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  • places too hot for a pickup.

  • They won't touch us till we get over the quarter.

  • Hey, Billy.

  • Could be a way out of this hole.

  • Ariel says we are cut off.

  • The only way out of here is that valley that leads to the east.

  • I wouldn't wish that on a broke dick toe.

  • Not much choice, Dick.

  • Lead double time.

  • It We have no family over here.

  • Why?

  • Thanks.

  • Any time.

  • Really?

  • The other day I was going down on my girlfriend.

  • I said to her, Jeez, you got a big pussy, Reese.

  • You got a big pussy.

  • You said, Why did you say that?

  • Twice.

places too hot for a pickup.


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A2 初級

いつでも|プレデター (Anytime | Predator)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日