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  • Welcome to Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.

  • In this lesson you will learn phrases that you can use to ask your friends about their holidays.

  • So, how was your vacation?

  • Oh! This was the best vacation I’ve ever had in my life!

  • Wow! Where did you go?

  • We went to the Bahamas. It’s such an amazing place.

  • Really? Did you go with your parents?

  • Of course not! I went with my cousins. We had a blast!

  • I can imagine that. Did you take any pictures?

  • Yes. I’ll be uploading them to Facebook today. You can check them out.

  • That’d be great!

  • Why is all this work still pending?

  • What do you mean?

  • You promised to complete all the assignments during the holidays! What did you do in the holidays, if not this?

  • Well, I didn’t have enough time to work on the assignments. My brother had an accident and I had to be with him at the hospital.

  • Alright, but, you’d better complete them by the weekend. If you miss the deadline you won’t get good grades.

  • How were your holidays?

  • Totally amazing! I needed that break.

  • Where did you go?

  • We took a boat trip to Koh Samui.

  • Koh Samui is a really peaceful place. It mustve been quite relaxing.

  • Oh, yeah! After all the hectic schedules and tough life, it’s good to have a peaceful vacation. All I got was blue sea and clear sky!

  • I need a break myself. Going to apply for a 7-day leave today. Let’s see if the boss approves it.

  • I hope he does. Youve worked very hard on your last project.

  • Hey Jerry! Glad to see youre back. How were the hols?

  • Don’t ask, Brandy! I’ve had better holidays.

  • Why? What happened?

  • It was a series of disasters. Seriously.

  • Really, Jerry?

  • Yep. My flight got delayed 7 hours. Then the taxi to the hotel broke down.

  • Goodness!

  • The hotel was terrible. The food was awful.

  • I’m sorry to hear that, Jerry. It all sounds so bad!

  • But that’s not all, Brandy. I got sick from the bad food and couldn’t go out of the hotel room for 3 days.

  • Gosh, Jerry! Youve had the most awful vacation ever!

  • I know, Brandy. It was hell.

  • So, how was your vacation?

  • Where did you go?

  • How were your holidays?

  • Did you go with your parents?

  • Did you take any pictures?

  • How were the hols?

Welcome to Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

休日は何をしていましたか?- 祝日についての英会話 (What Did You Do in the Holidays? - Conversation in English about Holidays)

  • 619 40
    Kevin Lu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日