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  • and I'm pleased to report a CZ you requested, Mr President, that all the insurance companies here either today or before today agreed to waive all co pays on Corona virus testing on extend coverage for Corona virus treatment in all of their benefits.

  • Plans on at your direction Medicare and Medicaid last week already made it clear to Medicare Medicaid beneficiaries that Corona virus testing and treatment would be covered.

  • These private insurance carriers have extended that as well.

  • They also agreed to cover telemedicine so that anyone, particularly along a vulnerable senior population, would not feel it necessary to go to a hospital.

  • And the doctors they don't know the telemedicine is covered.

  • Uh, these CEOs have also agreed.

  • No surprise, Billy.

  • We want people to get tested.

  • Over a 1,000,000 tests are out, thanks to the diligent work of CDC and a chest more than four million, we'll go out this week.

  • You worked with commercial labs to expand testing, and that will continue to increase by the day.

  • But we want the American people to know that they are covered through private insurance.

  • They're covered through Medicare, Medicaid, and they'll be no surprise building.

  • And finally Mr President, as you directed us yesterday, way produced helpful information for every American family how they keep their homes, their schools, their business establishment safe from the spread of the Corona virus.

  • All of these all of these of major health insurance companies have agreed to convey all this information starting today all of their customers, as well as to send the C B C's guys for seniors with underlying health conditions to give them specific recommendations.

  • And so a CZ you requested us.

  • They've all agreed to work with us to communicate information directly to the American people because, as you said, Mr President, while the risk to the average American of contracting the Corona virus remains low, we want a full partnership with industry and give the American people all the information they need to avoid contracting or spreading Corona virus, and particularly these companies are going to help us get information to seniors with underlying health conditions who really represent the most vulnerable population to serious outcomes.

  • And I I know I speak on behalf of the president when I say how grateful we are for the collaborative spirit of generosity and the partnership represented by the great companies at this table.

and I'm pleased to report a CZ you requested, Mr President, that all the insurance companies here either today or before today agreed to waive all co pays on Corona virus testing on extend coverage for Corona virus treatment in all of their benefits.


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B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

マイク・ペンス氏、健康保険会社がコロナウイルス検査の自己負担金を免除すると発言|ABCニュース (Mike Pence says health insurance companies will waive copays for coronavirus testing | ABC News)

  • 8 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日