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  • Hey everybody. I'm Lynn.


  • Thanks for watching my video.


  • Today, I'm going to be talking to you about the benefits of watching movies, TV, and even YouTube videos in English.

    今日は、映画や TV 、Youtube などでも英語で鑑賞することの利点についてお話ししようと思います。

  • This is a really helpful video, so keep watching.


  • Watching movies and TV shows in English is a great way to improve your English-speaking ability.

    英語で映画や TV 番組を観るというのは、英語の会話力を伸ばすのに最高の手段です。

  • You can improve your listening, your reading, if you use subtitles, and your speaking all by watching movies, TV shows, or even YouTube videos in English.

    映画や TV 、Youtube などでも英語で鑑賞すると、リスニングや会話力もそうですし字幕を付ければ読解力も向上します。

  • Now, the most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a movie, a TV show, or a YouTube video is not to choose something too difficult.

    さて、映画や TV 、Youtube などを選ぶ時に重要な事は難しすぎるものを選ばないということです。

  • Many of my students when they start watching movies or TV shows in English, they choose something that might be fun to watch, but it's much too difficult for them to understand.

    私の生徒の多くが、映画や TV 番組を英語で観始める時に面白そうなものを選ぶのですが、理解するには難しすぎることがあるんです。

  • Then what happens is they feel overwhelmed or frustrated and they just want to give up on learning English.


  • So, in order to avoid that, choose something that is easy first.


  • Then after you feel comfortable, you can move on to something a little bit more difficult.


  • When choosing a YouTube video, a good suggestion is to stick to one channel and keep watching those videos many times until you feel comfortable.

    Youtube の動画を観る時は、1 つのチャンネルに絞ってその中の動画を慣れるまで何回も観ていくようにするのが良いと思います。

  • Another good idea is, watch the same video a number of times.


  • Repeat it over and over.


  • You can watch it with the subtitles in your language, and then you can watch it with the subtitles in English, and then you can watch it with no subtitles.


  • And each time you watch the video, or whatever you choose, you'll be improving your English-speaking ability.


  • Watching English programs is a great way to prove (improve) your English conversation skill.


  • So, watching movies, TV shows, and YouTube videos in English is going to help improve your English conversation ability.

    というわけで、映画や TV 番組、Youtube を英語で鑑賞すると英会話力の向上に役立ちます。

  • And when you watch these movies or TV shows, don't be afraid to mimic just what the actor or actress says.

    そして、映画や TV 番組を観る時には、俳優や女優さんのセリフを真似てみることを怖がらずにやってみてくださいね。

  • This will also help you to improve.


  • I know learning English is hard, but I know you can do it as well.


  • Thanks for watching.


  • See you next time.


  • Tell me what kind of movies, TV shows, and YouTube channels you like to watch in the comments below.

    下のコメント欄から、皆さんが好きな映画や TV 番組、Youtube チャンネルを教えてくださいね。

  • And don't forget to keep supporting my channel.


  • See you in the next video.


Hey everybody. I'm Lynn.


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