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  • -I want to talk about "Sack Lunch Bunch,"

  • because it's just -- if you're on --

  • if you have -- if you're on Netflix...

  • -If you're currently on Netflix...

  • -Then it's impossible that you're watching me.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • You might have two screens in your home, I don't know.

  • If you're lucky enough to have a dual screen.

  • -Yeah -You have to check this out.

  • "John Mulaney and the Sack Lunch Bunch."

  • I don't know how to describe it except

  • it's you and very talented kids.

  • -Yeah, we had a group of 15 like 8- to 13-year-olds.

  • -Yeah. -And we do a bunch of songs,

  • and we had some sketch comedy,

  • and we talked about existential fears with them.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • And that's as good as I could ever describe it.

  • -Yeah, it's something I've never seen before

  • and something I didn't know that I needed until I saw it,

  • and I go, "This is unbelievably fantastic."

  • -Well, thank you. -I absolutely loved it.

  • And I love the cameos that you got.

  • The celebrities you got to come in are --

  • It's an odd group of people, and I loved every single choice.

  • -Oh, thank you. I mean, David Byrne,

  • who's on "Saturday Night Live" with me this week, did a song.

  • -Crushes. -And -- Oh, Jake Gyllenhaal came

  • and did a character --

  • -How did you get Jake Gyllenhaal to do that?

  • -I don't -- I don't know. [ Laughter ]

  • -He was fantastic. -Because I didn't know him.

  • And 'cause he's a movie star. Right?

  • -Yeah. -So, someone sent him the script

  • of this character called Mr. Music.

  • And Mr. Music is trying to teach the kids

  • that you can find music anywhere,

  • but everything he tries, he can't make a sound.

  • So he's like, "When you tap a pen on a paperback book..."

  • Tt-tt.

  • "Not too loud, but you get the point."

  • And he's like -- [ Laughter ]

  • So we write it kind of like a calypso song.

  • And I remember Netflix was like, "Who do you want for this?"

  • And I was like, "Ideally, Harry Belafonte in 1961."

  • And they were like, "Please work with us.

  • Please work with us." [ Laughter ]

  • -Yeah, it's hard to happen. -And so, the director and I,

  • Rhys Thomas, who also worked up at "Saturday Night Live,"

  • and Marika Sawyer, who I worked with there,

  • and we're all there, and we go,

  • "Who would be the best Mr. Music?"

  • And we all look at each other and we go,

  • "Jake Gyllenhaal would be the best Mr. Music."

  • Because we'd seen this movie "Okja" that he did on Netflix.

  • -Oh, yeah, I loved that. -And I remember when he hosted

  • "Saturday Night Live," he sang for his monologue,

  • "I'm Telling You I'm Not Going," from "Showgirls."

  • -♪ And I'm telling you ♪ -Yeah.

  • -And he crushed it. -No, he like --

  • It's more good than you want it to be.

  • -Yeah. -Yeah, and so we said, like,

  • "That guy's nuts." You know?

  • Like, I'd seen him in "Sunday in the Park with George,"

  • the musical, and I remember watching him and I was like,

  • "Oh, man, I'm never gonna be an actor.

  • That guy thinks he's the person.

  • Like, he's out of his mind. This is great," you know?

  • So we sent him the script, and he called me.

  • He's like, "Hey, I really like Mr. Music."

  • And I was like, "Oh, thank you."

  • [ Laughter ]

  • It was immediately like, "Oh, my God.

  • It's Jake Gyllenhaal." [ Laughter ]

  • So he said, "How do you want me to play him?"

  • And I said, "Honestly, Mr. Gyllenhaal,

  • we want you to make any choice that you want."

  • And he went, "Oh. Okay."

  • And he knew that that meant go real big.

  • So he came in, and we gave him this suit

  • with a xylophone on it.

  • and he said, "How should I play it?"

  • And I said, "Well, you are our first choice,

  • but our real first choice was Harry Belafonte in 1961."

  • And he said, "Should I play it Caribbean?"

  • And I said, "That's probably not a good idea."

  • [ Laughter ]

  • He said, "Why don't I play it like I'm from somewhere

  • in Europe, and I want to be from the Caribbean."

  • And I was like, "You're a genius."

  • And so he did, yeah. -And he hit a home run.

  • I want to show everyone a clip.

  • Here's Jake Gyllenhaal and John Mulaney

  • in "The Sack Lunch Bunch." Take a look at this.

  • ♪ 'Cause there is music here, music there

  • Music, music everywhere

  • Use your ears, be aware

  • You're making music everywhere! ♪

  • Whoo!

  • Even a cat can bat a tune

  • Do it. [ Laughter ]

  • Go ahead.

  • [ Chuckles ]

  • Or take a pudding cup and put in a spoon

  • Then when you pull it out

  • Then when you pull it out... ♪

  • I did this last night, and it made a sound.

  • -What kind of sound did it make?

  • -Like a squishy sound, like a butt!

  • -Maybe if you tap it -- -No! You talked over it!

  • It just made the noise!

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

-I want to talk about "Sack Lunch Bunch,"


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A2 初級

ジョン・ムーレーニーがジェイク・ギレンホールにランチ・バンチのために夢中にさせた (John Mulaney Got Jake Gyllenhaal to Go Crazy for Sack Lunch Bunch)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日