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  • it was guys, it's reached.

  • Welcome back to another video.

  • Today we are playing some war zone.

  • Of course, War Zone is the new Battle Royale that came with modern warfare is actually free to play for everyone.

  • So if you don't own call of duty modern warfare, you can still download it.

  • I mean, it is like 90 gigabytes.

  • I think it's a bit of a It's a bit of a hefty download, but the reason it's 90 goodbyes is because the map is absolutely joy.

  • Enormous.

  • There's a 100 and 50 people per Battle Royale lobby.

  • It's not just a base of 1 50 People are responding all the time.

  • There are multiple ways to get your teammates back.

  • First of all, the first death that you get, you get sent to the gulag, you get a one V one.

  • If you win the one the one, you respond right back in on the map.

  • Only the peace deal that you gotta you gotta try a little fellow be.

  • And even if you die a second time, your teammate can buy your Reese born back from in game Monday.

  • Not like a real life money that would be ridiculous.

  • That would be the biggest pay to win scam of all time.

  • So it's not just a base.

  • 1 50 you party fighting like 222 125 people alive or something around that this game is incredibly fun.

  • I've got a game here for you with Ali A It goes right down to the wire.

  • Incredibly intense.

  • I really hope you enjoy.

  • If you knew right here.

  • Be sure to subscribe to join the fight empire now see War in five and 1/2 seconds.

  • My friends, I'm coming in so hard about still you lose weight gun fighting in here, didn't we?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • This is where I can find the armor.

  • Last game on others, like three supply box is in that building.

  • I don't like it.

  • I love how I got elected MP five.

  • I love how color coded everything isn't easy to understand.

  • Yeah.

  • Did you lose this yet?

  • That's the building.

  • It's got three boxes in.

  • Oh, really?

  • That's crazy.

  • Maybe sometimes they don't this morning.

  • If they're not maybe generate thing.

  • I have to pee stoles on.

  • Never mind.

  • Gone empty.

  • Seven.

  • Does everyone spawn in with two Army shoots must do, right?

  • Yes.

  • Or there's the legendary trustee, I'm sure is going orange.

  • Nice.

  • Let's go.

  • There's more armor things.

  • That dragon of a legendary warm home.

  • I got nightmares to legendary guns.

  • Your visit M for a one epic version here.

  • If you want, we'll take that off your hands.

  • Not gonna target.

  • He's coming upstairs.

  • So just a heads up quickly being being beam it back when it's back on.

  • But I got a shield.

  • Nice.

  • I'm pretty sure that confuse you with legs out of that.

  • So I'm not sure how useful.

  • Ese, where is this car?

  • Let's leave, Miss Bonham.

  • Now you got shot engine?

  • Sounds like a lawnmower.

  • Why?

  • Don't want to find mine tonight?

  • Someone out Back that way then.

  • Hey, you're driving too warm for a second.

  • I'm doing hope, but yeah, lots of leave here.

  • I got so much loot from that nice bit Worry Dead bodies just here it loads.

  • That boy's everywhere here, but like they got decent loop which a bit weird.

  • Oh, good.

  • Go, go, go, go!

  • Nice Is that you guys decide The biggest scratching at the scene.

  • Oh, you can pick up people's kill streaks and Oh, yeah.

  • Oh, yeah, he's got He's got all my hair.

  • Maybe he's got, um, actually, apart from not just armor, but still cool out.

  • I'm gonna put it in right now.

  • Make sure it's not like according to u A v like an idiot.

  • One other thing.

  • I'm checking the write off.

  • Yeah, because pre fire, You know, if you look at the people Yeah, wear.

  • Really, Mother, I don't want that.

  • I'm gonna stick what I got on.

  • Really?

  • I'm sorry I made you point that No, no, no.

  • So good if you guys got saying better, but I got some good stuff.

  • Oh, let's push some of these guys.

  • I think they were inside, though.

  • Yeah.

  • How do you go on the roof without them is they're chopping.

  • Some of them are something route, but yeah, on the floor.

  • But there's definitely a shot.

  • I'd say we just rode up there together.

  • I mean with you, watch out for Claymores.

  • I shouldn't kill you.

  • But she's got rules charges that charging.

  • How do you get up?

  • Get up.

  • I'm a girl.

  • I think they've left the bill.

  • I think I left the roof.

  • Mr.

  • sample of Downbelow.

  • I can hear the shots.

  • I think I like that.

  • You know, I found one.

  • One?

  • That's moving.

  • Oh, Okay.

  • Okay.

  • People felt like north as well.

  • Let's get down.

  • Okay.

  • Time growing up.

  • Oh, I just got shot about Good.

  • You're tough or what?

  • No, no.

  • These damn polite.

  • You're younger.

  • You are Mrs Somebody just by the walls here.

  • But I'm finding team white team watch, but that there were two teams find.

  • So is that both teams a while?

  • Yeah.

  • No, there's more people.

  • It's pretty.

  • Wait.

  • Standing team one.

  • Nice.

  • Nice for both of them.

  • That's part about Yeah.

  • Go to be right.

  • When you go down when you come up 20% you gotta put that almost dry white because yeah.

  • Annoying grand name.

  • Wondering if I should pick up the doing My dragon off.

  • You got tonight.

  • I've got a stove.

  • May.

  • Thank you.

  • Yeah.

  • So if there's anything you need, there's, like, a hard the beast core 98 here.

  • Epic.

  • Give that a go.

  • Give that a go of drunken off 100%.

  • Yeah, yeah, people are doing to us what we just did too.

  • Then I've got one more U A v has the map looking people, People would be coming.

  • Wait, which was this?

  • Okay, safe.

  • Sounds like we could just stay on top of the building for a second.

  • Trying our parents.

  • Or we could just push this gunfight I got Oh, sorry.

  • Sorry.

  • Sorry.

  • And then let me double check this number on a piece of this way.

  • Yeah, I've got some here.

  • Right, Right.

  • Next happening.

  • What's Mama kisses here?

  • Good.

  • Nice.

  • I'm just checking the storm cause it's just closing behind us where these people might 90.

  • So a Schubert nice and unseen.

  • What?

  • Him again?

  • He must be so weeding twice.

  • I got him.

  • I think I got him.

  • Yeah, that is that Is that is that I don't how it still alive?

  • To be honest with you, Him twice with the guard.

  • A nice, Because look on this game, I think maybe not I could be wrong.

  • Sorry, bitch, That's I'm sorry.

  • It's cause he was crazy.

  • People still find towards the edge of the store.

  • Yeah, Yeah, we just push that.

  • I need I have nearly 10 grand.

  • So if we get like a drop, I could get some new lives on the go.

  • There's a drop.

  • Here we go.

  • Okay.

  • Well, that's actually what further than I thought.

  • Make that the closer people behind us.

  • Look, there's someone.

  • The site is closed.

  • Room.

  • Yeah, if you check the right out.

  • This guy's white closer.

  • I was 14.

  • When that cat looks like that up top on something that I don't if you want to fight that the other teams out by the edge of the hospital.

  • Yeah, if we if we approach from this and go more to the left, they have to come towards us for the storm.

  • So but there's a lot of four people there.

  • You have a squint pushy.

  • And I My father, right?

  • They were just You know, I'm gonna buy you Ivy.

  • We're gonna have to go up top this mountain.

  • Either way, you I know myself survive as well.

  • I'm gonna call this thing because you're pushing.

  • Yeah, even get some snipes.

  • But this is such a good angle to get off this mountain.

  • But we're just coming up May Oh, hi.

  • Zones.

  • Pushing his mom.

  • So be careful.

  • That so they're gonna have to You don't invest that close that close go on down.

  • Nice job.

  • Be advised.

  • U A v is bingo fuel.

  • Yeah.

  • Shot Go, everyone.

  • Yeah, it's gonna be right.

  • My mess my shots of was trying to do when he would slide in.

  • And then he stopped both times.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Job now is perfect as it came out.

  • The storm.

  • Yeah, Yeah.

  • You get pushed the same time, You know, he's in that way.

  • I know.

  • I'm here with sub.

  • What they hunted may have been hunted again.

  • Well, I ve always stream sniping.

  • You leave Richard alone.

  • Oh, this game's outrageously good.

  • My kids so good.

  • I can't hear a thing about playing posses.

  • Good grace, my eardrums.

  • You know, this is gonna be quite a lot of people compressed in yet 50 people.

  • It doesn't feel slow, you know, because people keep coming back and stuff done night like it's not.

  • Yeah, it's not as I thought.

  • He's gonna pay.

  • Do we try and go on this roof off?

  • Yeah, I think so.

  • If anything, it feels fast of a blackout, To be honest, my day at the moment.

  • Yeah, it's gonna white, second top.

  • So we could go together.

  • You were gonna go out there and in black parachute off or whatever.

  • I'm gonna use it as a bit of re continent.

  • You hear people?

  • Yeah.

  • Are they?

  • Look stadium, I think.

  • Off that way.

  • Stop yet.

  • You just went into Bill, Attacked him days in names in there.

  • Stadiums quite far, actually.

  • Isn't realize that teammate put going into drones that I was with that always.

  • How is this?

  • Ours is pending.

  • Oh, yeah, I see him.

  • I see him.

  • Him be just around the corner.

  • Coming, coming.

  • He's like, that way.

  • We need to push anyway.

  • I'm gonna help off.

  • Face died on the way.

  • Coming, Coming, coming.

  • I'm talking about pushing more to the right, mate because I was being shot by the left some way.

  • Okay, this guy that he is definitely full health.

  • By now, we're losing ground.

  • And the issue in this way in that carefree personality was getting shot from that angle.

  • Jeez, what's with that noise generates of writing us, I guess.

  • Yeah.

  • With you people firing right that way.

  • Trying to trees these buildings is scary.

  • Yeah, that's just run out.

  • Which way do you have?

  • A Still I can't go out like that those guys in the storm that's got during the storm, we can make it.

  • There are surely surely what around?

  • Yeah, I'm gonna go this way.

  • Those guys too close during the storm that pretty know anymore?

  • No, this is dead.

  • Let me up.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Trigger.

  • They're a pizza using his bond, bro.

  • How can you know?

  • Climb one but rock trying the back make.

  • Yeah, I'm gonna revive you.

  • Try and help the angles down My struggle on the team.

  • What?

  • Nice.

  • Where do you get shot in the back?

  • I killed team.

  • Want to go this way?

  • Okay.

  • Nice man.

  • Yeah, look obvious.

  • Luke, can I get you?

  • Shoot.

  • I'm going t o pick up loads of stuff, Max.

  • She'll wait.

  • I got hit.

  • I realized, Yeah, I'm gonna look back towards the way where I got that snipe.

  • Yeah, my sweet bike literally behind that rock.

  • I think you want to go and get it with me.

  • He may okay, Some clothes and clothes.

  • This Sure enough.

  • Guys, Guys, let's job.

  • He's down.

  • He's down.

  • This team.

  • I don't hear something further back.

  • Sniper with a sniper.

  • Well, east, more east.

  • Our team is down.

  • The storm is so bad on this, though I think he comes back.

  • I think you can go into goo like it was an enemy here for sure.

  • You got to Norman, I It was gonna run.

  • Yeah, because you cannot survive long in this stall.

  • No.

  • And you can't.

  • You can't heal up in there either.

  • He's in the good like you can come back.

  • Yeah, that guy was definitely sniping the storm.

  • I think he's gonna die in a storm.

  • I think he may have already died.

  • You know, like this because you can't look in that no enemy here.

  • He's on that.

  • Is it a stone, right?

  • Oh, shoot.

  • Killing, killing, killing, killing, killing.

  • I said, don't worry about it, but I think he was just down there.

  • Was he just dying?

  • I don't know.

  • You got a redeploy beacons that was done buying something, doing something that I know.

  • We can buy him back if we go there.

  • Okay.

  • I don't know if he was down and I should already know it just came out.

  • He's come out.

  • I seen him.

  • Okay, by that is by that thing up there.

  • Let's just push him.

  • Let's just push him when he was a weak.

  • Surely it's too much.

  • I will chat.

  • Which I don't go in the open.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Was he shooting at you?

  • No, no, no.

  • But he was looking at me.

  • Funny.

  • He's coming forward.

  • Has gone back.

  • Is Ronnie's Ronnie's run?

  • Maybe we can come off.

  • We just keep going around this way.

  • Watch out your myself in moments.

  • Are they bumped into people?

  • Only good.

  • Maybe you can.

  • Yeah, yeah, because we got we got the cover this way.

  • Stillson right from me.

  • Is that okay?

  • He was violent, maybe.

  • But this way, it's not self of ivy.

  • Just if you just call me, I'm good.

  • I'm gonna go on a roof.

  • I got a roof.

  • Let me know if using Cell provider museum reasoning.

  • Yeah, I've got your back.

  • Go back.

  • Go back this way.

  • Come this way.

  • Give me that.

  • I've got no armor plated.

  • I don't If you have a new well, could you let me drop some?

  • Hold on.

  • Thanks, mate.

  • Storm's closing.

  • I know it's close.

  • Fully closer.

  • 45 seconds.

  • Okay.

  • There's a lot of people in here.

  • Yeah, I got munitions box.

  • If we need more ammo, All right?

  • I should come with all the fights on Vince night out from all the way.

  • Like Northeast.

  • Hey, I saw that was no.

  • He's gonna let that short him a nice kill for that.

  • Oh, let's go, baby.

  • That's why he's going.

  • Careful.

  • This people in this building?

  • Yeah, was pushing us like, like out these rooks.

  • So what's that Northeast angle?

  • Still paper in here.

  • Careful.

  • Careful.

  • Oh, God.

  • I'm gonna go back down.

  • That team wanted the guy to come out to our right.

  • Somebody's looking.

  • It's just a heads up.

  • Is there anybody else now?

  • I killed someone left.

  • I think there's a team.

  • Let's go.

  • A rich, I can get up.

  • Let me You can climb over the fence.

  • I'm back.

  • I'm back back, Maisie worth me going in a storm to try to get some stuff there.

  • I could go on a nice, uh, only one.

  • Barghouti.

  • Thank you.

  • I get my next night.

  • I have 10 kills here.

  • Nice.

  • Six mice.

  • Oh, my God.

  • This next one's gonna be so out in the open.

  • I think we need to push west If we find that coming from it's coming for us.

  • That's coming way.

  • Need to push soon.

  • May?

  • Yeah.

  • Let's just go.

  • It's still nine way.

  • You should know this one.

  • Okay, maybe a shot.

  • Another one behind him Running.

  • Go in.

  • Let's have a shot at the guy behind you guys behind me behind me.

  • Do a push up more left here or what?

  • There's no cover and wave comes out.

  • These buildings, I mean bad.

  • It's like north.

  • She gotta push, push, landing dry climate.

  • That is another Another nice.

  • Is that that team down?

  • Now that I finished killing one of them, I think I think that's going behind them.

  • I want to be honest.

  • You want to come in on Monday?

  • It won't hit one last job.

  • I'm pushing, right?

  • Well, being inside.

  • No, no, no.

  • You okay?

  • You okay?

  • Okay.

  • Let's look to the right, I think.

  • Okay.

  • So we can go on and know yourself.

  • Quick.

  • Use it.

  • Uses uncovering you.

  • I'm trying to block it.

  • He's running away that way.

  • No trialling stoned him.

  • I stood to win everything.

  • Every challenge.

  • I can't believe it.

  • Oh, Hyde.

  • 11 and not going to be 12 when he was so weak.

  • I'm eight years.

  • 11.

  • That was 19 0 good game, mate.

  • This four people left after that.

  • I know some of the snipes I hit that game Monument Make that was so fun.

  • Your journal points, Let's go again.

it was guys, it's reached.


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A2 初級

タクティカルデュオ!?- CoD:ウォーゾーン バトルロイヤル』ゲームプレイ (The Tactical Duo! - CoD: Warzone Battle Royale Gameplay)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日