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Hello there.
My name is Richard McMann from the interview Training Company.
Past my interview dot com on in this tutorial, I'm gonna teach you how to pass an I T manager interview.
On in particular, I'm gonna give you a number off I t manager interview questions on my suggested high scoring answer.
So it does not matter which industry your I T manager interview is for the following questions and answers are really gonna help.
So please stick around and watch it from beginning to end before again into those tips on the all important interview questions and answers.
A very warm welcome to these tutorial.
My name is Richard.
Want one?
That's me there in the center of in helping people to pass their interviews for many, many years now for my website and in particular, I focus on giving you high scoring answers to the interview questions to help you join your preparation.
Now, as always, please do make sure you subscribe by clicking the red button below the video, and that way you're not gonna miss out on any of the tutorials that I'm uploading regularly on.
Also, I would very much appreciate it if you gave the video alike.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
First important tip before.
Come on to your I T manager, interview questions and answers.
Now we need to ensure together that during your answers to the I t.
Manager interview questions, we demonstrate for things.
The 1st 1 is your knowledge and passion.
For I t.
The 2nd 1 is your ability to manage, motivate and inspire your team because that's how you're going to be assessed is based on your knowledge on also your ability to manage, manage a team and motivate them to achieve difficult projects and tasks.
Also, your communication skills will be assessed during the interview in the sample.
Answers that I'm going to give you will put you across in a competent manner in respect of communication number four, your ability to complete projects and tasks So all of those things are gonna be assessed during the interview.
And as I say, the following questions and answers are gonna help you to demonstrate all of those four things.
So let's get straight into those I t manager interview questions and answers.
Question number one.
So the first question during your I t manager interview is gonna be so.
So tell me about yourself.
But I'm gonna take it a little bit further and go tell me about yourself on why you'd make an effective I T manager for our organization.
So here is my suggested high scoring answer.
I am someone who prides myself on delivering difficult and complex I T projects whilst maintaining operational efficiency for the organization I'm working for is an I T manager.
It is my responsibility to not only manage the I T department to ensure the smooth operation of your I T infrastructure, but to also ensure the IittIe issues that cause you the most problems are kept to an absolute minimum.
I would make an effective I T manager for your organization because I have a strong mix of technical knowledge and personal management skills, which will enable me to run the I T department to the highest standards necessary.
So that's a good answer.
It's positive in many ways.
It uses a strong key words and phrases that I recommend you used during your interview, and it will get you off on the right putting because there's a safe, pretty much guaranteed to be the first question that your interview.
Now, if you think in we're gonna get a copy of these.
You can even take notes as I progress.
Or I'm gonna tell you at some stage where you can download a copy of these on another 24 I t manager interview questions and answers.
Next question.
Let's move on.
Why have you chosen our company to work for is a zone I t manager.
So why have you chosen Are coming to work for his I t manager.
So the wanna know why you want to work for them now?
Obviously, the salary can be quite decent.
As an I T manager.
Now, there is a broad spectrum off the different salaries fry team managed to depending on the industry and the organization you're working for in respected the size and the responsibilities.
However, it's a decent salary, so they will want to know why do you want to work for us in particular?
Or you just come in and then you're gonna leave relatively quickly.
So this arteries geared up to demonstrate why you've decided to work for them.
Here we go.
I have chosen your company for three main reasons.
First of all, you are an organization who is at the forefront of the industry in respect of innovation and creativity, which would mean my I T management skills would be put to great use.
Secondly, my research into your organization tells me you are a forward thinking an aspirational company that wants to achieve great things, meaning I would love to have your name on my CV.
Finally, I have heard nothing but positive things about your organization, both online and also from current and previous employees, which makes you an even more attractive company to work for as an I T manager.
So that demonstrates that you've done your research and you already know these three main reasons.
Now, this is a good chick is if you're thinking about difficult I t manager questions and now you're gonna respond.
You can break them down into numbers.
So, for example, with this one, I'm giving you three reasons to focus on.
So you'll know that right?
When that question comes up, I need to focus on three.
Things will be easier for you to remember, too, when you're answering this particular question.
But from their perspective, it demonstrates that you've already thought about your answer and you thought about it in detail.
So it's a good tip tip to use during your interview.
Now this is a bit tougher.
You are in a meeting with senior management team members who want to review your proposed I T projects.
Now one of them say is your proposal is too technical and she doesn't understand it.
What would you do?
Celebrities quickly repeat that you are in a meeting with senior management team members who want to review your proposed project.
One of them saved.
Your proposal is too technical, and she doesn't understand it.
What would you do?
Here's my answer.
I would draw a visual diagram to explain the particular aspect of the proposal they are having difficulty understanding.
It is a factor that people tend to learn and absorb information in visual former much easier.
So I would take the time to create a simple and easy to understand diagram in addition to this, if the opportunity presented it.
So I would also try and relate the different I t project elements to something they could all relate to, such as the operation of a car for example, or even how our houses built using solid foundations.
To be honest, if I was personally presenting an I T project to people who had a little knowledge of I t.
From a technical perspective, I would automatically think ahead and create a visually appealing PowerPoint presentation that was simple and very easy to understand.
Okay, so another on strong answer for you to use in that kind of situational interview question.
Now I've got two more questions to go through with you, so please do stick around.
But if you want to download the full set of 25 I t manager interview questions dances, there was a witness appeared right there in the top right hand corner.
If you click that, it will take you through to my website here.
Okay, so this is my website past made to you dot com, and I've put together 25 I t manager interview questions and answers direct on that page.
Okay, let's get straight into the next question.
How would you keep your team motivated during a difficult I T project or task?
Now some people are really, really good from a technical perspective, but then management skills might be lacking.
Okay, So, as I said at the beginning, we need to focus on making sure you demonstrate those four key areas and one of them he's been able to manage, inspire and motivate teams.
There he is, my suggested answer.
I would essentially motivate them in three weights.
First of all, most I would create a clear, concise and logical brief that everyone within the team could understand.
During the brief, I would explain the plan of action, the objectives of the project and also who was responsible for which particular tasks based on their strengths.
Secondly, I would outline the timeframe for completion of each project milestone, but I would reiterate how important it is to ensure the deadlines are not missed.
I would then insist on weekly progress meetings for the team as a whole.
Now these meetings will be designed so that I could support the team, motivate them and also make sure the project is on track to complete successfully.
I feel a motivated team comes from people being allowed to work to their strengths and also having clear guidelines and instructions on what needs to be done on by wet.
So again you'll see that at the beginning of focused on three key areas, which makes it easy for me to remember.
And then at the end, what I've done is I've qualified my answer just to give a summary to say what I feel a motivated team is so that would demonstrate strong management skills.
Now I was a manager for for many, many years in the fire service on Dhe.
This answer is a really solid answer for when you are motivating a team because everybody knows what they need to do.
Everything is logical.
It's concise, it's clear.
And also you are there to support them through those weekly progress meetings.
Okay, next question.
Now this appears to be an easy one, however, so the question is, what's your biggest weakness?
Which is asked during virtually every interview.
Now your problem is an I T man manager is that you can give on.
You can give a weakness that will basically tell the interview panel that you can't do your job because obviously you can't say that your witnesses Well, there's one particular aspect of my technical level of knowledge, which is no good or and you can't say my timekeeping isn't good.
You can't say on that.
You get frustrated on the pressure or you can't manage a team, but you're working on it.
He could be really careful when you answer, This is an I T manager.
Here's my suggested answer.
That's safe.
The only weakness I believe I have is the fact that I tend to take on too many projects and sometimes I run the risk of overloading myself.
We work now.
This stems from a passion for information technology and also the fact I love my work and I find it difficult to say no.
However, over the years I believe I've become a strong delegator and I know how to allocate tasks within my team to ensure wheel working at maximum capacity.
I believe I am becoming a smarter I t manager on.
Whilst I will always do the maximum amount of work possible, I will utilize the strength of my team to the fall, so that's a safe answer.
It's a small onto its intelligent because if you were saying that to me at an interview, I would be thinking the forefront of my mind.
This person is going to do a lot of work for me.
Okay, so it's a good weakness to give that he's safe.
And it doesn't put you in jeopardy of failing the interview because this will probably come towards the end of the interview.
Okay, so don't forget you want download all of those 25 i t manager interview questions.
It's a download.
You can get it straight to your inbox within a couple of minutes from now and continue learning and development for your I T manager interview.
So click the link below the video.
Go to my website past 123 dot com.
I sincerely hope you've enjoyed that.
I love crack these videos for you.
Have you got any questions?
Stick him in the comments section below and I'll be more than happy to answer them for you.
Thank you very much for watching, and I sincerely hope you pass your I T manager interview.