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The most common cause of death is called dying, and it kills about 55 million of us each year.
死の原因として最も一般的なのは「死亡する」というもので、毎年 5500 万人もの人がこれで命を落としています。
That's about one South Africa or two hundred star destroyers.
その数は南アフリカの人口もしくはスター・デストロイヤー 200 機分に相当します。
And good news, it's your turn next because you've just become a competitor in the Suicide Olympics.
Bet you didn't even know that was a thing, eh?
The rules of the Suicide Olympics are as follows:
First place goes to whoever gets themselves killed in the most unlikely or unusual fashion.
The winner gets a billion dollars.
優勝賞金は 10 億ドルです。
Now this isn't Zimbabwe dollars or something, this is hard, American moolah.
Obviously if you win, you're dead, so you don't get the money personally.
Your family does.
So, let's just pretend you give a shit about your family for a minute, yeah?
The twist is that it has to be an accident.
You can't set it up in advance.
So no flying a kite in a lightning storm or playing whose gun is it anyway with a policeman or something, it has to be an accident out of your control.
Now, if like me, you're balls to the wall scared of flying you might think: "Hey that's easy, I'll just fly crappy airlines, and wait for something to go wrong, right?"
Yyeeeeee... no.
The odds of being in a fatal plane crash are about one in 11,000,000 meaning if you flew every single day you've need to live about 30,000 years to actually get into an accident.
飛行機事故で死ぬ確率は 1100 万分の 1 ですから、毎日飛行機に乗ったとしても事故に遭うには 3 万歳まで生きなきゃ無理です。
So that's not gonna butter any parsnips is it?
Well, next best thing, you could become an astronaut.
That's about a one in 100 chance of dying on launch—I mean, that sounds a lot better, but considering you'll need at least a master's degree, practically perfect health, and testicles made entirely of steel, that does like a bit too much work.
発射時に死ぬ確率は 100 分の 1 ですから、まあかなり確率は上がってきますけど、少なくとも修士号を取得して実際に完璧な健康体で、どんな事にもビクともしない強靭さを持っていないといけないので、ちょっと大変そうですよね。
Alright then...
Bungee jumping: one in 100,000.
バンジージャンプなんかとうでしょうか、10 万分の 1 の確立ですね。
Mountain climbing?
Mm, about one in 1700.
うーんと、およそ 1700 分の 1 ですね。
Yeah, but in Nepal?
How about one in 160.
160 分の 1 ですって。
Actually, if you get above 6000 meters it's more like one in 10.
それどころか、標高 6000 m 以上では 10 分の 1 くらいになりますから
Oh holla, now we're talking.
But maybe you think that's cheating.
Most people don't climb mountains.
How about travel instead?
About 1000 people are killed each year in Mexico by scorpions, 15,000 people are killed in India every year by snakes.
メキシコでは毎年約 1000 人がサソリによって殺されますし、インドでは年間 15000 人がヘビで命を落としています。
Or move to Africa.
That's a hippo.
Intimidating it isn't.
Well yes it is.
Hippos belong from the pachyderm family, which is in fact Latin for "murder cow," and during a particularly bad year they can kill upwards of 3000 people.
カバは厚皮類に属しますが、実はラテン語で「殺し屋牛」の意味を持つので、特にハマった年には 3000 人以上が犠牲になっています。
But still your best chance of dying is probably just to... live.
Because we suck at it.
Last century about a hundred million people were killed by tobacco.
前世紀には約 1 億人がタバコのせいで死んでいますし、
Likewise, if you're fat, pardon me, a person of weight, well, obesity killed about 300,000 people in the U.S. last year alone.
同じように私のようにデブの人、失礼、体重のかさんでいる方は、去年だけでアメリカでは 30 万人が肥満が原因で亡くなっています。
88,000 died by booze-related stuff.
お酒がらみでは 88000 人が死んでいますし、
Several hundred thousand to drug abuse, and on top of that, cancer kills about one in seven of us, heart disease kills about half of that, a stroke gets one in 23.
ドラッグ過剰摂取では数十万人、その上ガンで亡くなる人は 7 人に 1 人、心臓疾患はその半分、心臓発作は 23 人に 1 人です。
All of this proving that probably everything you're scared of is very unlikely to actually kill you.
Chances are your death is going to be incredibly boring, so chin up, eh?
Actually, while we're at it, what about the odds of you just being born to begin with?
Well, according to Dr. Ali Binazir who did the math on this one, pretty like low?
Assuming your parents socialized like normal humans, the probability of them meeting was about one in 20,000.
両親が普通の人間的に社交性を持った人であると仮定すると、2 人が出会う確率は 2 万分の 1 です。
The odds that they even have a kid, given global trends?
世界的なトレンドから考えてもこの 2 人が子どもを持つ可能性は、
About one in 2,000.
2000 分の 1 くらいです。
Now assuming they did meet, and your mom thought your dad wasn't a jerk, and he managed to ignore the fact that she considered the Star Wars prequels better than the originals, and they actually did the sexy times, the odds that you would be born, of that sperm hooking up with that egg—in particular are about one in 400.
では、2 人が出会って、お母さんがお父さんはヤバい奴じゃないと思って、お父さんはお母さんがスターウォーズはオリジナルよりも前編エピソードシリーズの方が良いと思っているのを聞かなかったことにして、ロマンチックな時間を過ごしたとしたら、皆さんが生まれてくるために精子が卵子と結合する確率は
40 京分の 1 です。
And that's not even the half of it, because before the egg, before your mum and dad met, there is of course all of your ancestors who all had to get laid, and just taking that about 100,000 generations back, we're talking about 10 to the power of 45,000 that they would all meet, but now we have to calculate the odds of every single one of those 100,000 meetings between your ancestors would work out, and those sperms and eggs would match up, well that comes out at about 1 in ten to the power of 2,640,000 which is a number so big you can't even, well you know like a bag of M&Ms?
そして、これに加えて先祖の話にもなりますから、10 万世代前までさかのぼったとして各両親は10の45,000乗の確立で出会うことになりますし、10万世代の各夫婦が出会って精子と卵子が結合してという話になると、およそ 10 の 2,640,000 乗分の 1 になりますからあまりに大きな数過ぎてピンと来ないでしょうけど、例えば M&Ms の入っている袋があるじゃないですか?
Well, it's a few trillion of those.
Timesed by all the particles in the universe.
Multipled by Jabba the Hutt's waist measurement.
With a cherry on top.
It's big alright.
All in all, flying is pretty safe, your death is going to be boring, and your birth was rarer than a fucking Mewtwo.
(French) Au Revoir.