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  • As you heard, I'm a physicist.

  • And I think the way we talk about physics needs a little modification.

  • I am from just down the road here; I don't live here anymore.

  • But coming from round here means that I have a northern nana,

  • my mum's mom.

  • And Nana is very bright; she hasn't had much formal education,

  • but she's sharp.

  • And when I was a second-year undergraduate studying physics at Cambridge,

  • I remember spending an afternoon at Nana's house in Urmston

  • studying quantum mechanics.

  • And I had these folders open in front of me

  • with this, you know, hieroglyphics -- let's be honest.

  • And Nana came along, and she looked at this folder,

  • and she said, "What's that?"

  • I said, "It's quantum mechanics, Nana."

  • And I tried to explain something about what was on the page.

  • It was to do with the nucleus and Einstein A and B coefficients.

  • And Nana looked very impressed.

  • And then she said, "Oh.

  • What can you do when you know that?"

  • (Laughter)

  • "Don't know, ma'am."

  • (Laughter)

  • I think I said something about computers,

  • because it was all I could think of at the time.

  • But you can broaden that question out, because it's a very good question --

  • "What can you do when you know that?" when "that" is physics?

  • And I've come to realize that when we talk about physics in society

  • and our sort of image of it,

  • we don't include the things that we can do when we know that.

  • Our perception of what physics is needs a bit of a shift.

  • Not only does it need a bit of a shift,

  • but sharing this different perspective matters for our society,

  • and I'm not just saying that because I'm a physicist and I'm biased

  • and I think we're the most important people in the world.

  • Honest.

  • So, the image of physics -- we've got an image problem, let's be honest --

  • it hasn't moved on much from this.

  • This is a very famous photograph that's from the Solvay Conference in 1927.

  • This is when the great minds of physics were grappling

  • with the nature of determinism

  • and what it means only to have a probability

  • that a particle might be somewhere,

  • and whether any of it was real.

  • And it was all very difficult.

  • And you'll notice they're all very stern-looking men in suits.

  • Marie Curie -- I keep maybe saying, "Marie Antoinette,"

  • which would be a turn-up for the books --

  • Marie Curie, third from the left on the bottom there,

  • she was allowed in, but had to dress like everybody else.

  • (Laughter)

  • So, this is what physics is like -- there's all these kinds of hieroglyphics,

  • these are to do with waves and particles.

  • That is an artist's impression of two black holes colliding,

  • which makes it look worth watching, to be honest.

  • I'm glad I didn't have to write the risk assessment

  • for whatever was going on there.

  • The point is: this is the image of physics, right?

  • It's weird and difficult,

  • done by slightly strange people dressed in a slightly strange way.

  • It's inaccessible, it's somewhere else

  • and fundamentally, why should I care?

  • And the problem with that is that I'm a physicist,

  • and I study this.

  • This -- this is my job, right?

  • I study the interface between the atmosphere and the ocean.

  • The atmosphere is massive, the ocean is massive,

  • and the thin layer that joins them together

  • is really important,

  • because that's where things go from one huge reservoir to the other.

  • You can see that the sea surface -- that was me who took this video --

  • the average height of those waves by the way, was 10 meters.

  • So this is definitely physics happening here --

  • there's lots of things -- this is definitely physics.

  • And yet it's not included in our cultural perception of physics,

  • and that bothers me.

  • So what is included in our cultural perception of physics?

  • Because I'm a physicist, there has to be a graph, right?

  • That's allowed.

  • We've got time along the bottom here, from very fast things there,

  • to things that take a long time over here.

  • Small things at the bottom, big things up there.

  • So, our current cultural image of physics looks like this.

  • There's quantum mechanics down in that corner,

  • it's very small, it's very weird,

  • it happens very quickly,

  • and it's a long way down in the general ...

  • on the scale of anything that matters for everyday life.

  • And then there's cosmology, which is up there;

  • very large, very far away,

  • also very weird.

  • And if you go to some places

  • like black holes in the beginning of the universe,

  • we know that these are frontiers in physics, right?

  • There's lots of work being done to discover new physics

  • in these places.

  • But the thing is, you will notice there's a very large gap in the middle.

  • And in that gap, there are many things.

  • There are planets and toasts and volcanoes and clouds

  • and clarinets and bubbles and dolphins

  • and all sorts of things that make up our everyday life.

  • And these are also run by physics, you'd be surprised --

  • there is physics in the middle, it's just that nobody talks about it.

  • And the thing about all of these is that they all run

  • on a relatively small number of physical laws,

  • things like Newton's laws of motion,

  • thermodynamics,

  • some rotational dynamics.

  • The physics in the middle applies over a huge range,

  • from very, very small things to very, very big things.

  • You have to try very hard to get outside of this.

  • And there is also a frontier in research physics here,

  • it's just that nobody talks about it.

  • This is the world of the complex.

  • When these laws work together, they bring about

  • the beautiful, messy, complex world we live in.

  • Fundamentally, this is the bit that really matters to me

  • on an everyday basis.

  • And this is the bit that we don't talk about.

  • There's plenty of physics research going on here.

  • But because it doesn't involve pointing at stars,

  • people for some reason think it's not that.

  • Now, the cool thing about this is that there are so many things

  • in this middle bit,

  • all following the same physical laws,

  • that we can see those laws at work

  • almost all the time around us.

  • I've got a little video here.

  • So the game is, one of these eggs is raw and one of them has been boiled.

  • I want you to tell me which one is which.

  • Which one's raw?

  • (Audience responds)

  • The one on the left -- yes!

  • And even though you might not have tried that, you all knew.

  • The reason for that is, you set them spinning,

  • and when you stop the cooked egg, the one that's completely solid,

  • you stop the entire egg.

  • When you stop the other one, you only stop the shell;

  • the liquid inside is still rotating because nothing's made it stop.

  • And then it pushes the shell round again, so the egg starts to rotate again.

  • This is brilliant, right?

  • It's a demonstration of something in physics

  • that we call the law of conservation of angular momentum,

  • which basically says that if you set something spinning

  • about a fixed axis,

  • that it will keep spinning unless you do something to stop it.

  • And that's really fundamental in how the universe works.

  • And it's not just eggs that it applies to,

  • although it's really useful if you're the sort of person --

  • and apparently, these people do exist --

  • who will boil eggs and then put them back in the fridge.

  • Who does that? Don't admit to it -- it's OK. We won't judge you.

  • But it's also got much broader applicabilities.

  • This is the Hubble Space Telescope.

  • The Hubble Ultra Deep Field, which is a very tiny part of the sky.

  • Hubble has been floating in free space for 25 years,

  • not touching anything.

  • And yet it can point to a tiny region of sky.

  • For 11 and a half days, it did it in sections,

  • accurately enough to take amazing images like this.

  • So the question is:

  • How does something that is not touching anything

  • know where it is?

  • The answer is that right in the middle of it, it has something

  • that, to my great disappointment, isn't a raw egg,

  • but basically does the same job.

  • It's got gyroscopes which are spinning,

  • and because of the law of conservation of angular momentum,

  • they keep spinning with the same axis, indefinitely.

  • Hubble kind of rotates around them, and so it can orient itself.

  • So the same little physical law we can play with in the kitchen and use,

  • also explains what makes possible some of the most advanced technology

  • of our time.

  • So this is the fun bit of physics, that you learn these patterns

  • and then you can apply them again and again and again.

  • And it's really rewarding when you spot them in new places.

  • This is the fun of physics.

  • I have shown that egg video to an audience full of businesspeople once

  • and they were all dressed up very smartly and trying to impress their bosses.

  • And I was running out of time, so I showed the egg video and then said,

  • "Well, you can work it out, and ask me afterwards to check."

  • Then I left the stage.

  • And I had, literally,

  • middle-aged grown men tugging on my sleeve afterwards,

  • saying, "Is it this? Is it this?"

  • And when I said, "Yes." They went, "Yes!"

  • (Laughter)

  • The joy that you get from spotting these patterns

  • doesn't go away when you're an adult.

  • And that's really important,

  • because physics is all about patterns,

  • and a small number of patterns give you access

  • to almost all of the physics in our everyday world.

  • The thing that's best about this is it involves playing with toys.

  • Things like the egg shouldn't be dismissed as the mundane little things

  • that we just give the kids to play with on a Saturday afternoon

  • to keep them quiet.

  • This is the stuff that actually really matters,

  • because this is the laws of the universe and it applies to eggs

  • and toast falling butter-side down and all sorts of other things,

  • just as much as it applies to modern technology

  • and anything else that's going on in the world.

  • So I think we should play with these patterns.

  • Basically, there are a small number of concepts

  • that you can become familiar with using things in your kitchen,

  • that are really useful for life in the outside world.

  • If you want to learn about thermodynamics, a duck is a good place to start,

  • for example, why their feet don't get cold.

  • Once you've got a bit of thermodynamics with the duck,

  • you can also explain fridges.

  • Magnets that you can play with in your kitchen

  • get you to wind turbines and modern energy generation.

  • Raisins in [fizzy] lemonade, which is always a good thing to play with.

  • If you're at a boring party, fish some raisins out of the bar snacks,

  • put them in some lemonade.

  • It's got three consequences.

  • First thing is, it's quite good to watch; try it.

  • Secondly, it sends the boring people away.

  • Thirdly, it brings the interesting people to you.

  • You win on all fronts.

  • And then there's spin and gas laws and viscosity.

  • There's these little patterns, and they're right around us everywhere.

  • And it's fundamentally democratic, right?

  • Everybody has access to the same physics; you don't need a big, posh lab.

  • When I wrote the book, I had the chapter on spin.

  • I had written a bit about toast falling butter-side down.

  • I gave the chapter to a friend of mine who's not a scientist,

  • for him to read and tell me what he thought,

  • and he took the chapter away.

  • He was working overseas.

  • I got this text message back from him a couple of weeks later,

  • and it said, "I'm at breakfast in a posh hotel in Switzerland,

  • and I really want to push toast off the table,

  • because I don't believe what you wrote."

  • And that was the good bit -- he doesn't have to.

  • He can push the toast off the table and try it for himself.

  • And so there's two important things to know about science:

  • the fundamental laws we've learned through experience and experimentation,

  • work.

  • The day we drop an apple and it goes up,

  • then we'll have a debate about gravity.

  • Up to that point, we basically know how gravity works,

  • and we can learn the framework.

  • Then there's the process of experimentation:

  • having confidence in things, trying things out,

  • critical thinking -- how we move science forward --

  • and you can learn both of those things

  • by playing with toys in the everyday world.

  • And it's really important,

  • because there's all this talk about technology,

  • we've heard talks about quantum computing

  • and all these mysterious, far-off things.

  • But fundamentally, we still live in bodies that are about this size,

  • we still walk about, sit on chairs that are about this size,

  • we still live in the physical world.

  • And being familiar with these concepts means we're not helpless.

  • And I think it's really important that we're not helpless,

  • that society feels it can look at things,

  • because this isn't about knowing all the answers.

  • It's about having the framework so you can ask the right questions.

  • And by playing with these fundamental little things in everyday life,

  • we gain the confidence to ask the right questions.

  • So, there's a bigger thing.

  • In answer to Nana's question

  • about what can you do when you know that --

  • because there's lots of stuff in the everyday world

  • that you can do when you know that,

  • especially if you've got eggs in the fridge --

  • there's a much deeper answer.

  • And so there's all the fun and the curiosity

  • that you could have playing with toys.

  • By the way -- why should kids have all the fun, right?

  • All of us can have fun playing with toys,

  • and we shouldn't be embarrassed about it.

  • You can blame me, it's fine.

  • So when it comes to reasons for studying physics, for example,

  • here is the best reason I can think of:

  • I think that each of us has three life-support systems.

  • We've got our own body, we've got a planet

  • and we've got our civilization.

  • Each of those is an independent life-support system,

  • keeping us alive in its own way.

  • And they all run on the fundamental physical laws

  • that you can learn in the kitchen with eggs and teacups and lemonade,

  • and everything else you can play with.

  • This is the reason, for example,

  • why something like climate change is such a serious problem,

  • because It's two of these life-support systems,

  • our planet and our civilization,

  • kind of butting up against each other;

  • they're in conflict, and we need to negotiate that boundary.

  • And the fundamental physical laws that we can learn

  • that are the way the world around us works,

  • are the tools at the basis of everything;

  • they're the foundation.

  • There's lots of things to know about in life,

  • but knowing the foundations is going to get you a long way.

  • And I think this, if you're not interested in having fun with physics

  • or anything like that -- strange, but apparently, these people exist --

  • you surely are interested in keeping yourself alive

  • and in how our life-support systems work.

  • The framework for physics is remarkably constant;

  • it's the same in lots and lots of things that we measure.

  • It's not going to change anytime soon.

  • They might discover some new quantum mechanics,

  • but apples right here are still going to fall down.

  • So, the question is --

  • I get asked sometimes: How do you start?

  • What's the place to start

  • if you're interested in the physical world, in not being helpless,

  • and in finding some toys to play with?

  • Here is my suggestion to you:

  • the place to start is that moment -- and adults do this --

  • you're drifting along somewhere,

  • and you spot something and your brain goes, "Oh, that's weird."

  • And then your consciousness goes, "You're an adult. Keep going."

  • And that's the point -- hold that thought --

  • that bit where your brain went, "Oh, that's a bit odd,"

  • because there's something there to play with,

  • and it's worth you playing with it,

  • so that's the place to start.

  • But if you don't have any of those little moments

  • on your way home from this event,

  • here are some things to start with.

  • Put raisins in [fizzy] lemonade; highly entertaining.

  • Watch a coffee spill dry.

  • I know that sounds a little bit like watching paint dry,

  • but it does do quite weird things; it's worth watching.

  • I'm an acquired taste at dinner parties if there are teacups around.

  • There are so many things you can do to play with teacups, it's brilliant.

  • The most obvious one is to get a teacup, get a spoon,

  • tap the teacup around the rim and listen,

  • and you will hear something strange.

  • And the other thing is, push your toast off the table

  • because you can, and you'll learn stuff from it.

  • And if you're feeling really ambitious,

  • try and push it off in such a way that it doesn't fall butter-side down,

  • which is possible.

  • The point of all of this is that,

  • first of all, we should all play with toys.

  • We shouldn't be afraid to investigate the physical world for ourselves

  • with the tools around us,

  • because we all have access to them.

  • It matters, because if we want to understand society,

  • if we want to be good citizens,

  • we need to understand the framework on which everything else must be based.

  • Playing with toys is great.

  • Understanding how to keep our life-support systems going is great.

  • But fundamentally, the thing that we need to change

  • in the way that we talk about physics,

  • is we need to understand

  • that physics isn't out there with weird people

  • and strange hieroglyphics

  • for somebody else in a posh lab.

  • Physics is right here; it's for us, and we can all play with it.

  • Thank you very much.

  • (Applause)

As you heard, I'm a physicist.


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TED】ヘレン・ツェルスキー:日常生活の魅力的な物理学 (日常生活の魅力的な物理学|ヘレン・ツェルスキー) (【TED】Helen Czerski: The fascinating physics of everyday life (The fascinating physics of everyday life | Helen Czerski))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日