about you? - Good, good. Listen...
- どうですか? - いいね、いいね聞いてくれ...
Um, I don't know what Shelly told you about me...
I'm not.
I know. That's what I told her.
- Really? - Yep.
- そうなんですか?- そうだな
So... you can tell?
Pretty much, most of the time. We have a kind of... radar.
ほとんどの場合はね 私たちは一種の...レーダーを持っています。
So you don't think I have a... a quality?
Speaking for my people I'd have to say... no.
- By the way, your friend, Brian from payroll. He is. - He is?
- ところで、お友達の給料係のブライアン。彼がそうです。- 彼が?
Yep and way out of your league.
Out of my league! I could get a Brian. If I wanted to get a Brian, I could get a Brian.
Hey Brian.