# フレーズ 動画ソース
1 that is a wrap 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
2 I’m freed from the shackles of my past. 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
3 or example if I’m in the car at night, I would take off my glasses to enjoy the beautiful bokehs streaking past me. 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
4 being nearsighted means that you gotta go double when you trying to put on sunglasses or 3D glasses. 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
5 a bunch of bananas. 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
6 it's sometimes kinda hard to locate my glasses after my shower. 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
7 absent-minded 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
8 being nearsighted has its daily dose of struggles. 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
9 it’s not slight at all, it’s actually pretty severe. 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
10 So my 7.5 diopter of nearsightedness would be called 750 degrees here in Taiwan. 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
11 I was nearsighted with 7.5 diopter. 近視の英語ってなんて言う?僕と僕の近視 (Me and my Myopia)
12 The cherry on the sundae is the sadism Are Trolls Jerks In Real Life?
13 It's admittedly my favorite scientific field of all: internet trollology. Are Trolls Jerks In Real Life?
14 It's admittedly my favorite scientific field of all: internet trollology. Are Trolls Jerks In Real Life?
15 It's admittedly my favorite scientific field of all: internet trollology. Are Trolls Jerks In Real Life?
16 It's admittedly my favorite scientific field of all: internet trollology. Are Trolls Jerks In Real Life?
17 a solution will be unearthed. 【TED-Ed】What is Alzheimer's disease? - Ivan Seah Yu Jun
18 Take a trendy hike. ドラマ『NYボンビー・ガール』爆笑シーン!ヒップスターとホームレスの違いは? Hipsters VS Homeless (2 Broke Girls)
19 You going commando under those corduroys? ドラマ『NYボンビー・ガール』爆笑シーン!ヒップスターとホームレスの違いは? Hipsters VS Homeless (2 Broke Girls)
20 I don't want your kind in here. ドラマ『NYボンビー・ガール』爆笑シーン!ヒップスターとホームレスの違いは? Hipsters VS Homeless (2 Broke Girls)
21 that highlights how sadistic traits are present in many people, 科学の視点からネットの誹謗中傷を見る (The Science of Internet Trolls)
22 that highlights how sadistic traits are present in many people, 科学の視点からネットの誹謗中傷を見る (The Science of Internet Trolls)
23 hat highlights how sadistic traits are present in many people, 科学の視点からネットの誹謗中傷を見る (The Science of Internet Trolls)
24 they feed off of your unhappiness. 科学の視点からネットの誹謗中傷を見る (The Science of Internet Trolls)
25 hey feed off of your unhappiness. 科学の視点からネットの誹謗中傷を見る (The Science of Internet Trolls)
26 ut internet trolls show very high levels of sadism and have fun distressing others by being argumentative and disruptive. 科学の視点からネットの誹謗中傷を見る (The Science of Internet Trolls)
27 f you were given the choice of the following four jobs, which would you choose? 科学の視点からネットの誹謗中傷を見る (The Science of Internet Trolls)
28 everyday sadism 科学の視点からネットの誹謗中傷を見る (The Science of Internet Trolls)
29 Now, most people tend to avoid inflicting pain on others, and if we do, we experience guilt or remorse. 科学の視点からネットの誹謗中傷を見る (The Science of Internet Trolls)
30 You know, it's cause I updated too much, or their updates weren't relevant to my life anymore. Facebookで友達解除された!When you're unfriended (w/Hannah Witton)
31 when I think of all the times I've unfriended someone, it was never personal. Facebookで友達解除された!When you're unfriended (w/Hannah Witton)
32 It felt like a deliberate slight. Facebookで友達解除された!When you're unfriended (w/Hannah Witton)
33 I refreshed, then I added her as a friend, and she didn't accept my request! Oh..I'm so sorry babe.. (sobbing) Facebookで友達解除された!When you're unfriended (w/Hannah Witton)
34 I added her as a friend Facebookで友達解除された!When you're unfriended (w/Hannah Witton)
35 You're dead to me. Facebookで友達解除された!When you're unfriended (w/Hannah Witton)
36 THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING FRAGILE. 【エレンの部屋】アン・ハサウェイがネットでの悪口について語る (Anne Hathaway on Her Bullies)
37 BEST OF ALL, I HAVE IT FOR MYSELF, 【エレンの部屋】アン・ハサウェイがネットでの悪口について語る (Anne Hathaway on Her Bullies)
38 I JUST TOOK A STEP BACK, 【エレンの部屋】アン・ハサウェイがネットでの悪口について語る (Anne Hathaway on Her Bullies)


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単語クイズ ランク

クイズ総得点 再生した動画
25620 410
bronze silver gold
