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  • I'm delighted to invite all of you to my birthday celebration. For me, celebration doesn't mean

  • chill out time where one becomes goofy. It's a time for reflection and enhancing consciousness.

  • How are we going to do it? At very powerful places or a bunch of powerful vortices where

  • your consciousness can get to a higher dimension and your intelligence to a higher dimension.

  • So I have selected certain vortices of Ascension which I have been personally connected with

  • in my past lives. So I'll be giving initiations at these places with the mantras that are

  • still vibrant there, in those vortices.

  • So, for three days, beginning from the 10th through the 13th (check the dates from the

  • landing page), we will visit those vortices which favor Ascension and that will favor

  • your material body to melt and become vibrant with the spiritual consciousness. I will give

  • the mantras that were used by these people for their own Ascensions. So I look forward

  • to imparting those mantras to people on the birthday trip.

  • There is a second add-on to the birthday trip, which is five or six days, which I need to

  • spend time with you, giving you the stages of matter turning into particles of light:

  • material intelligence becoming spiritual intelligence. It will be intense training where you will

  • learn a lot, being exposed to certain vortices where the mystics have lived and benefited

  • from the energy.

  • These are all the Samadhis which are the tombs of people who either disappeared inside the

  • tomb or took Jiva Samadhi, which means: with their body, they were able to get into a trance

  • state so they went into that voluntarily and breathe their last like this [pause] and they

  • had so much power to control themselves.

  • So these are the two programs and you have more information on the landing page and you

  • must want to know that there are only a few openings. The admission will be based on "first

  • come, first served." So, I look forward to seeing you for whatever trip you want to come

  • on.

I'm delighted to invite all of you to my birthday celebration. For me, celebration doesn't mean


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B1 中級

インドを旅して-インドの聖地を探索するヨギマスターのピライ博士とのツアー - 2013年2月 (Travel India - Explore India 's Sacred Sites Tour w Yogi Master Dr. Pillai - February 2013)

  • 135 7
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日