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  • Greetings. It's been another month or so and there's more stuff to unbox that you have sent me.

  • Maybe not you in particular, but you know who your are. So let's go ahead and unbox this stuff.

  • First up here, is a package from Chad...

  •'s quite large.

  • "Hello Clint, here are some old keyboards and a couple other random things. Keep up the good work."

  • ...and well thank you, I feel blessed to have viewers like you!

  • Okay, got a 3,5 inch disk holder. Looks pretty new actually.

  • What is this? Oh my goodness, that is a substantial KVM!

  • That is awesome, I was actually recently looking online for a good one of these...

  • Doesn't look like it actually switches sound but that's okay.

  • It switches frickin' AT & PS/2 keyboards, that is supercool, wow!

  • That is a cool logo to see.

  • What. That has yellowed to oblivion but check that out, that is pristine!

  • Not clicky, but it is an awesome, clean keyboard.

  • There's proof right there that it doesn't even need to be exposed to like sunlight or smoke or anything.

  • Still smells like, you know, new really,...

  • ...but it's just yellowed because some plastic just yellows no matter what.

  • Hmm, it's like another keyboard here.

  • Whoa!

  • That is a clicky board.

  • I'm not sure what switches, they almost feel like ALPS.

  • This is an NEC - APH412; I'd have to check to see what kind of switches they have.

  • Oh that is supercool.

  • Another keyboard. (laughs)

  • Oh, what is this?

  • That is really neat.

  • I don't know what kind of switches those are but they feel nice.

  • Not as clicky, but very responsive.

  • I love that tray on top, that is insanely cool. Never had a keyboard like that.

  • And another keyboard. This is just... Wow, a Wang keyboard.

  • Mmh. That is very gummy, but dude, what a keyboard, holy crap look at that:

  • We got speakers, I think this is a terminal keyboard? Yeah it's got to be with the connection here.

  • Very yellow, but retrobright will fix that up.

  • Hey, it's a couple of Mouse-Systems mice.

  • Very awesome, thank you very much sir.

  • Next up we got some small packages.

  • First one here is from Ross W.

  • Oh hey, OK. "So Who's Dr. Rabbit?", a Colgate virtual mystery CD-ROM?

  • "A global oral health initiative", well that is purely bizarre, thank you very much!

  • This one here from Celinia Ud (?), I think this is, I don't know, something a company sent.

  • Awh yeah, okay, this is the VR cover people.

  • They make all sorts of awesome accessoires -at least I hope they're awesome- for different VR headsets.

  • And I saw some videos on the Vive and they were like: "Hey, do you want to try some of these out?"

  • Yeah I do, because the Vive, with the foam on there, is disgusting after a year of use.

  • So thank you very much.

  • I got one here from Debby.

  • Uhmm..

  • This is an Ebay thing, somebody bought me something from Ebay I guess, maybe it's not from a Debby!

  • Jasper, thank you!

  • "Building cars"... That is interesting. That's down my alley, looks like something for kids!

  • Got one here from Johny.

  • I'm trying to cover up adresses and stuff, but check this out:

  • This is made to look like (laughs) a sort of invoice, called Oldegg.

  • We deeply apologize for the delays in shipments. This item has been out of stock for the last 27 years. (laughs)

  • I mean seriously, look, he went all out even with a faux return warranty, this is..

  • Okay, I understand the box now.

  • Whoa.

  • That is frickin' cool.

  • Wow.

  • I'm only vaguely, barely familiar with this, this is like pre-ImagiNation network.

  • It looks like this is a Tandy product, Sierra online thing, holy crap, that is cool.

  • Allright Johny, that is amazing: you not only went all-out with all the paperwork but this...

  • That is an amazing collectable. It like - it ís brand new.

  • Thank you.

  • This one here is from E. Just E.

  • I guess it's from Eric.

  • I'm the dude who sent you the weirdo Post-it note software.

  • Oh yeah, thanks for that.

  • I just actually put that on the shelf the other day.

  • Hah, how cute.

  • That's like, the perfect little thingee to put up in my kitchen.

  • It's a little radio, shaped like a computer, like an AT clone.

  • Yeah, the one I have is much smaller and does not have a mouse.

  • (laughs) That is superneat!

  • ("My favorite things" in bit-music)

  • Okay... it's just gonna keep going.

  • Well, it's one of my favorite things indeed, thank you very much!

  • I like that "Y2K compatible" there.

  • That's just gonna keep going I guess.

  • Hmm. "Webster's Pocket Computer Dictionary".

  • I've seen these around at Goodwills but never one in this nice shape, so I never picked one up.

  • What, Magitronic Computers' version of MS-DOS 5, if that box will go back together.

  • I like these OEM versions of DOS, I've quite a few for different systems:

  • Epson, Leading Edge, Amstrad and whatnot.

  • This is how Microsoft made their frickin' billions: licensing this out to other companies.

  • And of course selling it directly, but yeah... these branded by an actual OEM are pretty cool.

  • Thank you very much, this is a really cool box.

  • Aight, here's one from Joni, It is from Finland.

  • "F-Secure". This is a package of floppy disks and stuff, I approve of that!

  • What the heck...

  • Oddware! ...I don't know what this is but it's got sensors and stuff.

  • So I'm guessing the sensor detects where things are?

  • Here's the manual. "Aeropoint".

  • ...enables position tracking in free space. Dang, that is all futuristic and crap.

  • For DOS 3 and Windows 3? That's pretty amazing.

  • Also a copy of Star Trek Omnipedia. I will take it.

  • Totally missed the note. Oh, this would've answered my question.

  • "Here is the Creative Aeropoint 3D mouse. Hope it still works and all the parts are there...

  • ...or just sent you a pile of junk."

  • That is very possible, I get a lot of junk.

  • It's always well-meaning, but a lot of stuff I get ends up not working or is incomplete.

  • But either way, that is fantastic, all the way from frickin' Finland, so thank you very much!

  • (laughs) "I tried to find packing peanuts to tease you but was unable to."

  • Oh, they don't have packing peanuts where you are. Well good!

  • This is from Bachev Communications (?)

  • Well, there's no note... That's a frickin' Cherry keyboard.

  • Come to think of it, Cherry did send me an e-mail a while back, I had completely forgotten...

  • ...saying, "we will send you a sample keyboard if you want" and I'm like, "sure, why not?".

  • Well, right away, that feels... absolutely cheap, I swear.

  • I'll be honest: this looks a bit like a piece of crap, but thank you, presumably somebody representing Cherry.

  • Here's one from S. Rapoza.

  • Oh my.

  • This is stuff I never heard of. An evaluation copy even.

  • "Juilliard Music Adventure".

  • From the "Millie's Math House" people, oh. "Bumptz Science Carnival".

  • "Snootz Math Trek". Well they like Z's, don't they, it's like Mad Catz.

  • Hmm, no Z's here, it's just called "Hollywood". (laughs) Just Hollywood!

  • What the heck is that, "FREE Palm Man Action Figure"?

  • This is a whole realm of things I din't know I needed in my life.

  • And lastly, "Hollywood High".

  • Uhm okay. The "Discpac", by edTech.

  • Wha? The "Apple User Group Connection Videotape". April 1988.

  • You know, this somehow seems like a collectible thing. I gotta digitize this, if it's not already.

  • I'll be sure to rewind as well, 1988-person-who-made-this-package.

  • Clint, Here are the first 3 boxes of Apple stuff I told you about.

  • Like I said in our e-mail, the woman I bought it from used to work in Apple.

  • Dang, that's really cool.

  • Okay, so this explains the evaluation stuff. I do remember this, Sam.

  • There was like a TON of different things.

  • So yeah, that pickup, very much worth checking out. Thank you.

  • Well there is my refrigerator turning on, and here is a package from Justin.

  • What's it say? Open other side please. Guess I will.

  • "LGR, My PC build attempt with this card went bust, but I don't think it was the card...

  • ...I hope you have better luck with this 5500."

  • My goodness... Whoa...

  • I'm looking at that. That is a sight to behold, a Voodoo 5 5500 AGP, 64 MB.

  • I cannot tell you how much... I went to Best Buy and lusted over this thing in the year 2000.

  • I love that screenshot of Halo. (laughs)

  • This is absolutely incredible, thank you very much for sending this sir.

  • Hey look, it's another box from... Crap.

  • Anyways, it's another box from Sam, I think.

  • Here are the first 3 boxes... oh, first three, I guess there's another one here somewhere.

  • Uuuhh.. (only about 20 more boxes to go)

  • Well, this, I'm pretty sure, is going to be a gold mine.

  • "Dueling Digits", demo copy, by Brøderbund, dealer demo, goodness!

  • "A Christmas Adventure", from Bitcards Inc... Is this like a Jingle Disk competitor?

  • Oh my goodness, I gotta be careful with this stuff.

  • Oh my goodness, this is an AOL t-shirt?

  • "Having a great time, wish you were here!"

  • Man, that is the truth, AOL back in the day was like going on a vacation.

  • In your computerscreen. To cyberspace.

  • Oh holy nuts. It's an eWorld shirt here. Apple's sort of thing.

  • It was all online stuff that did not work out.

  • Covered that in my AOL retrospective Techtale.

  • Beagle Bros software stickers, eWorld stickers, (laughs) Apple Newton stickers... okay.

  • Genuine collectibles, this stuff is going to be... (laughs)

  • Okay, I was going to say: it's going to be very well taken care off.

  • I don't know about this one... Just kidding.

  • Wherever it ends up, I wanna get this stuff out there and to share it and be preserved.

  • A review copy of "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" for the Mac.

  • Claris' "MacPaint" demo, not for resale.

  • Check if it can go back together here...

  • Sort of came apart inside the box. "Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?" That is interesting.

  • I've never actually played this one.

  • "The Hobbit". That's supercool, and it has the Hobbit book.

  • Really awesome box and really neat game.

  • "SimEarth" is this, it's the review copy. I actually do have a review copy of this one, and a lot of Maxis games.

  • I'm not sure why. Still, that's really cool, I've never seen this particular review copy sticker.

  • A'ight, another box here from Jeff.

  • "Something tells me the box art won't live up to the game".

  • That's always a good sign.

  • "Greetings! Hi! Love the show, got this while thrifting...

  • ...inspired by LGR, next time you're in Idaho, beers on me."

  • Oh, awesome!

  • (laughs). That is fantastic box art.

  • Wow, it's like Mr. Bean, trapped inside of a tube.

  • Very authentic stock trading I'm sure, that is supremely boring-looking, I love this kind of software

  • I've actually got a few stock trading "games".

  • "Wish I had the hardware to go with this".

  • Hmm, I just love when people wrap up things like this. Such a cool touch.

  • Okay what is this?

  • Wow wow whoa.

  • "CyberMaxx", more than a gigabyte of valuable VR software?

  • For what?

  • I guess for the "CyberMaxx", that's a VR headset that I've never even come across.

  • Yeah, it's a giant book with some software.

  • "Computers, Those Amazing Machines".

  • Books for world explorers, National Geographic Society.

  • Oh man that's cool.

  • Those are from 1984, nobody used to know anything about computers after that.

  • What's on the other side, let me check the other side.

  • Okay, that's like a cool, trippy butterfly dude.

  • Butterfly in the sky...

  • Oh, it's in a book. Thank you very much, this is such a cool thing.

  • And last, but certainly not least here, is the, I guess, third package, that was sent with the Apple stuff.

  • Thank you Sam, once again, holy crap.

  • Yeah I'm not dreaming. That's a sealed "Number Munchers".

  • "MacWrite II", promo copy.

  • "The Reading Pen". Hear words and definitions spoken aloud.

  • Optically reads words, I guess.

  • "Computereyes". Hey, I ran across one of these at Goodwill not to long ago and it didn't have anything in there.

  • This one is sealed. It's a digitizer for Apple II GS computers.

  • It's a little card and some software.

  • Claris' "MacDraw II".

  • "Battles in Normandy", that is neat.

  • Love me some war games. This one looks to be a rarity, made in Australia.

  • Never heard of it and that is awesome.

  • This is a lot of Mac games, here we got "Word Munchers".

  • "Spellevator", several copies of "Number Munchers" and another copy of "Word Munchers".

  • What is this? A promo copy of Mac OS 8?

  • Let see here... "Drug Alert"! (laughs) That's awesome, some war on drugs.

  • Uh, memorabilia.

  • Do'h, man, that makes me wanna do drugs.

  • "Help childeren say no to drugs". That is phenomenal.

  • 1988? No, 1986!

  • And lastly, "The Fingerprint". There's a little fingerprint on a stick.

  • "FingerPring GSi is a graphic utility card that allows you to freeze any program...

  • ...and instantly capture and dump..." So it's a printscreen?

  • It's a screenshot-taker.

  • Don't tell me that's the button.

  • You know, I'm genuinely intrigued, although these kind of things. I'm not sure if I'm going to open them...

  • ...I mean typically I haven't got a problem opening sealed, old computer things, but these...

  • ...coming from the source that they did, I would sooner give this to a museum or something.

  • In fact, all of this Apple stuff, a lot of it anyway, might end up in a museum or something.

  • I'm gonna look around and see what happens.

  • Allright, so here is sort of an overview of what I got, honestly it's not even everything.

  • There's a bunch of keyboards, other little things, they're over there.

  • This is what I could kind of get in frame at the moment.

  • So yeah, thank you very much to everyone once again.

  • I'll go ahead and start cataloging this and sorting it, getting it displayed and protect it...

  • ...and all kind of things I like to do to old stuff. I'm not sure about that MS-DOS sticker!

  • (laughs) But no, this is awesome. Thank you very much to everyone. You're supergenerous.

  • Stay tuned! More LGR coming soon.

Greetings. It's been another month or so and there's more stuff to unbox that you have sent me.


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LGR - あなたが送ってくれたものをさらに開封! (LGR - Opening Even More Stuff You Sent Me!)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日