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so so tomorrow.
Modern Warfare's newest addition The brand new war zone modes are finally launching after so much speculation, so much waiting.
It's finally happening, and today we're able to share through eight ton of contents.
So to start everything off amidst a full day of war zone concept, of course, a packed week of content, I figured we start with 62 things that you must know about war zone before you jump into it tomorrow.
I'm incredibly excited to share the concept we have on hand today and coming up, so make sure you stick it here on the Channel 11 Airy thoughts And, of course, do be sure to subscribe button if you have not done so already to get all the best war zone constant.
That said, there's so much to talk about, so let's jump right into it.
First things first.
Number one.
It is free to play, meaning that it costs you nothing to enter whether you have modern warfare or you don't.
Players who owned the full game of modern warfare will access the game through that previously classified 1/5 main menu tile and players who are jumping in confined this a standalone application to which the war zone tile will be the only thing available.
The other game.
Much we see.
If campaign multi player and co op will be locked out for those that play the free version, they're supposed to be in the future.
Sometimes we're limited time Event will be going on where, if you have the free variation, you may be able to access random multiplayer game modes as a sort of trial period in the taste of full game.
The war zone as a whole is free to play as well.
War zone is actually two parts if you haven't seen it already.
The trailer probably detail this for you guys, but War zone is battery out.
Plus a brand new game mode called plunder Today were mainly focusing on battery out plunder will be a little bit of a discussion tomorrow That's embargoed Still until then, so firstly, talking about battery out first things first.
It is 150 players at launch and his trios only.
That's something that I know might not be everybody's favorite announcement, but that's what we got for the launcher of this.
You can still play solo or do up with a friend, but you're gonna be queuing in the same collective pools with teams of upwards of three players.
There currently is no private match support, and there currently is no real proper spectate mode.
If you die can still technically spectate the enemies that killed you.
But it showcases the option to leave the game and brings up a U IE elements over top of that actually spectating so you can kind of spectate, but it's not necessarily a proper spectating mode.
You can still specked at your team, though.
If you are eliminated and they're still in the game.
War zone will also share a universal progression system.
Your progress between war zone MP and spec ops will go to that shared rank.
Your immediate weapon used, such as your weapon bills and Como's are all linked to that same progress as well.
So things like Damascus should count and be immediately usable.
Further challenge introductions such as War Zone Como's.
That's not something that's been discussed in their force unknown at the moment.
So keep that in mind.
There is a pregame lobby for every Battle Royale match you join up, and while waiting for these.
It's essentially just a giant game of non stat altering free for all.
You'll be able to kill enemies and use different load outs.
And each time you've respond in this pregame lobby, you'll have a new load out that you can play around with but jumping into the actual gameplay discussion.
First lede Battering out sees you drop in with only a pistol.
There are rumors that you could start a match with load out that you could actually craft before dropping in and use those that's incorrect.
But creating load outs does have a place in the game, which will expand upon and just a little bit you.
Main objective, naturally, is to be the last player or last squad standing.
Though the obstacles and players you face along the way may not be as simple as other.
Be ours.
We'll discuss that as well.
Throughout this video, while looting Kreitzer, common ways to obtain loot will drop tons of various items, and also you'll be able to hear them.
If you can immediately see them.
There's an audible hum to them.
Loot is found within crates and sometimes around the world, and picked up off players as well.
It's all sorted by different levels of rarity.
There's common, which is grey uncommon, which is green rare, which is Blue epic, which is purple and legendary, which is orange.
And then a custom option, which is a reddish pink that's only found with creative class items and subsequently on Lee Off of Dead Bodies, which will explain again the creative class here shortly.
The map utilizes the world of spec ops to a lot of these locations, maybe relatively familiar with you already.
Their key locations, such as Damn Military Base, Quarry Airport, TV Station, Storage Town, Supercenter Stadium, Lumber, Bone Yard, Train Station, Hospital, Downtown Farmland, Promenade, West Promenade, East Hills Park Port and Prison.
And they're marked on the tactical map from above and also on the initial drops as well.
When you jump in, you'll see the name of the location above that general area of the map, which is pretty cool.
You can also utilize familiar locations.
The ground war maps are in.
This quarry is Carson River quarry, bone yard, Zukhov bone yard downtown is divorced district farmland is chronic farmland port exported for dance, and those were not the only locations.
There's plenty of smaller locations, like police stations, gas stations and things like that mixed in with classic locations.
Intermittently, examples being the TV station is actually broadcast and overgrown is in the north eastern hills above broadcast.
Next, the maps actually huge.
I drove for about two minutes or so two times in two different pregame lobbies and probably only covered the bottom left and the upper right corners of the perimeter of the map.
This is not really an accurate display, though.
Of the game play, however, the map.
It's large, but it's still played relatively similarly to pacing wise with black out, another be ours from my plates.
I'm I'd also like to mention that those two minutes that you spent filling lobbies that's not gonna be an indication of the live game plan environment, either, or shouldn't be.
We were waiting to connect players from various studios to fill lobbies.
So naturally, getting a lobby together between 300 or so participants will be much slower than when it's out in live to millions of players.
Upon actually dropping into the map, there is a squad leader who can mark locations on the tack map, but players must still jump on the room.
There didn't appear to be any squad leader jump master feature that the squad leader would be able to pull everybody at the same time.
But potentially that may be coming in the future when, in a C 1 30 waiting to jump, you'll be able to see in the upper right corner of your HUD a number of players that are still left in the cargo plan to have yet to drop.
This could possibly help you figure out when or when not to jump.
If you want to avoid high traffic areas or early contest engagements who are opposite Lee, know that you'll have a firefight shortly after landing.
When dropping, you now have the ability to free look and also cut your parachute.
If you cut your parachute, you can reopen it once again.
To my knowledge, an unlimited amount of times this can be used to help extend your drops.
Dropping in is mostly also just that dropping.
Unlike blackout, there is no wing suit that you can propel yourself further toe extended of reaches the map, and though you're not fully limited to just a 90 degrees drop straight down horizontal Regis, severely limited by comparison to the most recent quality Battle Royale experience.
That is again unless you cut your chute to which you'll gain some horizontal distance.
But definitely not as much as it's a blackout.
Once you start looting up and you start playing, verticality can be key.
But it's also not unfair.
High ground could help you tremendously and gunfights, but I didn't find too many engagements that I was like There's no way I'm winning this.
Buildings also are primarily sectioned off, so it's only the ground floors and the rooftops, so you won't have to breach and clear 10 different stories with 15 rooms each level each building.
Also, interestingly enough, is unique, so you won't see a major cluster of copy and paste layouts among various buildings in game to help you traverse the map.
There are a handful of different vehicles available, including a TVs, SUVs, helicopters, cargo trucks and Tak Rovers.
Also meaning that thankfully, there are no tanks in this health is a default 100 armor can add upwards of another 150 hp to the body, key part being the body head shots are incredibly important and crucial since there are no helmets or helmet modifiers.
You also drop in with two armor plates naturally, so you start out above 100 hp to begin with.
But there's comm deplete down to not having any armor.
You can carry upwards of five armor plates on your person or in your inventory Harvey and prefer to look at it.
Additional armor plates can be found to replenish your supply on dead bodies or in lieu crates, Sometimes also laying around randomly.
Health is automatically regenerated, so there is no bandages.
Meds get the trauma kit equivalents like we saw him blackout, another battery out titles.
There is, however, a medical syringe that you can pick up as an equipment which get equipment allows for one boost back fully up to your max HP.
This is your stem, though, from MP, so it's not anything that's introduced for the first time here with battery out weaponry is bear in simple.
Unless you find a blueprint.
Standard weapons are dropped as bear with no attachments unless you loot and gain of blueprints.
This means that there will be no weapon attachment collection and different looting, so weapon tuning on the fly isn't really an option here with this.
Weaponry also has a different balance set than that of MP.
Some weapons won't be as good and battery out as they are an MP.
Small anecdotal evidence.
The M four was a hit marker machine for me.
A lot of times snipers are a one shot put on Lee to the head when looting ammo is automatically picked up and added to your inventory when walked over, which I think is really cool items like physical weapons, cache contracts and equipment will still require you to actually interact with them and hold to be able to pick them up.
So bear that in mind created class and load out drops, though, are something absolutely important.
We mentioned we'd come back to the importance of setting up custom classes even if you don't drop in Witham.
But that's because there's a new feature called Load Out Drops.
This will allow you to collect a predetermined class a buildable in conjunction with your M P rank and is something that you set up before queuing up for a match.
This will also let you have any two weapons perks lethal and tact goes the one these air dropped intermittently, The actual load out drops themselves, and each team could access one crates of the drums.
The Great, though, could be used for your entire team.
It's not just one person.
The catch, though, is that they drop in groups of drops, so other teams will be coming for that general area so they can access their load out drop as well.
This creates a high risk, high reward situation.
You can bake the drops for you can risk it for the biscuit and get your optimal load out without having depend on our N G load.
Out drops are the only way that you can have perks and battery out.
The D pad can be used as a default way to drop or split inventory items.
Those including money, armor, plates, ammo and rockets.
You can ping different items you find with the D pad as well, and you can ping them in game or in your tack map with your game pad.
Pinned items can be seen in the hut above the kill feed.
In the newer build of the game, cash is also something you really want to pay attention to.
It's important, and you can get it by killing enemies, looting crates and completing contracts.
Unspent caches convert into X p.
At the end of the game, you can use cash at by stations, and these are incredibly important.
The game is no longer religious about dropping in looting and surviving by stations.
Offer an entire host of great abilities like kill streaks, responds ammo, armor and more and introduce a new dynamic to the game.
Kill streaks that by stations.
There's nothing really insane here, but they can help you out, situationally.
What you can get is you.
Evie's precision airstrikes, cluster strikes and shield spirits are all available.
We'll have a more in depth breakdown, likely coming on by stations today or tomorrow is to keep an eye out here on the channel so you don't miss anything.
But kill streaks can very rarely be found throughout the map, not a buy stations.
There is no nuke, which is probably something that may be a heartbreaker for some people.
But in the bill that we played, there was none readily available unless they're just certain kill criteria or secret east drag.
We were not made aware of a nuclear war zone.
I mentioned a way that you can get cash is through contracts and in contracts.
There are three types of them.
Ah, bounty contract, which sees you target a player to hunt them down.
A re kon contract, which sees you try and grab in self and a scavenger contract, which will task you with searching for crates contracts, when completed, will reward a varying level of cash.
Bounty contracts.
Littler both players of the hunt, both the hunter and the hunted.
And this will allow the hunters deceiving general but not exact location of the hunted.
There could be upwards of eight zones during an individual match of battery out.
You can tell what zone you're approaching or outrunning and the upper left of your HUD underneath your mini map.
It will showcase zone number.
They're they're two counters for each zone.
The great countdown to note the time until the gas starts to move in and the red countdown denotes time until the gas is finished moving, closing off the next safe zone.
The gas also hurts like hell.
Don't get caught in this early or late game because it will punish you with a lack of bandages as well.
Health regeneration doesn't occur in the zone and will tank your health incredibly fast.
In the building we played, you could just barely outrun the gas, and I'm talking from the clip you'll see on the screen right now.
I really wasn't that four out to begin with at full health, and I couldn't make it out.
Gas masks are the only way to counter the gas from tanking your health.
Gas masks can come in different rarities, their Bible ones, which are common to my knowledge, and others that are found at random, in crates for on enemies and, to my understanding, the higher rarity of gas mask.
The longer you'll be able to stay in the gas without taking damage.
When you enter into the gas, the gas mask automatically equipped and firefights one down side of the road, which I wouldn't be surprised if it gets changed.
Developers heard this out and were seemingly receptive to it.
The kill credit is tallied to the player who cleans up the down player, not who initially knocked and did the majority of damage.
So, in essence, you could steal your teammates kills.
If you are not, you can call for help on the D pad.
If you are not gonna also give up, which will send you to the gulag or lie to spectate your teammates.
If you are limited and you have already gone through the gulag or you lost, you can ping a buyback request for a squad mate, which will mark the closest by station for them.
The gulag let you fight for a chance to respond in a one V one, and you get one chance at this per game.
After that, your teammates must buy you back.
If you want to come back so you can't die, go to the gulag Comeback dying and go to the gulag again.
It's just one and done.
If you lose in the gulag, you'll spectate your team.
They can buy you back a by station they're choosing, but other than that, you're out when you're in the gulag.
If there are no challenges and you're the only one there for a minute and 30 seconds, you'll be automatically redeployed and treated as though you've won your response in the gulag.
If you are spectating, you can throw rocks at competitors in there one V one as a kind of form of sabotage.
I, firstly was never hit by these.
But having talked to a few people who were hits, they said there was a substantial amount per rock.
I want to say around 28 people hit for the final two zones.
The gulag actually closes and players air simply eliminated, though so long as there is a bias station in the safe area, players can be bought back through that.
But be wary because the smaller the circle, the more gas the player will have to drop in through which does damage on the way down.
Plus, you don't really have any load up.
And as we get to the end here, what do you get for winning a match?
Well, I think the last surviving out of a total of 147 other players at minimum, you don't really get all that much you get.
Ex PM battle past progression.
Developers are aware of the lack of rewarding are looking to implement rewards and other items to encourage play and playing for the wind.
But as have launched, there's not really all that much.
If you are on the winning team, you get the phrase get some that pops up on a special expel sequence.
And finally, the teams that Raven, an Infinity ward, hope to sustain this mode as a stand alone for more than one year.
When asked about some of the plans, they said they had a nice pipeline of content coming, and also they were grins and smirk surrounding the mentioned live events.
Whether this is a scale of fortnight where a live event would actually be a cinematic experience or instead something like blackouts, map alterations, we don't know entirely what time will tell.
Regardless, though, they look to sustain his past the main year of modern warfare support.
So come this October or November one, Cod 2020 is released.
They're still be support for this.
Also, that could possibly create an issue for the return of blackout, but that's a bridge that will cross at a later point.
But overall, that is 62 things that you absolutely need to know about war zone.
Hopefully, this covers a lot of the base, is a lot of the basics and would jump of course into so much content, not only just here today, tomorrow and all throughout the week, but also on the channel a ton.
I'm excited to jump in.
And hopefully guys are as well limiter thoughts, the comments down below.
Would you guys like out of what you've heard?
Or maybe dislike out of what you heard today dropping like if he enjoyed the video and do be sure to subscribe, Button, we're gonna keep coming with a ton of concept here for war zones.
So stick it here on Channel two guys richer than any of that.
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You see it live on both those, but said thanks so much for watching monitor espresso.
I will see you guys later.