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This is city prepping if you're new to this channel.
My name is Chris.
And on this channel, we discuss emergency preparedness.
I've had a lot of people have subscribed recently and asked me, Hey, you got a big channel that has a lot of videos.
But how do we take everything that you've been talking about and condense it down into a video to really explain?
How do we prepare for a pandemic?
Obviously, the Corona virus is not at the time of the recording this video been labeled as a pandemic.
I'm sure within a few weeks that may change.
So what I'm gonna try to do is move you through the stages of emergency preparedness in a way that you can make sense of it.
I'm not gonna try to get into the weeds and a lot of details.
I'm trying it.
I'm gonna try to go vory clear, step by step instructions on this.
So we're gonna move through stages again.
Three stages and stage one really deals with what you can do now.
Things like getting, you know, medicine ready, getting food and other toiletries.
Ready that if you have to stay in place.
Even the CDC is beginning to advise people, for example, over 65 to stay in place if they don't have to go out.
Step two is gonna be when we really look at potential long term implications if our infrastructures impacted things like your water supply electricity.
Stage three is a stage that I don't really like to talk about too much if I don't have to.
But it is a reality that if things spiral out of control to the point where you know, things like our law enforcement or other people that you know, provide protection is out of the place and things get really tough.
What does that mean for you if you have to take care of yourself and your family?
So what we're gonna do in this video is we're gonna jump right in.
I'm gonna go through these stages.
If you have any questions, post those in the comments section below.
So step number one and this one I cannot emphasize enough is do not panic.
A lot of people I'm getting e mails where people are panicking.
I'm seeing people really freak out right now.
Tri State as level headed as you can remember this is not gotten out of control yet.
At the time they're recording this video, I'm optimistic that certain measures will be put in place.
I think of a lot of this ball, the steps that were about to outline this video.
I think it's gonna do good for all of us.
But the first step is don't panic.
Don't make rash decisions.
Stay calm.
I know it's easier said than done right.
Step two.
Sanitation is one of those super critical things that are necessary in order to prevent you from spring a disease or from you getting one.
You can't say enough about washing your hands.
We as a population are so used to just moving on with our daily lives were quick where we don't have enough time to do everything right.
But wash your hands.
I cannot stress that enough.
If you're out in public.
If you go somewhere, avoid touching things.
If possible.
Don't press buttons on elevators.
Don't grab hand rolled.
Use your knuckle where you can give, you know, give this bumps whatever it takes.
But if you do grab or touch things and by the way you know so I just touched my face.
That's another one of the easiest ways to spread this.
You have to be conscious of those things, but wash your hands and use hand sanitizer were possible.
Step number three is begin to prepare to store food.
What do I mean by that?
On this channel, we discuss emergency preparedness, and food is one of those most critical things that if something happens, if you can't leave your home if there's martial law implemented, if they ask you to stay away from public areas, imagine if you had to stay in your house for weeks on ends or potentially months.
How would you have enough food on him?
So whenever you look at food, there's three primary things that you have to consider when you look at what you're gonna buy.
Food is basically broken down at a Mac macro level to your fats, your protein and carbohydrates.
Now I'm not gonna go into an exhaustive video talking about food, but if you can understand these basic principles and fallen, you'll be ahead.
Probably 95% of people out there.
So let me go through a list of different items that are non perishable that I would recommend you pick up as soon as possible.
So here the items that you can pick up at most your local stores.
A £20 bag of rice, £20 bag of beans, 20 cans of fruit, 20 cans of vegetables, 20 cans of meat, things like chicken, two containers of peanut butter, two large containers of tang or some kind of water flavoring just to give you a little variety.
Two bags of flour, a bag of sugar, a bag of salt, a bag of oats, a gallon of olive oil.
Now, obviously, everybody's diet is different.
I'm not going to say these air just the only things that get obviously choose whatever it is, you know, whatever your family eats.
But I think if you have those, you'll be in a good position, obviously, for individuals like myself, coffee drinkers, you know, having tea or coffee on hand.
I think that would be valuable now, as far as different options, you know these air mills that you obviously have to prepare a rather food that you have to cook and combine.
There are a lot of other options on the market, things like freeze dried food memories.
This is where you get into something that memories.
You're not gonna really be eating a lot of free dryers, air pretty good or rather, freeze dried food Brothers.
They've got a lot of great options on the market.
A love mountain house.
Also, I do have a freeze drying machine.
You can actually buy these, and I've done several videos.
And of course, you can do things like soups.
There's can soup.
There's so many different types of canned food on the market again.
These were things If you eat these, and by the way, I wouldn't recommend you buy any food that you're not gonna use on a daily basis.
Once it's all passes.
I would hate for people to go down and buy a lot of food that they have to end up throwing away.
Try to find items that are part of your diet that you're already using.
That's usually the best route to go.
So the fourth thing that we need to talk about preparing for is getting over the counter medications to handle things like flu and cough.
These were the things that you can pick up your store without in kind of a prescription again if you have Children, which we do, We've got a lot of Children meds again, things like ibuprofen for kids.
We've get, you know, different types of cops syrup for the Children, you know, just to help him sleep through the night If they get really, really sick, you know, throat spray.
I mean things that you wouldn't normally thinking associate with a major pandemic.
Imagine if you again had to stay in place.
You know, having ibuprofen and having ways to actually, you know, help contain or rather help deal with relieving the pain in this situation.
Nasal spray again.
We have These were kids.
Pepto Bismol.
Probably stocking up on a lot of this anti diarrheal medicine modem A D.
Things like, you know, again, cough syrup.
Or rather, I think this is actually not cough syrup, but I'm sorry.
Cold and flu relief, you know, mitigating the pain.
I mean, I could go on and on ibuprofen, Advil, these different things that you can get to help drop your temperature, help deal with the pain Throat Lachance.
Is these different pain relief.
A lot of it's gonna come down to actually controlling the pain in trying again things like Pedialyte.
You want to look into picking up that things that will help whenever we especially I know we just talked about food, but you might wanna look into getting crackers, getting chicken noodle soup, getting bananas.
While I haven't seen people make a rush for this yet at the store here locally, whenever this if it does hit your community, you're going to see people clean these items out of your local store.
Now, the fifth item that I would say you probably want to begin to stock up on have handy are things which I would probably call the three teases towels, disposable towns, toilet paper, and I did not bring a toothbrush down with a toothbrush.
Now imagine if you again, how to say in your house for a long period time not being able to get out.
You would obviously wanna have one of those three things and maybe a 40 ist to paste.
So these air again are non perishable items that you're gonna use eventually.
So it's best that you go ahead and probably still wrap a little extra.
Another item that you might want to consider is a bad day.
I know that sounds funny, and American culture especially we're not used to using those.
But I order one today because if I was in a situation where I couldn't get out for a long time and we had ran out two of the paper today is a perfectly hygienic A ll option, and a lot of countries used around the world on point number six will talk about personal protection equipment or pee pee.
You'll see.
Most people are wearing things like this.
You're in 95.
Respirator mask.
These air, obviously hard to come by now, and they're pretty much cleared out of the stores.
I know there's been a request from the government for people to stop buying these so that medical practitioners will have these.
You see a lot of people wearing things like a surgical mask.
Those were really only good if you're sick and you don't want a cough now, obviously, depending on what your budget is and how much you want to spend in what you think things will eventually turn out to be, I do carry my own personal mask.
I have some for myself.
My wife.
We have some for our Children and you can attach these to your typical 40 millimeter filters.
I'll put a link to all this personal gear that I have the area that we live in.
We have a lot of fires, and so I get a lot of these in case we do have to evacuate and we need to build it properly.
Rests, breed.
So the other item is a HAZ mat suit.
I know this is extreme overkill that people gonna look and say, Why would ever get anything like this some type of cover alls?
You could get him obviously a lot cheaper if you had to go out in public.
You have to ask yourself, how much exposure do you want to give yourself?
If you had to come back and clean off before you re entered your house, things like gloves.
I'm actually ordering some north.
Be 131 gloves that are gonna be coming soon.
Having a lot of disposable gloves on hand.
We also have those here in our home again.
While some of this may be really advanced, it's not cheap.
Depending on your budget, you might wanna look at it, But I think at a minimum, if you can find in 95 you're doing pretty well.
So let's talk about in point number seven.
Our finances.
The markets are a being rocked by the Corona virus.
We don't really know how this is gonna play on the U.
S and what it's gonna do to our markets.
But you do need to have a budget in place that if you have to stay at home and if the market goes into recession or other things happen that you have your finances in line.
I would encourage you if you don't probably at least if you can have $1000 on hand.
I know that's not easy for a lot of people should you know they're being shoes with the infrastructure at times things like that, which we'll talk about in stage two, but at a bare minimum.
What I would do is I would encourage you to put together a budget that's a bare bones budget.
What you would absolutely have to pay things like your water bill, your rent, your mortgage health insurance put that was, Put those items down the prioritize because if things get a little difficult.
You might have to reduce your finances to just the essentials.
Let's talk about social distancing One of the easiest ways that this spreads, obviously is when there's large crowds together, people are either coughing or breathing, and they may be shooting the virus and they don't even know it.
There may come a point here pretty soon where people will have to self isolate, whether it's voluntary or involuntary.
One of the things you may choose to do it this time is a boy going into large crowds.
Whether that's religious events going to the mall, going to sporting events.
There's so many places, obviously, where you have the potential to come in contact with a large amount of people that may be asymptomatic and may not be showing that they're sick.
You may have to consider strongly whether, if it spreads to your community, whether getting out it's really worth the risk.
So now let's talk about Stage two.
If we're at Stage two, we're really talking about our infrastructure having issues, things like our water supply.
Things like electricity are trash.
The health care system.
What if these systems, which are manned by.
People go down and they begin have problems.
It's really gonna be on you to take care of yourself.
So let's talk about a few things in this particular stage that we want to look at and how your responsibility and what your responsibility is and how you can begin to repair that we're gonna jump in first toe water now right in front of me.
I've got a particular, by the way, there's only like a few gowns, or that you've even half a gallon of water in this one.
But I've got a ton of these in my closets.
Throughout the house he sold typically five gallons, and again, I'll post links to these.
If you want, check him out.
This is a Burkey trying to lift this up.
It's got a lot of water, but this is something that I actually we've had in our house for pride about three years.
It just filters all their water.
These are on the pricey side, but you can filter out a lot with that.
Obviously, it doesn't purify against viruses, but if the water infrastructure were to go down and you had to begin to take care and get your own water.
Having a way to purify it will be important.
I think everybody watching this video at a minimum should have something like this is this is a mini sawyer water filter.
I think these were rated up to being able to filter 100,000 gallons as long as you're not sticking dirty water in it.
And by dirty I mean a bunch of dirt and stuff like that.
If you kind of pre filter it, a gallon of water per person per day is a bare minimum, and that's not a lot.
Honestly, if you have five people in your house, that's five gallons of water that you wanna store.
If you're thinking about you know a month, which is 30 days, you're talking about 100 50 gallons in my garage.
I have probably about 12 55 gallon barrels of water.
I tend to prepare and store up a lot of water because again water is going to be critical right behind food.
Let's talk about Point number 10 which is power production.
If the infrastructure isn't such a situation again that people aren't showing up to able, you know the work in power begins to be impacted.
If you see rolling blackouts that power plants aren't able to function again, having the ability to produce your own power is gonna be really important.
Now, I've got several different kind of options that I show here, things that reviewed on the channel.
On this side, you got gasoline products that produce pyre.
And then on this side, you've got four different solar generators that I've reviewed all post links again.
Description section if you want, Check these out.
Now, Really, what it comes down to is this Gas generators.
They have their pros and cons.
They're very noisy.
They produce fumes.
People know that you're gonna be using it.
Um, but again, they produce pyre on demand you can produce usually way more power.
With these, you need a lot more watts out of them.
You've got options over there.
They're portable.
Something like this is not so portable.
Surprisingly, you can pick these up at Harbor freak for about 3 5400 And this is a 43 75 max output on your wattage.
So it's a pretty good option.
Then, over here on this side, you got solar generators again.
I live in Southern Cal, so these are one of my favorite options.
You got the energy apex ICO floe Delta, the blue Eddie, You got Jack ary You got solar panels that you can hook up to this up some up to five or 600 watts.
These are great if you're not producing or needing a lot of power, but you need to run essentials like maybe a small refrigerator, 18 cubic foot one, maybe things like a CPAP machine or you need you know, you have diabetes and you keep things cold in a small refrigerator.
So on one side, you've got things.
They're very small, portable.
Um, the price point on these are typically around about anywhere from 1000 1200 on that side.
You know, depending on what type of generator, Anywhere from 412 100.
So it really comes down to your needs.
And how long do you think you actually need to produce power again?
These renewable always produce power as long as you have son, These over here are course require on fuel that has a finite amount of fuel that you can store in your house.
Obviously for safety concerns, not putting hundreds and hundreds of gallons of fuel in your garage.
So these are options.
And again, all posted videos, all post links, all the videos that I've done on these particular product you want.
Check him out.
If it just came down to it, you say, Hey, I just need something simple that could produce a lot of power, maybe something like a small generator over there, a gash in a rare.
But if you're concerned about potential long term implications where power may be down for a long time, I would definitely strongly advise you.
Look at some of these options here are when you talk about solar generators.
Point number 11.
Let's talk about having medical equipment and information on hand if the hospital's air in such a condition that you either can't go there because they're overloaded or you don't want to go there because they're overloaded and it could be even more dangerous to be in that environment.
Um, having the ability to take care of basic medical issues at home will be important.
Um, there's so many different types of medical kits on the market.
Some are better than others This is just a simple one that I have.
It's a portable little kit that has some different custom things.
I've added to it, but make sure you have things, you know, like your basic band aids, antiseptic cream, Gaza's wraps.
A lot of these things you could just pick up.
You know, it's just separately on things like Amazon or at your local WalMart.
Um, I've got more advanced, you know, wound care kits, you know, for gunshots.
I mean, obviously, this is kind of a higher, much higher level of trauma, but at a minimum, I would recommend if you're gonna do anything, advance apart from your typical You know, the medical kits you can buy at least have a tourniquet.
You may say, why in the world what I would have a tourniquet.
Well, imagine if something happened.
You're just a home.
Someone gets injured.
Really bad breaks.
A bone falls to a pane of glass window.
Who knows having to build you to stop bleeding?
If the ambulances aren't coming because it can't, there's so many different types of different types of turn it gets on the market.
This one's a rat's turning kit.
This is your typical heavily cat.
Um, tourniquet.
Having information knowledge will be important to.
I've got several these books here in my house.
This is the Survival Medicine Handbook by Dr Bones and Nurse Amy.
I actually spoke to them before doing this video in this section, and they did help with the O.
C section, talking about different types of flu medicines I have on hand Point number 12 is having cash on hand at the moment.
Most of us are used to going to the A T M are using our credit card.
But again, remember that relies on the electrical system working the quote unquote grid being up if there's a run on banks or people can't get access because electricity, maybe down, as we talked about in a second potential phase of you know, this illness, getting out of control, having the ability to have cash will be important.
So let's talk about Stage three.
Stage three is when you really begin to look at a potential infrastructure.
Collapsed societal collapse martial law was implemented.
The police are no longer maybe active, the military has taken over or no one's around to provide protection, and it becomes the responsibility of you in your household to take care of yourselves.
So there's two things you have to consider in this scenario.
Number one.
Do you stay in place, or do you leave having a bug out bag?
And this is something I've done a lot of videos on.
I have a bag for every member of my family that if we had to walk out the door, drive away or just walk from where we are.
Do we have enough year on hand to provide shelter, food, water, different little things like, you know, First Aid.
So many considerations go into these bags, and it's beyond the scope of the video to go into a lot of details.
But everybody's got different needs, and having the ability to be mobile is critical.
Now the second thing.
And this is something that I don't talk about on this general lot, simply because YouTube is kind of has ah, you know, they did monetizing.
They do other things whenever you bring up firearms.
But having simple options like a shotgun 12 gauge, it is very effective.
I also you know, I'm a big proponent of having, you know, small pistol or something that you can conceal if you had to.
Obviously, follow your state laws there.
Another a ar 15 is a popular platform in America, kind of the Holy Trinity between those three and one.
The other things that I begin to actually prepare for its stock up personally is body armor.
I know a lot of people may laugh and say, Well, that's pretty extreme, But imagine an extreme situation where society has really gone to desperate measures and it's up to you to take care of yourself in your family.
I'm working with this company.
There are t s tactical.
Um, I've been trying out some of the gear and testing it, comparing it to other companies, like a or 500.
The price point on these are way below a lot of the other ones I've seen in the quality levels.
It's run by veterans.
You want check amount of post links below.
But what I try to do is prepare for every contingency.
Um, I really don't want I would like to not believe that it could get to that point where I would have to rely again on, you know, defending myself But again, people can get desperate and desperate times.
You have to have options to make sure that you can take care of yourself.
By no means am I advocating, uh, being pro, you know, going out and hurting someone.
But if someone breaks into your house and they try to harm you or your family, it's gonna be up to you to take care of yourself.
Hopefully, this video gave you enough information to give you the basics of what you can do to begin to prepare.
Now again, a lot of people are e mailing me.
They're panicking.
They're asking, What do I do again?
Stay calm, get food, get basic medical supplies over the counter.
If you could, you know, store up some water.
Some of the basic things that you need to put in place should the infrastructure go down.
Should it really following you and your family to take care of yourselves?
Should you be stuck in your house whether you want to or not for a month or six weeks, you need to begin to prepare and think about these things.
We've never seen a time like this, at least in the short time that I've been alive, you know, 44 years.
I'm pretty young, right?
Um but I've never really seen thing on this level.
Obviously, 9 11 was a huge impact for me, but I've never seen anything that's hitting the world quite like this, where people are realizing that we're not bulletproof.
Even though we live in a modern time, things can happen that are out of our control.
And to a point.
I'm looking at this situation, and I'm gonna do all I can to protect myself and my family.
But I do realize there's limitations.
We're eventually going to come in contact, probably with somebody, eventually at one time that maybe ill.
And we may not know it.
So I have to take a position.
I encourage you to do so as well.
Stay calm, do what you can to prepare and hope for the best.
If you're of a certain age, you're over 65 you might want to consider begin to implement the steps now to self isolate and not go out in the public.
I know this is a challenging time, and this is new to have to present these things on my channel at this level.
I try to prepare people as much as I can over last few years, but I really am optimistic in all of this.
That will do all right.
All of this will do our best, and I think we'll make it through.
But if you have any concerns, Bill free to email me at City prepping at gmail dot com.
I'll do all I can to answer you.
I'm getting a lot of people e mailing me.
But again, staying courage and be prepared has always be safe out there.