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  • -Welcome back. I'm so happy you're here.

  • -Roots, love you guys. Good to see you again.

  • -Yeah. Well, Roots, you were just

  • at the Grammys last night, by the way.

  • I want to say congratulations. That was great.

  • -Thank you. -They played with Gary Clark Jr.

  • last night at the Gra-- in L.A.

  • -And then you're here. -Yeah.

  • -We almost missed the plane, though.

  • -Whoa. No. You're kidding me. -What would happen?

  • -Yeah. What would have happened? Do you play instruments?

  • -No. I can hum.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • I can't even whistle with this gap in my teeth.

  • -Oh, my God. -Be in trouble with me, man.

  • -Michael, we're happy to have you here.

  • It's kind of a sad day for a lot of people

  • because of what happened with the --

  • everyone who died in that helicopter crash.

  • You knew Kobe pretty well. You've interviewed him.

  • I know you posted this on Instagram --

  • a nice picture of you and Kobe.

  • Do you remember first seeing him, seeing him for the time?

  • -Yeah. I mean, the first time I met Kobe was years ago.

  • I was still a football player.

  • He was, you know, in a party,

  • and I just went up and said hello.

  • But always been a big fan.

  • But since I retired, over the last 12 years or so,

  • I've gotten the chance to know him a lot better.

  • He would come on "GMA," and I'd interview him there,

  • and he called me and asked me to interview him

  • for "Dear Basketball" at the Tribeca Film Festival.

  • So I went down and did an interview for him

  • for that documentary he won an Oscar for.

  • And I always loved Kobe.

  • I always appreciated how hard he worked.

  • And everyone talks about how hard people work

  • and how committed they are, but he had another level.

  • -Oh, yeah. -But he always showed love,

  • and he always showed a lot of, like, respect and --

  • I've just always thought the world of him.

  • So for him to call me up and ask me to be a part of something

  • that was so special to him, it meant the world to me.

  • And it still doesn't feel real. -I know.

  • -And we did a special report last night on ABC.

  • And after -- We're done, and I decide to walk home.

  • And I'm just walking. After 11:00 last night.

  • And I felt like I was floating.

  • I didn't realize where I was or what was going on.

  • And it just does not seem right.

  • -Yeah. It doesn't. -Yeah.

  • It's like we -- Had so much to give.

  • -Yeah. Did you get to know him outside --

  • Did you ever golf or hang out with him?

  • -No, I never had a chance to golf with him, but, you know,

  • he always talked about his family.

  • -Yeah. -Loved his family.

  • Loved his family. And he was just a --

  • He was a very focused dude,

  • but a funny guy. -Oh, yeah.

  • -You could sit, and you could laugh and he'd have jokes and --

  • -Oh, yeah. When he played the Knicks.

  • -Well, that was --

  • He was not joking when he played the Knicks.

  • He was -- -It was terrible.

  • -He'd beat the Knicks now. But I told him.

  • You know one of the first things I told him? I said,

  • "I'll be honest with you.

  • I hated you as a basketball player."

  • Because he would beat up on the Knicks.

  • Him, Michael Jordan,

  • and Steph Curry are the only three guys.

  • Every time they shot the ball,

  • I was surprised when they missed.

  • -Right. 'Cause everything went in.

  • -'Cause you knew he was always going to make it and upset you.

  • And I was like, "Dude, I hated you as a player!"

  • -Yeah. Yeah.

  • -And he just looked at me and laughed because he realized

  • if I didn't, he wasn't doing his job.

  • -That's right. -But he left a mark

  • of excellence and he lived a life that --

  • You know, I was sitting around kind of in a fog,

  • and then I realized, like, you got to celebrate his life, man.

  • He lived a life that is worth talking about,

  • a life that is inspiring,

  • a life that people can learn from.

  • And even in the short 41 years, he left a mark

  • that very few people will ever leave on this world.

  • -Yeah. -He is an icon.

  • He is a legend for a reason, because he did iconic

  • and legendary things in his 41 years.

  • -And even his post-NBA career,

  • he was getting into entertainment

  • and he was building, like, the basketball schools.

  • And he was just -- I was just like --

  • He was about to start a whole new chapter, you know?

  • -I think he was just getting started, to be honest with you.

  • And winning an Oscar right out of the NBA for "Dear Basketball"

  • was like -- whoa. -Yeah.

  • -You know, when you're an athlete --

  • And I know from firsthand experience

  • when you get out of that sport,

  • a lot of people think that that's all you can do.

  • And Kobe was a lot like me in a lot of ways.

  • He grew up in Italy. I grew up in Germany.

  • -Yeah. -Like, I realized earlier on

  • that football is something I could do,

  • but it's not everything I can do.

  • And for him, he realized that basketball is something

  • he can be incredible at, but it wasn't going to be

  • the only thing that he could be incredible at.

  • Now, we differed because

  • he was a lot smarter and could speak four languages.

  • -Yeah. Yeah. That's right. -And me, I'm like --

  • "Ein beer, bitte!" I can order --

  • I can, like, order another drink. That's about it.

  • But what a brilliant life he lived, and, you know, I --

  • My heart goes out to his wife and his family.

  • -Yeah. -His poor daughter, Gianna.

  • And also to the other seven other victims of this tragedy.

  • And it just seems like it happened --

  • It just doesn't seem real, man. -Yeah.

  • What do you think is Kobe's legacy?

  • -Excellence. Excellence. -Yeah.

  • -Maximizing everything you do every day.

  • Put your family first, you know?

  • Be a great father before you -- and a great husband

  • before you're worrying about being great at anything else.

  • And I think he could be as great as he was at basketball

  • 'cause he realized the other things

  • were as important for him. -Yeah.

  • -And he had all those things balanced,

  • and I think excellence is the word I think of

  • when I think of Kobe.

  • And commitment

  • and always maximizing everything in your life.

  • -Thanks for talking about that.

-Welcome back. I'm so happy you're here.


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マイケル・ストラハンはコービー・ブライアントを覚えています。"彼は理由があって伝説になっている" (Michael Strahan Remembers Kobe Bryant: "He Is a Legend for a Reason")

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日