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  • (bright music)

  • - This English lesson is going to be straight to the point.

  • It's gonna talk about why you struggle

  • when it comes to speaking English

  • compared to grammar and reading.

  • Okay?

  • So a lot of people tell me that they really struggle

  • when it comes to speaking,

  • that this is their number one concern.

  • And I'm gonna tell you why this is the case

  • and what you can do about it.

  • So I think there are two main reasons

  • why a lot of people say

  • "I can't English, I find this really difficult."

  • Firstly, it's a difficult skill.

  • When you're speaking, you have to formulate

  • the right sentences, the right vocabulary

  • and use the right grammar while also

  • trying to speak quickly with the right pronunciation.

  • So you're trying to do a lot of things here

  • which can be quite complex.

  • If you compare that to writing,

  • with writing you don't have to actually speak.

  • So you don't need to worry about how you speak English.

  • Instead, you can take your time

  • and just write the correct sentence.

  • So there's a big difference between writing and speaking.

  • And then the second reason is because

  • English learners don't spend enough time practicing.

  • Okay?

  • And I don't just mean having natural conversations.

  • But just working on the way that they speak.

  • Using different methods so that they're using their mouth

  • in order to improve.

  • So if you think about when you learned English at school

  • or if you're learning English at school now,

  • you spend a lot of time listening to the teacher,

  • reading your books, writing, doing exercises,

  • And then one person raises their hand and speaks.

  • So you don't get enough speaking practice.

  • Now like I said,

  • it's not just about getting natural conversations.

  • Those help, but I see those as more,

  • as like playing a competitive game.

  • So if you are a football player or a soccer player,

  • it's like Wayne Rooney, who plays,

  • Wayne Rooney, who plays a game on a Saturday.

  • That is like natural speaking practice

  • when you have conversations with people.

  • But Wayne Rooney also practices during the week

  • and does training.

  • So the types of things that you can do

  • to train your speaking are firstly,

  • to work on your pronunciation.

  • So to learn the sounds of English

  • and to be able to formulate the sounds of English

  • with your mouth in the correct way

  • and then to work on things like relaxed pronunciation,

  • linking words, intonation, stress

  • and those types of things.

  • So make that a priority.

  • Because it's a huge part of being able to speak,

  • speak in English in the right way.

  • So number one, that's what I want you to work on.

  • Number two is the to fluency method

  • or the LRRC method.

  • And this is where you're going to imitate English speakers.

  • So you're going to listen to a sentence in English,

  • repeat it, record it and then compare your version

  • with the original.

  • So you're going to listen to your version

  • and the original version and then make changes

  • to the way that you speak.

  • Now I think that this is the most powerful

  • English learning method that you can follow.

  • Because it works on your listening,

  • it works on grammar, it works on vocabulary

  • and it also works on your speaking

  • and building fluency phrases.

  • So check out the description to learn more

  • about this method.

  • Number three is to use shadowing.

  • Now this is all about building up your fluency.

  • The LRRC method works more on accuracy, also fluency.

  • But it has a focus on accuracy as well.

  • Shadowing is all about fluency

  • because what you're doing is you're listening to English

  • but you're not pausing, you're not recording,

  • you're not comparing.

  • You're listening and repeating.

  • And you don't stop the audio as you do this.

  • So you can put on a podcast, listen to the podcast,

  • and then just repeat after the speaker without pausing.

  • Now I highly recommend that you get the type of audio

  • that you can follow along to.

  • This is a difficult method to use.

  • It can work if you use it in the right way.

  • And like I say, it works on your fluency.

  • But I don't want you mumbling.

  • I don't want you going (mumbling).

  • I want you to be able to say it properly.

  • So I would work on method one, your pronunciation

  • and the LRRC method before you start shadowing.

  • And then number four

  • is just to get lots of natural practice.

  • So this is to speak with your friends,

  • to speak with people online, to make friends online,

  • to join a language exchange program

  • or to find a teacher.

  • So this is where you're just having natural conversations

  • and putting everything together

  • and getting that type of practice.

  • Now all four are going to help you.

  • You can dramatically improve your speaking

  • just by having natural conversations.

  • But a lot of people find that difficult

  • and a lot of people need work

  • on their pronunciation as well.

  • So think about which one of these methods you need to use.

  • Maybe a combination of the four is going to be best,

  • but start using these types of methods.

  • So many people complain about their speaking skills

  • but all they do is watch YouTube videos.

  • So actually focus on this and spend some time

  • actually doing these types of things.

  • So if you found this video useful

  • please like and share it with your friends.

  • Share it with somebody who needs to change the way

  • that they learn English.

  • And then also, again, check out the description.

  • Because I'm going to give you more resources

  • so that you can use these methods

  • to help you improve your speaking skills.

  • Okay, thank you so much for watching this.

  • I hope you have found it useful.

  • And I'll speak to you soon, bye bye.

  • (bright music)

(bright music)


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

これをしない限り、英語を流暢に話すことはできません。 (You Will NEVER Speak English Fluently Unless You Do This)

  • 149 10
    hellojacktom に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日