字幕表 動画を再生する
Translator: Thu-Huong Ha Reviewer: Morton Bast
翻訳: Yusuke Yanagita 校正: Takahiro Shimpo
This is the skyline of my hometown, New Orleans.
これは私の故郷 ニューオーリンズの写真です
It was a great place to grow up,
but it's one of the most vulnerable spots in the world.
Half the city is already below sea level.
In 2005, the world watched as New Orleans
ご存じの通り2005年には メキシコ湾岸地域は
and the Gulf Coast were devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
ハリケーンカトリーナの 甚大な被害を受けました
One thousand, eight hundred and thirty-six people died. Nearly 300,000 homes were lost.
1836人が亡くなり 約30万もの家が失われました
These are my mother's, at the top --
although that's not her car,
it was carried there by floodwaters up to the roof --
屋根の高さまで氾濫した 水が運んできたものです
and that's my sister's, below.
Fortunately, they and other family members got out in time,
妹の家族は幸運にも 逃げ出すことはできましたが
but they lost their homes, and as you can see,
家は破壊され ご覧の通り
just about everything in them.
Other parts of the world have been hit by storms
in even more devastating ways.
In 2008, Cyclone Nargis and its aftermath
killed 138,000 in Myanmar.
サイクロン ナルギスにより 13万8千人が亡くなりました
Climate change is affecting our homes, our communities,
気候変動は私たちの家や コミュニティ 生活に打撃を与えます
our way of life. We should be preparing
at every scale and at every opportunity.
This talk is about being prepared for, and resilient to
今回お話しするのは 私たちの共通の家である地球に
the changes that are coming and that will affect our homes
and our collective home, the Earth.
どう準備をし どう対策していくかについてです
The changes in these times won't affect us all equally.
この変動は全ての人に等しく 影響があるわけではありません
There are important distributional consequences,
and they're not what you always might think.
In New Orleans, the elderly and female-headed households
ニューオーリンズでは 老人家庭や女性世帯主の
were among the most vulnerable.
For those in vulnerable, low-lying nations,
how do you put a dollar value on losing your country
先祖が眠る土地の喪失は お金で解決できることでしょうか?
where you ancestors are buried? And where will your people go?
どこへ向かえばよいのでしょうか? そして見知らぬ土地で
And how will they cope in a foreign land?
Will there be tensions over immigration,
or conflicts over competition for limited resources?
限られた資源をめぐる衝突が 待っているかもしれません
It's already fueled conflicts in Chad and Darfur.
チャドやダルフールでは 既に衝突がありました
Like it or not, ready or not, this is our future.
望まずとも 準備できていなくとも これが私たちの未来なのです
Sure, some are looking for opportunities in this new world.
もちろん 新しい世界にチャンスを 見いだす人々もいます
That's the Russians planting a flag on the ocean bottom
これは失われつつある北極の氷の 下に眠るミネラルの権利を
to stake a claim for minerals under the receding Arctic sea ice.
主張して海の底に立てられた ロシアの国旗です
But while there might be some short-term individual winners,
短期的には少数の勝者が でるかもしれませんが
our collective losses will far outweigh them.
人類全体にとっては 大きな重荷となることでしょう
Look no further than the insurance industry as they struggle
to cope with mounting catastrophic losses
from extreme weather events.
The military gets it. They call climate change
気候変動が 安定と安全を損ね
a threat multiplier that could harm stability and security,
脅威を増大させることを 軍は理解していますが
while governments around the world are evaluating
世界中の政府は どう対応すべきか
how to respond.
So what can we do? How can we prepare and adapt?
では私たちにはどのような 対策 対応ができるでしょうか?
I'd like to share three sets of examples, starting with
adapting to violent storms and floods.
1つ目は激しい嵐と 洪水への対応策です
In New Orleans, the I-10 Twin Spans,
こちらのニューオーリンズにある カトリーナに破壊された
with sections knocked out in Katrina, have been rebuilt
ツイン・スパン橋は さらに大きなハリケーンに備え
21 feet higher to allow for greater storm surge.
前より 6m 高い位置に 再建されました
And these raised and energy-efficient homes
そしてこの高床で エネルギー効率の良い家は
were developed by Brad Pitt and Make It Right
ブラッド・ピットや メイク・イット・ライト財団の支援を受け
for the hard-hit Ninth Ward.
かつて大打撃を受けた 第九地区に建設されました
The devastated church my mom attends has been
母がかつてよく通っていた この荒廃した教会は
not only rebuilt higher, it's poised to become
高い位置に再建されただけでなく 国内で最初の
the first Energy Star church in the country.
エネルギースター基準を 満たした初の教会です
They're selling electricity back to the grid
thanks to solar panels, reflective paint and more.
Their March electricity bill was only 48 dollars.
Now these are examples of New Orleans rebuilding in this way,
これはニューオーリンズの 再建方法の例ですが
but better if others act proactively with these changes in mind.
皆が気候変動を踏まえて事前の 対策を講じるようになればと願います
For example, in Galveston, here's a resilient home
例えばこのガルベストンの家は 他の全ての家がハリケーンで
that survived Hurricane Ike,
when others on neighboring lots clearly did not.
And around the world, satellites and warning systems
そして世界中で気象衛星や 警告システムが
are saving lives in flood-prone areas such as Bangladesh.
バングラデシュのような洪水の多い 地域の人々の命を救っています
But as important as technology and infrastructure are,
しかし科学技術やインフラが 重要であるのと同様に
perhaps the human element is even more critical.
おそらく人間自体の要素も 非常に重要なはずです
We need better planning and systems for evacuation.
つまり優れた計画能力や 避難システムが必要なのです
We need to better understand how people make decisions
人々が緊急時にどのような判断を 下すのか そしてその理由は何かを
in times of crisis, and why.
While it's true that many who died in Katrina did not have access to transportation,
カトリーナで亡くなった人の多くは 移動手段を持たない方々でしたが
others who did refused to leave as the storm approached,
often because available transportation and shelters
ペットを受け入れないという理由で 嵐が近づいても
refused to allow them to take their pets.
Imagine leaving behind your own pet in an evacuation or a rescue.
避難や救出の際にペットを置き去りに することを想像してみてください
Fortunately in 2006, Congress passed
幸運にも2006年 連邦議会は
the Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (Laughter)
— it spells "PETS" — to change that.
頭文字をとってPETS法とも 呼ばれています
Second, preparing for heat and drought.
Farmers are facing challenges of drought from Asia
農家の人々はアジア アフリカ オーストラリアから
to Africa, from Australia to Oklahoma,
オクラホマまで 世界中で
while heat waves linked with climate change
have killed tens of thousands of people
in Western Europe in 2003, and again in Russia in 2010.
2003年西欧で 2010年はロシアで 何千人もの人々が犠牲になりました
In Ethiopia, 70 percent, that's 7-0 percent of the population,
エチオピアではなんと 70%もの人々の生活が
depends on rainfall for its livelihood.
Oxfam and Swiss Re, together with Rockefeller Foundation,
オックスファムやスイス・リーは ロックフェラー財団とともに
are helping farmers like this one build hillside terraces
and find other ways to conserve water,
but they're also providing for insurance when the droughts do come.
しかし干ばつに見舞われたときのための 保険も同時に提供しています
The stability this provides is giving the farmers
the confidence to invest.
It's giving them access to affordable credit.
すると低利子の 融資を受けることができます
It's allowing them to become more productive so that
they can afford their own insurance over time, without assistance.
援助をうけずに 自分で保険料を まかなうことができるようになるのです
It's a virtuous cycle, and one that could be replicated
非常に良い循環であり 途上国全体で
throughout the developing world.
After a lethal 1995 heat wave
turned refrigerator trucks from the popular
Taste of Chicago festival into makeshift morgues,
仮設の死体置き場に使う 経験を経て シカゴは
Chicago became a recognized leader,
tamping down on the urban heat island impact
ヒートアイランド現象を 抑制するリーダーとして
through opening cooling centers,
outreach to vulnerable neighborhoods, planting trees,
creating cool white or vegetated green roofs.
白い屋根や屋根緑化を 取り入れたりしています
This is City Hall's green roof, next to Cook County's [portion of the] roof,
これは市役所の緑の屋根です 隣のクック郡にある建物の屋根より
which is 77 degrees Fahrenheit hotter at the surface.
Washington, D.C., last year, actually led the nation
ワシントンD.C.は昨年 緑の屋根の敷設に関し
in new green roofs installed, and they're funding this in part
thanks to a five-cent tax on plastic bags.
資金はレジ袋に課税した 5セントから捻出しました
They're splitting the cost of installing these green roofs
家やビルの所有者と 緑の屋根の敷設の資金を
with home and building owners.
The roofs not only temper urban heat island impact
but they save energy, and therefore money,
the emissions that cause climate change,
and they also reduce stormwater runoff.
So some solutions to heat can provide for win-win-wins.
熱への対処は他の分野でも 大きな利点となるのです
Third, adapting to rising seas.
Sea level rise threatens coastal ecosystems, agriculture,
海面上昇は海岸地域の生態系 農業 そして大都市にも影響を与えます
even major cities. This is what one to two meters
これは1、2メートルの 海面上昇により影響を受ける
of sea level rise looks like in the Mekong Delta.
That's where half of Vietnam's rice is grown.
ここではベトナムの米の 半分もが生産されています
Infrastructure is going to be affected.
Airports around the world are located on the coast.
世界中の多くの空港は 海岸沿いに位置します
It makes sense, right? There's open space,
the planes can take off and land without worrying about
騒音問題や高層ビルを心配せずとも 飛行機が離着陸できる
creating noise or avoiding tall buildings.
Here's just one example, San Francisco Airport,
一つの例を挙げてみましょう これはサンフランシスコ空港が
with 16 inches or more of flooding.
40cm 以上の洪水に 見舞われた際 水没する箇所です
Imagine the staggering cost of protecting
this vital infrastructure with levees.
堤防建設にかかる膨大な コストを想像してみてください
But there might be some changes in store
that you might not imagine. For example,
planes require more runway for takeoff
例えば空気が熱せられて 密度が下がれば飛行機が
because the heated, less dense air, provides for less lift.
飛ぶのに必要な揚力が増すので より長い滑走路が必要になるのです
San Francisco is also spending 40 million dollars
サンフランシスコでは 雨水の排出パイプが雨水で
to rethink and redesign its water and sewage treatment,
水没してしまうと 工場からの 排水ができなくなる上に
as water outfall pipes like this one can be flooded with seawater,
廃棄物を処理するバクテリアに 影響がでてしまうので
causing backups at the plant, harming the bacteria
4000万ドルを捻出して 上下水道システムの
that are needed to treat the waste.
So these outfall pipes have been retrofitted
to shut seawater off from entering the system.
パイプ内に雨水が侵入しないように 改良されました
Beyond these technical solutions, our work
技術的な解決案だけでなく 地元住民と共に
at the Georgetown Climate Center with communities
encourages them to look at what existing legal and policy tools are available
どんな現行の法律や 政策が利用可能なのか
and to consider how they can accommodate change.
また どのように気候変動に 対応できるのか検討しています
For example, in land use, which areas do you want
例えば土地の使用で言えば 防波堤の建設で守れる
to protect, through adding a seawall, for example,
場所はどこか? 建物を高床にして守れるのか?
alter, by raising buildings, or retreat from,
湿地帯や海岸のような 重要な自然体系を移動させることで
to allow the migration of important natural systems,
such as wetlands or beaches?
Other examples to consider. In the U.K.,
the Thames Barrier protects London from storm surge.
テムズ川防潮堤は高潮から ロンドンを守っています
The Asian Cities Climate [Change] Resilience Network
is restoring vital ecosystems like forest mangroves.
マングローブ等の重要な 生態系の保全に努めています
These are not only important ecosystems in their own right,
マングローブの生態系 そのものが重要なばかりではなく
but they also serve as a buffer to protect inland communities.
内陸の環境を守る緩衝地帯 としての役割もあるのです
New York City is incredibly vulnerable to storms,
as you can see from this clever sign, and to sea level rise,
この標識からもわかるように 海面の上昇や高潮に非常に脆弱で
and to storm surge, as you can see from the subway flooding.
ご覧のように地下鉄が 水没する可能性もあります
But back above ground, these raised ventilation grates
しかし地上に目を向けてみると この一段高い通気用格子は
for the subway system show that solutions can be both
functional and attractive. In fact, in New York,
実際ニューヨークや サンフランシスコ ロンドンでは
San Francisco and London, designers have envisioned
デザイナーが気候変動を 心に留めながら
ways to better integrate the natural and built environments
with climate change in mind.
I think these are inspiring examples of what's possible
これらは前例のない 世界への対応能力をつけた
when we feel empowered to plan for a world that will be different.
私たちの可能性を 示すよい例だと思います
But now, a word of caution.
しかし注意しなければ ならないことがあります
Adaptation's too important to be left to the experts.
この「適応」は専門家に 任せてはダメです
Why? Well, there are no experts.
なぜかというと 専門家なんていないからです
We're entering uncharted territory, and yet
私たちは未知の領域に 達しようとしています
our expertise and our systems are based on the past.
私たちの知識やシステムは 過去の成果をベースとしています
"Stationarity" is the notion that we can anticipate the future
based on the past, and plan accordingly,
and this principle governs much of our engineering,
our design of critical infrastructure, city water systems,
重大なインフラのデザイン 都市の水道システム
building codes, even water rights and other legal precedents.
建築基準法や水利権 その他の 法的前例を支配しているのです
But we can simply no longer rely on established norms.
しかし単純に既存の規範に 頼ることはできません
We're operating outside the bounds of CO2 concentrations
地球が何千年にもわたって 経験してきたCO2濃度の範囲外で
that the planet has seen for hundreds of thousands of years.
The larger point I'm trying to make is this.
さらに重要なことは ただ生き残るためでなく
It's up to us to look at our homes and our communities,
より繁栄するために 家庭やコミュニティが
our vulnerabilities and our exposures to risk,
and to find ways to not just survive, but to thrive,
認識するかどうかも私たちに かかっているということです
and it's up to us to plan and to prepare
and to call on our government leaders and require them
政府のリーダーたちが気候変動の 基本的原因に対処する一方で
to do the same, even while they address
the underlying causes of climate change.
要求していくことが私たちの 双肩にかかっています
There are no quick fixes.
There are no one-size-fits-all solutions.
We're all learning by doing.
But the operative word is doing.
Thank you.