字幕表 動画を再生する
The word concussion evokes a fear these days more so than it ever has,
翻訳: Marina Samejima 校正: Masaki Yanagishita
and I know this personally.
脳震盪は 以前よりはるかに 恐ろしい言葉になっています
I played 10 years of football,
私自身も 身に染みて感じています
was struck in the head thousands of times.
わたしは アメフトをしてきた10年間で
And I have to tell you, though, what was much worse than that
was a pair of bike accidents I had where I suffered concussions,
and I'm still dealing with the effects of the most recent one
自転車で何度かの事故を起こし 脳震盪に苦しんだことで―
today as I stand in front of you.
There is a fear around concussion
that does have some evidence behind it.
There is information that a repeated history of concussion
can lead to early dementia, such as Alzheimer's,
and chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
That was the subject of the Will Smith movie "Concussion."
慢性外傷性脳症を 引き起こす可能性があります
And so everybody is caught up in football and what they see in the military,
ウィル・スミス主演の『コンカッション』は このような題材を取り上げているので
but you may not know
アメフトや軍隊で脳震盪が起きやすい ということはご存知でしょう
that bike riding is the leading cause of concussion for kids,
しかし 皆さんの中では
sports-related concussion, that is.
サイクリングが 子供のスポーツ関連脳震盪の第一原因だと
And so another thing that I should tell you
知っている人は 少ないかもしれません
that you may not know
そのため もう1つ 皆さんがおそらく知らないことを
is that the helmets that are worn in bicycling and football
and many activities,
それは アメフトや自転車など 多くのスポーツで使用するヘルメットは
they're not designed or tested
for how well they can protect your children against concussion.
They're in fact designed and tested
設計や試験されたものでは ないのです
for their ability to protect against skull fracture.
実際は 頭がい骨骨折から守るための
And so I get this question all the time from parents,
and they ask me,
そこで いつも親御さんから受けるのは
"Would you let your own child play football?"
Or, "Should I let my child play soccer?"
「あなたの子供に アメフトをさせたいと思いますか?」
And I think that as a field,
または 「私の子供には サッカーをさせるべきでしょうか?」と
we're a long way from giving an answer with any kind of confidence there.
So I look at that question from a bit of a different lens,
and I want to know, how can we prevent concussion?
そのため 少し違う角度から この質問を見てみます
Is that even possible?
And most experts think that it's not,
または 防ぐことは可能なのでしょうか
but the work that we're doing in my lab
殆どの専門家は 防げないと考えています
is starting to reveal more of the details around concussion
しかし 私の研究室での研究によると
so that we can have a better understanding.
脳震盪に関する詳細な情報が 分かってきており
The reason we're able to prevent skull fracture with helmets
これについてより深く 理解することができるようになっています
is because it's pretty simple. We know how it works.
何故ヘルメットによって 頭がい骨骨折を防げるかというと
Concussion has been much more of a mystery.
極めて単純なことだからです その仕組みが分かっています
So to give you a sense of what might be happening in a concussion,
脳震盪が起こる仕組みは ほとんど知られていません
I want to show you the video here
脳震盪になったときに 何が起きるかイメージしやすいよう
that you see when you type into Google,
"What is a concussion?"
グーグルで 「脳震盪とは何?」と検索すると
The CDC website comes up,
and this video essentially tells the whole story.
アメリカ疾病予防管理センター(CDC)の ウェブサイトが出てくるので
What you see is the head moves forward,
その動画を見ると 脳震盪の全体像が分かります
the brain lags behind,
動画では まず 頭が前に動くと
then the brain catches up
and smashes into the skull.
It rebounds off the skull
and then proceeds to run into the other side of the skull.
そして その場所で跳ね返って
And what you'll notice is highlighted in this video from the CDC,
頭がい骨の反対側に 衝突します
which I'll note was funded by the NFL,
そして このNFLから資金援助を受けた CDCの動画で
is that the outer surface of the brain,
where it was to have smashed into the skull,
脳の表層 ―
looks like it's been damaged or injured, so it's on the outer surface of the brain.
つまり 頭がい骨に衝突した場所は
And what I'd like to do with this video
is to tell you that there are some aspects that are probably right,
indicative of what the scientists think happens with concussion,
脳震盪が起こる仕組みとして 科学者が考えていることを
but there's probably more that's wrong with this video.
So one thing that I do agree with, and I think most experts would,
でもこの動画は 間違っている点もたくさんあります
is that the brain does have these dynamics.
1つだけ 私も おそらく殆どの専門家も 共通の認識なのは
It does lag behind the skull
脳は様々な動きをする ということです
and then catch up and move back and forth and oscillate.
That we think is true.
頭がい骨の動きに追いついた後 前後に動き そして振動もする
However, the amount of motion you see in the brain in this video
is probably not right at all.
しかし この動画で見られる 脳の動きの程度は
There's very little room in the cranial vault,
おそらく 全く正しくありません
only a few millimeters,
頭蓋内には ほとんど余分な空間はありません
and it's filled entirely with cerebral spinal fluid,
which acts as a protective layer.
And so the brain as a whole probably moves very little inside the skull.
The other problem with this video
そして 脳は恐らく 頭蓋骨の中で ほんの少ししか動いていません
is that the brain is shown
また この動画では
as a kind of rigid whole as it moves around,
and that's not true either.
Your brain is one of the softest substances in your body,
and you can think of it kind of like jello.
脳は 私達の身体の中でも 最も柔らかいものの一つです
So as your head is moving back and forth,
your brain is twisting and turning and contorting,
そのため 頭が前後に動くと
and the tissue is getting stretched.
脳は歪み 回り ねじれて
And so most experts, I think, would agree
that concussion is not likely to be something that's happening
多くの専門家は 恐らく―
on this outer surface of the brain,
but rather it's something that's much deeper
towards the center of the brain.
脳の中心部のほうに起きている という考えに
Now, the way that we're approaching this problem
to try to understand the mechanisms of concussion
そこで 脳震盪のメカニズムを
and to figure out if we can prevent it
理解し 脳震盪を防ぐために
is we are using a device like this.
It's a mouthguard.
It has sensors in it that are essentially the same
that are in your cell phone:
この中に 携帯電話と同じような
accelerometers, gyroscopes,
and when someone is struck in the head,
加速度計 姿勢制御装置といったもので
it can tell you how their head moved
at a thousand samples per second.
The principle behind the mouthguard is this:
it fits onto your teeth.
Your teeth are one of the hardest substances in your body.
So it rigidly couples to your skull
and gives you the most precise possible measurement
of how the skull moves.
これにより どのように頭蓋骨が動くか
People have tried other approaches, with helmets.
We've looked at other sensors that go on your skin,
ヘルメットを使った方法で 試した人もいます
and they all simply move around too much,
肌に接触させる他のセンサーも 試みましたが
and so we found that this is the only reliable way
to take a good measurement.
マウスピースで最も信頼できるデータを 取得できるということが
So now that we've got this device, we can go beyond studying cadavers,
because you can only learn so much about concussion
このデバイスを手に入れたことで 死体から学べる以上のことが学べます
from studying a cadaver,
これまでは 脳震盪について理解する 最善の方法は
and we want to learn and study live humans.
So where can we find a group of willing volunteers
これからは 生きた人間から もっと多くのことを学べるのです
to go out and smash their heads into each other on a regular basis
しかし 日常的に外出時に頭をぶつけて
and sustain concussion?
脳震盪を受ける 積極的なボランティアは―
Well, I was one of them,
and it's your local friendly Stanford football team.
実は 私もその一人でした
So this is our laboratory,
我らがスタンフォード アメフトチームです
and I want to show you
そして これが私達の実験室です
the first concussion we measured with this device.
One of the things that I should point out is the device has this gyroscope in it,
このデバイスで脳震盪を測定した シーンをお見せします
and that allows you to measure the rotation of the head.
注目していただきたいことは これには姿勢制御装置が入っていて
Most experts think that that's the critical factor
that might start to tell us what is happening in concussion.
多くの専門家は 回転の測定が
So please watch this video.
脳震盪で何が起こっているかを知る上で 最も重要な要素だと考えています
Announcer: Cougars bring extra people late, but Luck has time,
and Winslow is crushed.
(実況) クーガーズは遅れて ラックは余裕のプレイ
I hope he's all right.
(Audience roars)
Top of your screen,
you'll see him come on just this little post route,
get separation, safety.
ポストプレイで 抜きますが
Here it comes at you in real speed. You'll hear this.
The hit delivered by --
実際の速度ですと このような音が聞こえます
David Camarillo: Sorry, three times is probably a little excessive there.
But you get the idea.
(デイビッド・カマリロ) すみません 3回はちょっとやりすぎでした
So when you look at just the film here,
でも 見ての通りです
pretty much the only thing you can see is he got hit really hard and he was hurt.
But when we extract the data
彼は強く頭を打ち 負傷した ということしか分からないでしょう
out of the mouthguard that he was wearing,
しかし 彼が着けていた
we can see much more detail, much richer information.
And one of the things that we noticed here
より詳細で 多様な情報が 見えてきます
is that he was struck in the lower left side of his face mask.
And so that did something first that was a little counterintuitive.
彼はマスクの左下側から アタックされたことが分かります
His head did not move to the right.
In fact, it rotated first to the left.
Then as the neck began to compress,
実際は まず左側に回転したのです
the force of the blow caused it to whip back to the right.
そして 首が圧縮された後
So this left-right motion was sort of a whiplash-type phenomenon,
and we think that is probably what led to the brain injury.
つまり この左右の動きが むち打ちの現象に似ていて
Now, this device is only limited in such that it can measure the skull motion,
これが結果的に脳の損傷に繋がる と考えられます
but what we really want to know is what's happening inside of the brain.
このデバイスで頭蓋骨の動きを測ることは できますが
So we collaborate with Svein Kleiven's group in Sweden.
脳の実際の動きについては 知ることはできません
They've developed a finite element model of the brain.
そこで私達は スウェーデンのスベイン・ クライベン氏のグループと共同研究をしました
And so this is a simulation
using the data from our mouthguard from the injury I just showed you,
and what you see is the brain --
先程お見せした マウスガードで得た 衝突のデータを使い
this is a cross-section right in the front
of the brain twisting and contorting as I mentioned.
So you can see this doesn't look a lot like the CDC video.
先程お話しした ねじれや歪みが 見えるでしょう
Now, the colors that you're looking at
CDCの動画と大きくことなっていることが 分かると思います
are how much the brain tissue is being stretched.
And so the red is 50 percent.
どれだけ脳の組織が伸びているかを 示しています
That means the brain has been stretched to 50 percent of its original length,
the tissue in that particular area.
つまり 脳の特定の箇所は 通常の長さより―
And the main thing I want to draw your attention to is this red spot.
So the red spot is very close to the center of the brain,
そして 一番見て頂きたいのが この赤い部分です
and relatively speaking,
ここは 脳の中心に非常に近いところです
you don't see a lot of colors like that on the exterior surface
そして CDCの動画と較べて
as the CDC video showed.
このような色は 表層には―
Now, to explain a little more detail
about how we think concussion might be happening,
one thing I should mention
私達の見解をもう少し詳しく お伝えします
is that we and others have observed that a concussion is more likely
when you're struck and your head rotates in this direction.
This is more common in sports like football,
頭がこの方向で回転する時に 脳震盪が起きる可能性が高いということです
but this seems to be more dangerous. So what might be happening there?
この動きはアメフトのようなスポーツで よく起こり―
Well, one thing that you'll notice in the human brain
この動きはそれより危険に見えますが いったい何が起きているのでしょうか
that is different than other animals
一つ気づくことは 人間の脳は―
is we have these two very large lobes.
We have the right brain and the left brain.
And the key thing to notice in this figure here
is that right down the center of the right brain and the left brain
there's a large fissure that goes deep into the brain.
And in that fissure, what you can't see in this image,
脳の深部にまで達する 大きな溝があります
you'll have to trust me,
この溝の中に この図では見えないのですが
there is a fibrous sheet of tissue.
It's called the falx,
and it runs from the front of your head all the way to the back of your head,
and it's quite stiff.
これが前頭から後頭まで 続いています
And so what that allows for is when you're struck
and your head rotates in this left-right direction,
forces can rapidly transmit right down to the center of your brain.
衝突で 頭が左右に動いた時
Now, what's there at the bottom of this fissure?
その力が すぐに 脳の中心まで届きます
It's the wiring of your brain,
さて 溝の底はどうなっているのでしょうか
and in fact this red bundle here at the bottom of that fissure
is the single largest fiber bundle
実は 溝の底にあるこの赤い神経線維束は
that is the wiring that connects the right and left sides of your brain.
It's called the corpus callosum.
And we think that this might be
one of the most common mechanisms of concussion,
私達は これが
and as the forces move down, they strike the corpus callosum,
脳震盪のメカニズムで 起こりうる可能性が最も高く
it causes a dissociation between your right and your left brain
力は下の方に伝わって 脳梁に達し
and could explain some of the symptoms of concussion.
右脳と左脳間での解離が起こると 考えられます
This finding is also consistent of what we've seen
これで いくつかの脳震盪の症状が説明できます
in this brain disease that I mentioned, chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
この結果は 先に述べた慢性外傷性脳症でも
So this is an image of a middle-aged ex-professional football player,
and the thing that I want to point out is if you look at the corpus callosum,
and I'll page back here so you can see the size of a normal corpus callosum
ここで見て頂きたいのは 脳梁です
and the size of the person here who has chronic traumatic encephalopathy,
こちらは通常の脳梁のサイズで ―
it is greatly atrophied.
And the same goes for all of the space in the ventricles.
These ventricles are much larger.
And so all of this tissue near the center of the brain
has died off over time.
So what we're learning is indeed consistent.
Now, there is some good news here,
これらの情報は みごとに整合しています
and I hope to give you a sense of hope by the end of this talk.
One of the things that we've noticed,
私の話の終わりまでには 希望を持って頂けるようにします
specifically about this mechanism of injury,
is although there's a rapid transmission of the forces down this fissure,
it still takes a defined amount of time.
And what we think is that if we can slow the head down just enough
so that the brain does not lag behind the skull
そこで もし頭の運きのスピードを落として
but instead it moves in synchrony with the skull,
then we might be able to prevent this mechanism of concussion.
So how can we slow the head down?
では どうすれば 頭の動きを減速できるのでしょうか?
A gigantic helmet.
So with more space, you have more time,
and this is a bit of a joke, but some of you may have seen this.
より広いスペースがあれば より時間を稼げます
This is bubble soccer, and it's a real sport.
これはちょっとしたジョークですが 何人かの方々はこれを見たことがあるでしょう
In fact, I saw some young adults
バブルサッカーと言われる れっきとしたスポーツです
playing this sport down the street from my house the other day,
実際に 先日 若者が―
and as far as I know there have been no reported concussions.
近くでこのスポーツをしているところを 家から見ました
私が知る限り これまでこのスポーツで 脳震盪は報告されていません
But in all seriousness, this principle does work,
but this has gone too far.
まじめな話 この原理で説明がつきます
This isn't something that's practical for bike riding or playing football.
ただ この話は少し行きすぎでしたね
And so we are collaborating with a company in Sweden called Hövding.
これはサイクリングやアメフトでは 現実的ではありません
Some of you may have seen their work,
そのため 私達は ホーブディングという スウェーデンの企業と連携しました
and they're using the same principle of air to give you some extra space
to prevent concussion.
彼らは 同様に空気をつかった原理で 頭を守るスペースを増やして
Kids, don't try this at home please.
This stuntman does not have a helmet.
He instead has a neck collar,
このスタントマンは ヘルメットを着けていませんが
and this neck collar has sensors in it,
the same type of sensors that are in our mouthguard,
and it detects when he's likely to have a fall,
マウスガードと同じタイプの センサーが付いていて
and there's an airbag that explodes and triggers,
彼が転びそうになると それを察知し―
the same way that an airbag works in your car, essentially.
And in the experiments we've done in my lab with their device,
車のエアバッグの動作と 基本的には同じ方法です
we found that it can greatly reduce the risk of concussion in some scenarios
そして 私の研究室で 彼らのデバイスを使った実験をした結果
compared to a normal bicycle helmet.
いくつかのケースにおいて 通常の自転車用ヘルメットと比較して
So it's a pretty exciting development.
脳震盪のリスクを大幅に減らせることが 分かりました
But in order for us to actually realize the benefits of technology
that can prevent concussion,
しかし 脳震盪を防ぐ技術の恩恵を―
it needs to meet regulations.
That's a reality.
And this device is for sale in Europe
but is not for sale in the US, and probably won't be any time soon.
このデバイスはヨーロッパでは すでに販売されていますが
So I wanted to tell you why.
アメリカでは 今後もしばらくは 販売できないでしょう
There are some good reasons and then there are some not so good reasons.
Bike helmets are federally regulated.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has been given jurisdiction
自転車用ヘルメットは 連邦政府によって規制されています
to approve any bike helmet for sale,
and this is the test they use.
This is back to what I was telling you at the beginning about skull fracture.
That's what this test is for.
これは 最初の方でお話しした 頭蓋骨折の話に戻ります
And that's an important thing to do.
It can save your life, but it's not sufficient, I would say.
もちろん この試験は重要なことです
So for example, one thing this test doesn't evaluate
人の命を守ることができます ただし 充分ではないと思います
is it doesn't tell you is that airbag going to trigger
例えば この試験では―
at the right time and place, and not trigger when it doesn't need to?
Similarly, it's not going to tell you
不要な時には作動しないことを 評価しません
is this helmet likely to prevent concussion or not?
同様に ヘルメットが脳震盪を防ぐかどうかは
And if you look at football helmets, which aren't regulated,
they still have a very similar test.
そして 規制の無いアメフトのヘルメットも
They're not regulated by the government, anyway.
They have an industry body, which is the way most industries work.
But this industry body, I can tell you, has been quite resistant
産業団体の試験があり これは多くの産業製品でそうだと思います
to updating their standards.
しかしこの団体は 基準を更新することに
So in my lab, we are working on not only the mechanism of concussion,
but we want to understand how can we have better test standards?
そこで私の研究室では 脳震盪のメカニズムだけでなく―
And we hope that the government can use this type of information
to encourage innovation
そして政府は このような情報を使って 技術の革新を推進してほしいと
by letting consumers know
how protected are you with a given helmet.
And I want to bring this back finally to the original question I asked,
消費者に伝えることで 変わるはずです
which is, would I feel comfortable letting my child play football
そして最後に 最初の質問に戻りたいと思います
or ride a bicycle?
私の子供にアメフトや自転車をさせることに 抵抗はないかという―
And this might be just a result of my own traumatic experience.
I'm much more nervous about my daughter, Rose, riding a bicycle.
私自身が怪我をした経験に 基づいた答えにはなりますが
So she's a year and a half old,
私の娘のローズが自転車に乗ることには いささか不安があります
and she's already, well, wants to anyway, race down the streets of San Francisco.
This is the bottom of one of these streets.
すでにサンフランシスコの道を 自転車で走りたがっています
And so my personal goal is to -- and I believe this is possible --
これは その道の1つです
is to further develop these technologies,
私の個人的な目標であり 実現可能だと信じていることは―
and in fact, we're working on something in my lab in particular
that really makes optimal use of the given space of a helmet.
実際 私の研究室では ヘルメット内の空間の最適な利用方法について
And I am confident that we will be able to,
before she's ready to ride a two-wheeler,
そして 彼女が二輪車を乗る準備が出来た時には
have something available
that can in fact really reduce the risk of concussion
脳震盪のリスクを 実際に軽減することができる―
and comply with regulatory bodies.
And so what I'd like to do --
and I know that this is for some of you of more immediate nature,
そして ここにいる何人かの皆さんは
I've got a couple years here --
もっとすぐに必要としていると思いますので 私があと数年で―
is to be able to tell parents and grandparents when I'm asked,
it is safe and healthy for your children to engage in these activities.
それは お子さんにこれらのアクティビティをさせることは
And I'm very fortunate to have a wonderful team at Stanford
安全で健康的だと 親御さんや祖父母の方々に 伝えることができるようにすることです
that's working hard on this.
そして それを実現するために 日々切磋琢磨できる素晴らしい仲間が
So I hope to come back in a few years with the final story,
スタンフォードにいることは 非常に幸運なことです
but for now I will tell you,
数年後にここに戻ってきて 最終報告をしたいと思っています
please don't just be afraid when you hear the word concussion.
ただ 今の私がお伝えできることは―
There is hope.
脳震盪という言葉を聞いただけで 怖がらないでください
Thank you.