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  • I want to argue to you that in fact, politics and religion,

    翻訳: Tamami Inoue 校正: Tsugumi Harada

  • which are the two primary factors --

    実は今日 皆さんとは政治と宗教について 議論したいと思います

  • not the sole, but overwhelmingly, the primary factors --


  • which are driving towards a war which looks extremely likely --

    1つのみではなく この2つが根本となって

  • bordering on the inevitable at this point,

    戦争が引き起こされています そして 今 戦争は―

  • whether one is in favor of that or not --


  • that politics and religion are, in fact, themselves


  • better conceptualized as kinds of technology,

    政治と宗教は 実は

  • and subject to kinds of questions that we regularly consider

    ある種の技法として とても上手く概念化されていて

  • in the space of conceptual design.


  • Here's what I mean. Politics and --


  • let's focus on the political system in particular question here,


  • which is the system of democracy.

    民主主義という 政治のシステムに注目して

  • Democracy, as a type of politics, is a technology


  • for the control and deployment of power.


  • You can deploy power in a wide range of ways.


  • The famous ones -- despotism is a good one;


  • anarchy is a way to not deploy the power in any organized way,

    有名なものでは 専制政治というのがあります

  • to do it in a radically diffused fashion;

    また 無政府状態は 主権を秩序を立てて分配せず

  • and democracy is a set of technologies,


  • which have the effect of, in principle,

    そして 民主主義とは まず最初に

  • diffusing the power source to a large number of people


  • and then re-concentrating it in a smaller group of people who govern,

    主権を拡散させてから 一握りの統治者たちに

  • and who themselves are, in principle, authorized to govern

    再び主権を集めるという 一連の技法です

  • by virtue of what the broader public has done.

    そして その統治者たちには 民衆が行った選択により

  • Now, consider religion -- in this case Islam,


  • which is the religion that, in some direct sense,

    さて 宗教を考えてみましょう ここではイスラム教ですが

  • can be said to be precipitating what we're about to enter.

    この宗教が 我々を戦争へと突き進ませている

  • Let me say parenthetically why I think that's the case,

    という 単刀直入な見方もあります

  • because I think it's a potentially controversial statement.


  • I would put it in the following equation: no 9/11, no war.

    なぜ これが事実だと思うのかを補足します

  • At the beginning of the Bush administration,

    一言でいえばこういう関係です 「9・11無くして戦争も無し」

  • when President Bush, now President Bush, was running for president,


  • he made it very clear that he was not interested in intervening broadly in the world.

    現ブッシュ大統領が まだ大統領選の候補だったときには

  • In fact, the trend was for disengagement with the rest of the world.

    世界情勢に大規模な介入はしない と明言していました

  • That's why we heard about the backing away from the Kyoto protocol, for example.

    事実 他国と距離を置く方向に行っていました

  • After 9/11, the tables were turned.

    ですから 京都議定書から身を引くと いうことも聞いていました

  • And the president decided, with his advisors,

    9・11の後 その持論は覆されました

  • to undertake some kind of an active intervention in the world around us.


  • That began with Afghanistan,

    周辺国へのある種の 積極的介入を実行すると決断しました

  • and when Afghanistan went extremely smoothly and quickly,


  • a decision was made through the technology of democracy --

    アフガニスタンでは この上なく スムーズに迅速に事が運びました

  • again, notice, not a perfect technology --

    民主主義的技法を通して 決議がされ―

  • but through the technology of democracy

    注意してください 完璧な技法では無いのですが

  • that this administration was going to push in the direction of another war --


  • this time, a war in Iraq.


  • Now, the reason I begin by saying "no 9/11, no war"


  • is that we have to acknowledge that Islam,

    「9・11無くして戦争も無し」から 話を始めた理由は

  • as interpreted by a very, very small, extremely radical group of people,

    ごく小規模ながら 極端に過激な人たちにより

  • was a precipitating cause of the 9/11 attacks --

    イスラム教が 9・11を引き起こした原因の一つ

  • the precipitating cause of the 9/11 attacks --

    いや 原因そのものだと解釈されていることを

  • and as a consequence, at one degree of remove,


  • the precipitating cause of the coming war that we're about to be engaged in.

    さらにその結果として そこから一歩進めて

  • And I would add that bin Laden and his followers

    我々が片足を突っ込んでいる戦争を 招いた原因だともされています

  • are consciously devoted to the goal of creating a conflict between democracy,

    その上 ビン・ラディンと彼の支持者たちは

  • or at least capitalist democracy, on the one hand,

    「民主主義」 少なくとも 資本家にとっての民主主義と

  • and the world of Islam as they see and define it.


  • Now, how is Islam a technology in this conceptual apparatus?

    争いを起こそうと 躍起になっています

  • Well, it's a technology for, first, salvation in its most basic sense.

    では 概念的装置としてのイスラム教とは どんな技法でしょうか?

  • It's meant to be a mechanism for construing the universe

    まず 救済のための技法というのが 信条基盤にあります

  • in a way that will bring about the salvation of the individual believer,

    それは 世界を読み解くための 手段になることを意味し

  • but it's also meant by the Islamists --

    そのことで信者1人1人に救済が もたらされるという考えです

  • and I use that term to mean people who believe that Islam --


  • they follow the slogan, Islam is the answer to a wide range of questions,

    私はその考えを持つ信者のみを 意味する言葉として使っています―

  • whether they're social, or political, or personal, or spiritual.

    彼らは イスラム教が 社会 政治 個人 信条など

  • Within the sphere of people who have that view,

    様々な問題の唯一の答えである というスローガンに従います

  • and it's a large number of people in the Muslim world


  • who disagree with bin Laden in his application,

    イスラム世界にいる 多くの人たちの間では

  • but agree that Islam is the answer.


  • Islam represents a way of engaging the world

    イスラムの教えは 肯定されています

  • through which one can achieve certain desirable goals.

    イスラム教は 望ましいある目標を 個人で到達することで

  • And the goals from the perspective of Muslims are, in principle,


  • peace, justice and equality,

    また イスラム教徒が 原則的に目指すその目標とは

  • but on terms that correspond to traditional Muslim teachings.

    平和と正義 そして平等ですが

  • Now, I don't want to leave a misimpression

    彼らの考えに則れば イスラム教徒の 伝統的な教えに一致します

  • by identifying either of these propositions --

    さて 民主主義 あるいはイスラム教が 提起する内容や

  • rather, either of these phenomena, democracy or Islam -- as technologies.

    あるいは現象の一方だけを 技法として特定して

  • I don't want to suggest that they are a single thing that you can point to.


  • And I think a good way to prove this

    どちらも これと示せるものとしては 扱いたくないのです

  • is simply to demonstrate to you what my thought process was


  • when deciding what to put on the wall behind me when I spoke.

    私が講演する時に後ろの壁に 何を掲げるかを決める―

  • And I ran immediately into a conceptual problem:


  • you can't show a picture of democracy.

    たちまち 概念的な問題にぶち当たりました

  • You can show a slogan, or a symbol, or a sign that stands for democracy.


  • You can show the Capitol --

    民主主義のスローガンやシンボル サインは出せるのですけどね

  • I had the same problem when I was designing the cover


  • of my forthcoming book, in fact --


  • what do you put on the cover to show democracy?


  • And the same problem with respect to Islam.

    皆さんは民主主義を表現するために 表紙に何を載せますか?

  • You can show a mosque, or you can show worshippers,


  • but there's not a straightforward way of depicting Islam.

    モスクや礼拝者たちを 載せるかもしれませんが

  • That's because these are the kinds of concepts

    それはイスラム教を直接的に 表現していません

  • that are not susceptible to easy representation.

    ですから そこには簡単に表現し難い

  • Now, it follows from that, that they're deeply contestable.


  • It follows from that that all of the people in the world

    それを踏まえると 難しい争点になりそうです

  • who say that they are Muslims can, in principle,

    そうなると この世の全ての イスラム教徒を自称する人たちが

  • subscribe to a wide range of different interpretations


  • of what Islam really is, and the same is true of democracy.

    多様な解釈をしても 原理的に おかしくないのです

  • In other words, unlike the word hope,

    そして それは 民主主義の場合でも同様です

  • which one could look up in a dictionary and derive origins for,


  • and, perhaps, reach some kind of a consensual use analysis,

    辞書で調べ 語源を辿り

  • these are essentially contested concepts.


  • They're ideas about which people disagree in the deepest possible sense.

    でもイスラムと民主主義は 確実に論争となり

  • And as a consequence of this disagreement,

    人々が心の底から 同意できない そんな概念です

  • it's very, very difficult for anyone to say,

    その不同意の結果として 誰かが

  • "I have the right version of Islam."

    「私のイスラム教が正しい」 と言うことは

  • You know, post-9/11, we were treated to the amazing phenomenon


  • of George W. Bush saying, "Islam means peace."

    ご存知のように 9・11の後で 私たちは素晴らしい出来事に遭遇しました

  • Well, so says George W. Bush.

    ジョージ・W・ブッシュがこう言ったのです 「イスラムは『平和』を意味している」

  • Other people would say it means something else.


  • Some people would say that Islam means submission.

    ある人は他の何かを意味する というかもしれません

  • Other people would say it means an acknowledgement

    ある人たちは「服従」の 意味だと言い

  • or recognition of God's sovereignty.


  • There are a wide range of different things that Islam can mean.


  • And ostensibly, the same is true of democracy.


  • Some people say that democracy consists basically in elections.

    表面上は 民主主義にも 同じことがあてはまります

  • Other people say no, that's not enough,

    ある人たちは民主主義は 「選挙を基盤にして成立する」と言います

  • there have to be basic liberal rights: free speech, free press, equality of citizens.

    他の人たちは 「それだけでは足りない

  • These are contested points, and it's impossible to answer them by saying,

    言論の自由と平等という基本的自由権の 存在が必要不可欠だ」と言います

  • "Ah ha, I looked in the right place, and I found out what these concepts mean."

    こういった争点に 「わかった こう考えればいいんだ

  • Now, if Islam and democracy are at present

    その概念の意味はこうだ」 などの答は得られません

  • in a moment of great confrontation,

    では もしイスラム教と民主主義が現在

  • what does that mean?


  • Well, you could fit it into a range of different interpretative frameworks.


  • You could begin with the one that we began with a couple of days ago,

    それは多様な解釈の枠組みで 捉えられるかもしれません

  • which was fear.

    その枠組みの1つが 数日前に始まったことです

  • Fear is not an implausible reaction with a war just around the corner


  • and with a very, very high likelihood that many, many people are going to die


  • as a consequence of this confrontation --


  • a confrontation which many, many people


  • in the Muslim world do not want,


  • many, many people in the American democracy do not want,


  • many people elsewhere in the world do not want,

    アメリカの民主主義も 戦争を望んでいません

  • but which nonetheless is favored by a large enough number of people --


  • at least in the relevant space, which is the United States --

    それでも戦争への第一歩は 充分支持されており

  • to actually go forward. So fear is not a crazy response at all.

    少なくとも 戦争に関わる場所 すなわちアメリカでは―

  • And I think that that's, in fact, probably the first appropriate response.

    戦争に突き進んでいます ですから恐怖は当たり前ですし

  • What I want to suggest to you, though, in the next couple of minutes

    私にとっては 実に正常な反応だと思います

  • is that there's also a hopeful response to this.

    ここから先 皆さんに提案したいのは

  • And the hopeful response derives from recognizing

    それに対して前向きな反応が あるということです

  • that Islam and democracy are technologies.

    その前向きな反応は まずイスラム教も民主主義も

  • And by virtue of being technologies, they're manipulable.


  • And they're manipulable in ways

    技法であることの良い所は その操り方があるのです

  • that can produce some extremely positive outcomes.


  • What do I have in mind?

    とても前向きな結果を 生み出すこともできます

  • Well, all over the Muslim world there are people


  • who take Islam deeply seriously, people who care about Islam,


  • for whom it's a source either of faith, or of civilization, or of deep values,

    イスラム教を信仰や文明や 深い信条の大元として

  • or just a source of powerful personal identity,

    もしくは アイデンティティーの拠り所として

  • who think and are saying loudly that Islam and democracy

    真剣に深く信仰し 思いを寄せている人たちがいます

  • are in fact not in conflict, but are in fact deeply compatible.

    彼らはイスラム教と民主主義は 実際には衝突関係に無く

  • And these Muslims -- and it's the vast majority of Muslims --

    共存できるものであると考え その事をハッキリと主張しています

  • disagree profoundly with bin Laden's approach, profoundly.

    そういうイスラム教徒は ―イスラム教徒の大多数がそうですが―

  • And they furthermore think overwhelmingly --

    ビン・ラディンのやり方に心底反対しています 心の底から反対なのです

  • again one can't speak of every person, but overwhelmingly,

    その上 彼らは圧倒的にこう考えています―

  • and one can find this by reading any of the sources

    全員とは言いませんが 圧倒的と分かるのは

  • that they have produced, and they're all over the Internet

    イスラム教徒の文書を 誰でも読めるからです

  • and in all sorts of languages -- one can see that they're saying

    それはインターネット上に 多言語で見つかるので―

  • that their concern in their own countries is primarily to free up themselves


  • to have choice in the spheres of personal life,

    彼らは それぞれ自分の国の 基本的な役割は

  • in the sphere of economics, in the sphere of politics,

    自由に 生活領域 経済活動 政治信条

  • and, yes, in the sphere of religion,

    そして 勿論 宗教を選択する自由を 与えることだと

  • which is itself closely regulated in most of the Muslim world.


  • And many of these Muslims further say

    宗教それ自体はイスラム世界の ほとんどで律されています

  • that their disagreement with the United States


  • is that it, in the past and still in the present,


  • has sided with autocratic rulers in the Muslim world


  • in order to promote America's short-term interests.

    イスラム圏で 独裁者の味方になってきた

  • Now, during the Cold War, that may have been


  • a defensible position for the United States to take.


  • That's an academic question.


  • It may be that there was a great war to be fought between West and East,


  • and it was necessary on the axis of democracy against communism.

    そこには西側と東側との間の 大きな衝突が予想されたかもしれないし

  • And it was necessary in some way for these to contradict each other,

    共産主義に対抗する民主主義の 主軸として必要だったのかもしれません

  • and as a consequence you have to make friends wherever you can get them.

    互いに否定しあう中で 味方が必要だったので

  • But now that the Cold War is over,


  • there's nearly universal consensus in the Muslim world --

    しかし 冷戦は終わりました

  • and pretty close to the same here in the United States,

    イスラム教徒の中にまとまった合意が 出来つつありましたー

  • if you talk to people and ask them --

    ここアメリカ国内でも 似たようなものです

  • that in principle, there's no reason that democracy and Islam cannot co-exist.


  • And we see this among activist, practical Muslims,

    民主主義とイスラム教が 共存できないはずがない

  • like the Muslims who are presently the elected,

    活動家たちやイスラム実践者たちにも そのような意見が見られます

  • parliamentary, democratic government of Turkey,

    例えば トルコの選挙で選ばれた 民主主義政府の

  • who are behaving pragmatically, not ideologically,


  • who are promoting their own religious values,

    彼らはイデオロギー的ではなく 実践的に振る舞いますし

  • who are elected by their own people

    彼ら自身の宗教的価値観を 推進しています

  • because they were perceived as honest and sincere


  • because of their religious values,


  • but who do not think that Islam and a democratic system of governance


  • are fundamentally incompatible.

    イスラム教と 民主主義による統治の仕組みとは

  • Now, you may say, but surely, what we've seen on television about Saudi Islam


  • convinces us that it can't possibly be compatible

    多分 こんな意見もあるでしょう 「テレビでサウジアラビアのイスラム教徒が

  • with what we consider the core of democracy --

    政治的選択の自由と 基本的な自由と平等という

  • namely, free political choice, basic liberty and basic equality.

    いわゆる 民主主義中心の考え方とは 絶対に相容れないと

  • But I'm here to tell you that technologies


  • are more malleable than that.

    ここにいる皆さんには 技法には順応性があるということを

  • I'm here to tell you that many, many Muslims believe --


  • the vast majority, in fact -- in fact I think I would go so far as to say

    お伝えしたいのは多くの― 実に 大多数のイスラム教徒が―

  • that many Muslims in Saudi Arabia believe that the core values of Islam,


  • namely acknowledgement of God's sovereignty

    サウジアラビアのイスラム教徒の 中心にある価値観は

  • and basic human equality before God,

    いわゆる 神の主権を認め

  • are themselves compatible with liberty, equality and free political choice.

    神よりも先に人々の 基本的平等を認めることです

  • And there are Muslims, many Muslims out there, who are saying precisely this.

    イスラム教自体は自由と平等 政治的選択の自由と両立できるのです

  • And they're making this argument wherever they're permitted to make it.

    多くのイスラム教徒たちは 確かに そう言ってます

  • But their governments, needless to say, are relatively threatened by this.

    彼らは許される限り どこでもそのことを主張します

  • And for the most part try to stop them from making this argument.

    しかし 政府は 当然ですが いくらか そのことに脅かされます

  • So, for example, a group of young activists in Egypt

    そして 主張を おおかた封じ込めるようにしています

  • try to form a party known as the Center Party,

    例えば エジプトの若い活動家たちが

  • which advocated the compatibility of Islam and democracy.


  • They weren't even allowed to form a party.

    センター政党という政党を 作ろうとしましたが

  • They were actually blocked from even forming a party


  • under the political system there. Why?

    実は 彼らは政党を作ることさえ 妨害されているのです

  • Because they would have done extraordinarily well.

    政治システム上の都合です 何故でしょうか?

  • In the most recent elections in the Muslim world --


  • which are those in Pakistan, those in Morocco


  • and those in Turkey -- in each case,


  • people who present themselves to the electorate as Islamic democrats


  • were far and away the most successful vote-getters

    有権者に自分がイスラム民主主義者だと アピールした人々は

  • every place they were allowed to run freely.


  • So in Morocco, for example, they finished third in the political race


  • but they were only allowed to contest half the seats.

    例えばモロッコで 彼らの得票数は三位でしたが

  • So had they contested a larger number of the seats,

    立候補できたのは 議席の半分に対してであり

  • they would have done even better.


  • Now what I want to suggest to you is that the reason for hope in this case


  • is that we are on the edge of a real transformation in the Muslim world.

    こんな有様ですが皆さんには 前向きな見解をお話ししましょう

  • And that's a transformation in which many sincerely believing Muslims --

    イスラム世界は過渡期に 差し掛かっているのです

  • who care very, very deeply about their traditions,

    敬虔なイスラム教徒の中にも 変化が生じているのです

  • who do not want to compromise those values --


  • believe, through the malleability of the technology of democracy


  • and the malleability and synthetic capability of the technology of Islam,


  • that these two ideas can work together.

    イスラムという技法の順応性と これからの可能性をとおして

  • Now what would that look like?


  • What does it mean to say that there's an Islamic democracy?


  • Well, one thing is, it's not going to look identical

    イスラム教的民主主義とは どういうことでしょうか?

  • to democracy as we know it in the United States.

    まず 1つ言えることは 私たちがアメリカで馴染んでいる民主主義と

  • That may be a good thing, in light of some of the criticisms we've heard today --


  • for example, in the regulatory context -- of what democracy produces.

    今日語られる批判を踏まえると それは良いことかもしれません

  • It will also not look exactly the way either the people in this room,

    例えば 規制という側面から見ると 民主主義は何を生み出せるのか

  • or Muslims out in the rest of the world --

    ここにいる人たちや 他の世界中のイスラム教徒いずれもが

  • I don't mean to imply there aren't Muslims here, there probably are --


  • conceptualize Islam.

    ―イスラム教徒がここにいないと 言いたかったのではありません

  • It will be transformative of Islam as well.


  • And as a result of this convergence,

    それはイスラム教を 変化させるものでもあります

  • this synthetic attempt to make sense of these two ideas together,

    そして 民主主義とイスラム教が歩み寄り

  • there's a real possibility that, instead of a clash

    共に成立するために 力を合わせる試み から

  • of Islamic civilization -- if there is such a thing --


  • and democratic civilization -- if there is such a thing --

    イスラム文化と民主主義の 文化が衝突するのではなく

  • we'll in fact have close compatibility.


  • Now, I began with the war because it's the elephant in the room,


  • and you can't pretend that there isn't about to be a war

    戦争から話を始めたのは 触れたくない話題だからです

  • if you're talking about these issues.


  • The war has tremendous risks for the model that I'm describing

    戦争などありえない という欺瞞は通じません

  • because it's very possible that as a consequence of a war,

    お話ししているモデルに対して 戦争は著しいリスクです

  • many Muslims will conclude that the United States


  • is not the kind of place that they want to emulate

    多くのイスラム教徒が アメリカのことを

  • with respect to its forms of political government.

    政治形式に関して 真似したい国ではないと

  • On the other hand, there's a further possibility that many Americans,


  • swept up in the fever of a war, will say, and feel, and think

    さらに一方で 戦争の熱気にとりつかれ

  • that Islam is the enemy somehow --

    多くのアメリカ人が イスラム教が敵だと―

  • that Islam ought to be construed as the enemy.


  • And even though, for political tactical reasons,

    言ったり 感じたり 考える 可能性があります

  • the president has been very, very good about saying that Islam is not the enemy,

    それでも 大統領は政治的な戦略で

  • nonetheless, there's a natural impulse when one enters war

    イスラム教は敵でないという発言を 真面目に行っています

  • to think of the other side as an enemy.

    それでもなお戦争に向かうときは 相手国を敵とみなす

  • And one furthermore has the impulse to generalize, as much as possible,


  • in defining who that enemy is.


  • So the risks are very great.

    できるだけ一般化しよう という衝動がはたらきます

  • On the other hand, the capacities for positive results in the aftermath of a war

    ですから リスクは大いにあります

  • are also not to be underestimated,

    一方で戦争終結後のプラスの結果として 実現できることを

  • even by, and I would say especially by, people


  • who are deeply skeptical about whether we should go to war in the first place.

    特に 最初は戦争に踏み切るべきかどうか

  • Those who oppose the war ought to realize that if a war happens,


  • it cannot be the right strategy,

    戦争に反対している人たちも 戦争が起きたら認識すべきことがあります

  • either pragmatically, or spiritually, or morally, to say after the war,


  • "Well, let's let it all run itself out, and play out however it wants to play out,

    実質的に 信念的に モラル的に 正しいやり方であるはずありません

  • because we opposed the war in the first place."

    「もう そのまま放っておこう やりたいように やるがいい

  • That's not the way human circumstances operate.

    そもそも 私たちは戦争反対なんだから」

  • You face the circumstances you have in front of you


  • and you go forward.


  • Well, what I'm here to say then is,


  • for people who are skeptical about the war,


  • it's especially important to recognize that in the aftermath of the war


  • there is a possibility for the government of the United States

    戦争の後でアメリカ政府と イスラム教徒が

  • and the Muslim peoples with whom it interacts

    本当の意味で 民主主義的でイスラム教的な政府の

  • to create real forms of government that are truly democratic


  • and also truly Islamic.


  • And it is crucial -- it is crucial in a practical, activist way --


  • for people who care about these issues to make sure


  • that within the technology of democracy, in this system,


  • they exercise their preferences, their choices and their voices

    民主主義の技法内で そのシステム内で

  • to encourage that outcome.

    彼らの活動や選択や声明について 結果に反映させるべく

  • That's a hopeful message,


  • but it's a message that's hopeful only if you understand it


  • as incurring serious obligation for all of us.

    しかし 全員が重い義務を負っていると

  • And I think that we are capable of taking on that obligation,

    理解している人にだけ 届く明るいメッセージです

  • but only if we put what we can into it.

    私たちにはその義務を負う能力が あると思います

  • And if we do, then I don't think that the hope will be unwarranted altogether.

    しかし それに真剣に 取り組んだ時だけ可能です

  • Thanks.

    その取り組みが 明るい展望を支える根拠になることでしょう

I want to argue to you that in fact, politics and religion,

翻訳: Tamami Inoue 校正: Tsugumi Harada


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B1 中級 日本語 TED イスラム 民主 主義 戦争 主権

TED】ノア・フェルドマン政治と宗教は技術である (Noah Feldman: Politics and religion is technologies) (【TED】Noah Feldman: Politics and religion are technologies (Noah Feldman: Politics and religion are technologies))

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    Zenn に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日