字幕表 動画を再生する
I'd like to have you look at this pencil.
翻訳: Takamitsu Hirono 校正: Masako Kigami
It's a thing. It's a legal thing.
And so are books you might have or the cars you own.
物です 法律上の物です
They're all legal things.
The great apes that you'll see behind me,
they too are legal things.
Now, I can do that to a legal thing.
I can do whatever I want to my book or my car.
These great apes, you'll see.
自分の本や車は 好きなように処分することができます
The photographs are taken by a man named James Mollison
who wrote a book called "James & Other Apes."
この写真はジェームズ・モリソンという名の 写真家によって撮影されました
And he tells in his book how every single one them,
『James & Other Apes』という 本の著者です
almost every one of them, is an orphan
who saw his mother and father die before his eyes.
They're legal things.
父親や母親を目の前で殺された 孤児であると伝えています
So for centuries, there's been a great legal wall
that separates legal things from legal persons.
何世紀もの間 法律上の人と物の間には
On one hand, legal things are invisible to judges.
They don't count in law.
法律上の壁の片側にある物は 裁判官には見えず
They don't have any legal rights.
They don't have the capacity for legal rights.
They are the slaves.
On the other side of that legal wall are the legal persons.
Legal persons are very visible to judges.
They count in law.
They may have many rights.
They have the capacity for an infinite number of rights.
And they're the masters.
Right now, all nonhuman animals are legal things.
All human beings are legal persons.
現時点で人間以外の動物は 全て物です
But being human and being a legal person
全ての人間は 法律上の人です
has never been, and is not today, synonymous with a legal person.
Humans and legal persons are not synonymous.
過去から現在に至るまで 一度も 同義であったことはありません
On the one side,
人間と法律上の人は 同義ではないのです
there have been many human beings over the centuries
何世紀もの間 壁の片側で
who have been legal things.
Slaves were legal things.
Women, children, were sometimes legal things.
Indeed, a great deal of civil rights struggle over the last centuries
女性や子供が 物であったこともあります
has been to punch a hole through that wall and begin to feed
過去数世紀にわたる 公民権闘争があり
these human things through the wall and have them become legal persons.
But alas, that hole has closed up.
物だった人間が壁を通り 人になることができました
Now, on the other side are legal persons,
しかし残念なことに この穴は閉ざされてしまいました
but they've never only been limited to human beings.
さて 反対側の法律上の人ですが
There are, for example, there are many legal persons who are not even alive.
In the United States,
例えば生物ではない たくさんの法人があります
we're aware of the fact that corporations are legal persons.
In pre-independence India,
企業が法律上の人であることを 皆さん知っているでしょう
a court held that a Hindu idol was a legal person,
that a mosque was a legal person.
In 2000, the Indian Supreme Court
モスクも法律上の人として 認めていました
held that the holy books of the Sikh religion was a legal person,
and in 2012, just recently,
シーク教の聖典も 法律上の人であると認めました
there was a treaty between the indigenous peoples of New Zealand
and the crown, in which it was agreed that a river was a legal person
who owned its own riverbed.
Now, I read Peter Singer's book in 1980,
when I had a full head of lush, brown hair,
1980年 まだ茶色の髪がフサフサだった頃
and indeed I was moved by it,
because I had become a lawyer because I wanted to speak for the voiceless,
defend the defenseless,
なぜなら私は声なき者のために語り 防御なき者の盾となるために
and I'd never realized how voiceless and defenseless the trillions,
billions of nonhuman animals are.
声もなく無防備な 何千億、何兆もの動物達がいることに
And I began to work as an animal protection lawyer.
And by 1985, I realized that I was trying to accomplish something
その後 私は動物保護弁護士として 働き始めました
that was literally impossible,
1985年までに 私は文字通り不可能なことを
the reason being that all of my clients,
all the animals whose interests I was trying to defend,
were legal things; they were invisible.
私が権利を守ろうとしている 全ての動物達は
It was not going to work, so I decided
法律上の物であり 見えない存在だったからです
that the only thing that was going to work was they had, at least some of them,
そのままではうまく行かないので 私はこう確信しました
had to also be moved through a hole that we could open up again in that wall
うまく行かせるためには 少なくともいくつかの動物が
and begin feeding the appropriate nonhuman animals through that hole
法律に壁の穴を空け 再び壁の反対側に行くことができる必要があると
onto the other side of being legal persons.
そして人間ではない適切な動物を 法律の壁の穴を通し
Now, at that time, there was very little known about or spoken about
truly animal rights,
その時点では 本物の動物の権利―
about the idea of having legal personhood or legal rights for a nonhuman animal,
人間以外の動物が 法律上の人格や権利を持つという案は
and I knew it was going to take a long time.
ほとんど知られてもおらず 論じられてもいませんでした
And so, in 1985, I figured that it would take about 30 years
そのため長い時間が かかるであろうと思いました
before we'd be able to even begin a strategic litigation,
1985年の時点で 私は 戦略的な裁判―
long-term campaign, in order to be able to punch another hole through that wall.
壁にもう一つの穴をあけるための 長期間のキャンペーンを開始するだけで
It turned out that I was pessimistic, that it only took 28.
So what we had to do in order to begin was not only
実際には28年しか経っていないので 私の見通しは悲観的だったわけです
to write law review articles and teach classes, write books,
but we had to then begin to get down to the nuts and bolts
法律について書かれた記事を読み 教室で教え 本を執筆するだけではなく
of how you litigate that kind of case.
このような種類の裁判を起こすための 仕組みの一つ一つまで
So one of the first things we needed to do was figure out what a cause of action was,
a legal cause of action.
最初にする必要があったことのひとつは 訴訟理由を明確ににすることでした
And a legal cause of action is a vehicle that lawyers use
to put their arguments in front of courts.
It turns out there's a very interesting case
that had occurred almost 250 years ago in London called Somerset vs. Stewart,
これについては 250年前のロンドンで
whereby a black slave had used the legal system
サマーセット事件と呼ばれる とても面白い裁判があったことが分かりました
and had moved from a legal thing to a legal person.
I was so interested in it that I eventually wrote an entire book about it.
James Somerset was an eight-year-old boy when he was kidnapped from West Africa.
私はその裁判に大変興味を持ち 最後には1冊の本を書きました
He survived the Middle Passage,
西アフリカから誘拐された時 ジェームズ・サマーセットは8歳の少年でした
and he was sold to a Scottish businessman named Charles Stewart in Virginia.
Now, 20 years later, Stewart brought James Somerset to London,
バージニア州でチャールズ・スチュアートという スコットランド商人に売られました
and after he got there, James decided he was going to escape.
スチュアートはその20年後 ジェームズ・サマーセットをロンドンに連れて行き
And so one of the first things he did was to get himself baptized,
ジェームズはロンドン到着後に 逃走することを決めます
because he wanted to get a set of godparents,
because to an 18th-century slave,
they knew that one of the major responsibilities of godfathers
was to help you escape.
And so in the fall of 1771,
James Somerset had a confrontation with Charles Stewart.
We don't know exactly what happened, but then James dropped out of sight.
ジェームズ・サマーセットは チャールズ・スチュアートと対立しました
An enraged Charles Stewart then hired slave catchers
何が起きたかは分かりませんが ジェームズは姿を消しました
to canvass the city of London,
激怒したチャールズ・スチュアートは 奴隷捕獲人を雇いました
find him, bring him not back to Charles Stewart,
but to a ship, the Ann and Mary, that was floating in London Harbour,
彼を見つけた後は 自分の元ではなく
and he was chained to the deck,
ロンドン港に停泊していた アン・アンド・マリー号に連れて行かせました
and the ship was to set sail for Jamaica
where James was to be sold in the slave markets
and be doomed to the three to five years of life that a slave had
harvesting sugar cane in Jamaica.
Well now James' godparents swung into action.
They approached the most powerful judge,
ジェームズの教父母は 即座に行動に出ました
Lord Mansfield, who was chief judge of the court of King's Bench,
and they demanded that he issue a common law writ of habeus corpus
王座裁判所の首席判事であった マンスフィールド卿を訪ね
on behalf of James Somerset.
ジェームズ・サマーセットにかわり 慣習法による人身保護令状の
Now, the common law is the kind of law that English-speaking judges can make
when they're not cabined in by statutes or constitutions,
慣習法とは従来の法規則や 憲法に当てはまらない場合に
and a writ of habeus corpus is called the Great Writ,
英語圏の裁判官が作る法のようなもので 人身保護令状は
capital G, capital W,
「偉大な令状(Great Writ)」 と呼ばれます
and it's meant to protect any of us who are detained against our will.
大文字のGと 大文字のWです
A writ of habeus corpus is issued.
そして 意思に反して自由を奪われた 全ての人を保護するためにあります
The detainer is required to bring the detainee in
and give a legally sufficient reason for depriving him of his bodily liberty.
Well, Lord Mansfield had to make a decision right off the bat,
身体の自由を奪うことの 十分な法的根拠を示さなければなりません
because if James Somerset was a legal thing,
マンスフィールド卿は 直ちに決断を迫られました
he was not eligible for a writ of habeus corpus,
なぜならジェームズ・サマーセットが 法律上の物であれば
only if he could be a legal person.
So Lord Mansfield decided that he would assume,
人身保護令状の対象では なくなるからです
without deciding, that James Somerset was indeed a legal person,
and he issued the writ of habeus corpus, and James's body was brought in
ジェームズ・サマーセットは 紛れもなく法律上の人であると判断しました
by the captain of the ship.
彼は人身保護令状を発行し ジェームズの身柄は
There were a series of hearings over the next six months.
On June 22, 1772, Lord Mansfield said that slavery was so odious,
その後6ヶ月に及ぶ 度重なる公聴期間があり
and he used the word "odious,"
1772年6月22日にマンスフィールド卿は 「奴隷制度はおぞましい」と言ったのです
that the common law would not support it, and he ordered James free.
At that moment, James Somerset underwent a legal transubstantiation.
「おぞましい」という言葉を使い ジェームズを自由にしたのです
The free man who walked out of the courtroom
この瞬間 ジェームズ・サマーセットは 法律上の大きな変化を遂げたのです
looked exactly like the slave who had walked in,
自由な人間として 歩いて退廷しました
but as far as the law was concerned, they had nothing whatsoever in common.
The next thing we did is that the Nonhuman Rights Project,
which I founded, then began to look at what kind of values and principles
私たちが次に行ったのは 「人間以外の権利プロジェクト」です
do we want to put before the judges?
これは私が立ち上げたプロジェクトで どのような価値や原則であれば
What values and principles did they imbibe with their mother's milk,
were they taught in law school, do they use every day,
どのような価値や原則であれば 母乳のように自然に受け入れられ
do they believe with all their hearts -- and we chose liberty and equality.
ロースクールで教えられ 毎日使われ 心の底から信じられるのか
Now, liberty right is the kind of right to which you're entitled
私たちは 自由と平等を選びました
because of how you're put together,
自由の権利は 皆さんが一緒に生活するために
and a fundamental liberty right protects a fundamental interest.
And the supreme interest in the common law
根本的な自由の権利は 根本的な利害を守ります
are the rights to autonomy and self-determination.
So they are so powerful that in a common law country,
if you go to a hospital and you refuse life-saving medical treatment,
この権利は慣習法の世界では 大変強力なので
a judge will not order it forced upon you,
もし皆さんが病院に行き 救命治療を拒んだとしたら
because they will respect your self-determination and your autonomy.
裁判官はあなたに それを強要することはありません
Now, an equality right is the kind of right to which you're entitled
なぜなら裁判官は 皆さんの自己決定と自律を尊重するからです
because you resemble someone else in a relevant way,
他方 平等な権利は 皆さんが 他の人々と共通点を持つために
and there's the rub, relevant way.
So if you are that, then because they have the right, you're like them,
共通点というところに 問題があります
you're entitled to the right.
他人が権利を持っており 皆さんがその他人と共通点を持つと
Now, courts and legislatures draw lines all the time.
Some are included, some are excluded.
But you have to, at the bare minimum you must --
何が含まれ 何が除かれるのか
that line has to be a reasonable means to a legitimate end.
しかし 皆さんは 最低限
The Nonhuman Rights Project argues that drawing a line
合理的な手法で 法律的な線引きをしなければいけません
in order to enslave an autonomous and self-determining being
like you're seeing behind me,
自律的で自己決定する存在― 後ろの写真のような動物を
that that's a violation of equality.
We then searched through 80 jurisdictions,
it took us seven years, to find the jurisdiction
where we wanted to begin filing our first suit.
We chose the state of New York.
Then we decided upon who our plaintiffs are going to be.
We decided upon chimpanzees,
そして私たちは原告として 誰を選ぶかを考え
not just because Jane Goodall was on our board of directors,
but because they, Jane and others,
ジェーン・グドールが 私たちの理事会にいたからだけではありません
have studied chimpanzees intensively for decades.
We know the extraordinary cognitive capabilities that they have,
何十年もの間 チンパンジーを 集中的に研究していたからです
and they also resemble the kind that human beings have.
And so we chose chimpanzees, and we began to then canvass the world
人間が持っている認識能力と 共通点があることを知っています
to find the experts in chimpanzee cognition.
We found them in Japan, Sweden, Germany, Scotland, England and the United States,
チンパンジーの認識に関する権威を探すため 世界を訪ねまわりました
and amongst them, they wrote 100 pages of affidavits
私たちは日本、スウェーデン、ドイツ スコットランド、英国そして米国で
in which they set out more than 40 ways
専門家を探し 100ページにも及ぶ 宣誓供述書を書き上げました
in which their complex cognitive capability,
either individually or together,
all added up to autonomy and self-determination.
Now, these included, for example, that they were conscious.
But they're also conscious that they're conscious.
例えば チンパンジーには 意識があるだけでなく
They know they have a mind. They know that others have minds.
彼ら自身が意識があることも 認識しています
They know they're individuals, and that they can live.
彼らは感情を持っていることも 他者が感情を持つことも知っています
They understand that they lived yesterday and they will live tomorrow.
彼らは個体であり 生きていることを知っています
They engage in mental time travel. They remember what happened yesterday.
彼らは昨日生きていたことや 明日も生きるであろうことを理解しています
They can anticipate tomorrow,
彼らは過去を振り返ることができ 前日に何が起きたかを覚えています
which is why it's so terrible to imprison a chimpanzee, especially alone.
It's the thing that we do to our worst criminals,
そのためチンパンジーを 独房に入れることは酷いことです
and we do that to chimpanzees without even thinking about it.
人間は最悪の犯罪者だけを 独房に入れますが
They have some kind of moral capacity.
チンパンジーに同じことをする時には 考えることすらありません
When they play economic games with human beings,
they'll spontaneously make fair offers, even when they're not required to do so.
彼らが経済的なゲームを 人間と楽しむときには
They are numerate. They understand numbers.
たとえ必要がなくても 自然に公平な取引を行います
They can do some simple math.
彼らは数字の知識があり 数を理解することができます
They can engage in language -- or to stay out of the language wars,
they're involved in intentional and referential communication
言語を理解することができ― 口喧嘩には関わらないこともできます
in which they pay attention to the attitudes of those
彼らは意図的に自分に関係のある コミュニケーションに参加し
with whom they are speaking.
They have culture.
They have a material culture, a social culture.
They have a symbolic culture.
物質的な文化も 社会的な文化もです
Scientists in the Taï Forests in the Ivory Coast
found chimpanzees who were using these rocks to smash open
the incredibly hard hulls of nuts.
チンパンジー達が 岩を使って 非常に固い殻のナッツを
It takes a long time to learn how to do that,
and they excavated the area and they found
この方法を習得するには 長い時間がかかります
that this material culture, this way of doing it,
そこで研究者達が その地域を掘り起こした結果
these rocks, had passed down for at least 4,300 years
彼らの物質的な文化を発見しました ナッツを開ける方法や
through 225 chimpanzee generations.
So now we needed to find our chimpanzee.
チンパンジーの225世代分も 受け継がれていたのです
Our chimpanzee,
そして 私たちはチンパンジーを 見つける必要がありました
first we found two of them in the state of New York.
Both of them would die before we could even get our suits filed.
最初にニューヨーク州で 2匹を見つけましたが
Then we found Tommy.
両方とも訴訟が提起される前に 死んでしまいました
Tommy is a chimpanzee. You see him behind me.
Tommy was a chimpanzee. We found him in that cage.
トミーは私の後ろに写っている チンパンジーです
We found him in a small room that was filled with cages
in a larger warehouse structure on a used trailer lot in central New York.
ニューヨーク中心部の 中古トレイラー置き場に建てられた
We found Kiko, who is partially deaf.
大きな倉庫内に こんな檻だらけの小部屋がありました
Kiko was in the back of a cement storefront in western Massachusetts.
キコも見つけました 少し耳に障害があります
And we found Hercules and Leo.
キコは西マサチューセッツの セメント店の奥にいました
They're two young male chimpanzees
who are being used for biomedical, anatomical research at Stony Brook.
We found them.
ストーニー・ブルック校で 生物医学や解剖学の研究用に飼われていました
And so on the last week of December 2013,
the Nonhuman Rights Project filed three suits all across the state of New York
そして 2013年の12月の最終週に
using the same common law writ of habeus corpus argument
人間以外の権利プロジェクトは ニューヨーク州で3つの訴訟を提起しました
that had been used with James Somerset,
and we demanded that the judges issue these common law writs of habeus corpus.
We wanted the chimpanzees out,
私たちは裁判官に人身保護令状の 発行を要請しました
and we wanted them brought to Save the Chimps,
a tremendous chimpanzee sanctuary in South Florida
「Save the Chimps」という南フロリダにある
which involves an artificial lake with 12 or 13 islands --
たくさんのチンパンジーの保護区に 連れて行きたかったのです
there are two or three acres where two dozen chimpanzees live
そこには12-13の島が浮かぶ 人工湖があり
on each of them.
24匹のチンパンジーに それぞれ2-3エーカーの土地が
And these chimpanzees would then live the life of a chimpanzee,
with other chimpanzees in an environment that was as close to Africa as possible.
そこでチンパンジーは できる限りアフリカに近い環境で
Now, all these cases are still going on.
他のチンパンジーと 本来の生活を送ることができるのです
We have not yet run into our Lord Mansfield.
We shall. We shall.
私たちはまだ現代のマンスフィールド卿に 出会ってはいませんが
This is a long-term strategic litigation campaign. We shall.
いつか きっと会うでしょう
And to quote Winston Churchill,
これは長期間の戦略的な 法律キャンペーンになります
the way we view our cases is that they're not the end,
they're not even the beginning of the end,
この裁判の状況は 終わりでもなく
but they are perhaps the end of the beginning.
Thank you.
しかし きっと 始まりの終わりではあるでしょう