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  • is fired for many people, and I am so happy and on our cause of that song we can to came here.

  • Please watch the whole video tell the end before commenting or disliking this video.

  • See, a lot of people say that they hate tedious because one dear fandom is annoying.

  • Do they're not talented tree because of pride?

  • Four.

  • Plane criticism.

  • All these are just excuses, and I'm not talking about 30 years alone.

  • These applies to all other artists as well.

  • I understand how one might not like an artist because your music style differs already happened to like another sort of general that is, once opinion on all opinions should be respected.

  • What I don't understand is people hating on them like they have a personal vendetta or something.

  • These people out there giving it their all sacrificing your time and put it into a fort to achieve their dreams.

  • These artists spent hours and hours rehearsing a song and performance.

  • Do you wake up at yes, crackle down and return only late at night to film a music video.

  • Yet some people hate them as if the announced war on their country.

  • Sure you have annoying and crazy fan base.

  • Do you have millions and millions of your fans?

  • There's bound to be toxic ones in the bunch.

  • It's simply unrealistic to have an angelic fandom.

  • People who say they hate tedious because of defense are just giving a really weak excuse, because videos, including other artists, never ask their fandom to be annoying during the one direction hype.

  • There were annoying fence, too, but I enjoyed one direction's music all the same.

  • I certainly wasn't your fan, but I didn't hate him.

  • No one deserves hate, nobody's ass.

  • Secondly, pride people don't even give a chance to K pop or Korean music as a whole because assume it's for girls.

  • For whatever reason they give, the Beatles will want.

  • Similarly criticized until they became music legends admired by people all over the world.

  • What were once typical Boy Bend songs became classics.

  • Good music can be found in every type of general, as long as you have an open mind hating on band because off Bride is shallow.

  • And because of that mindset, people miss out mainly beautiful things in life.

  • The third reason they're not talented.

  • I saw a comment on my channel that beauty is can trap the copy melodies.

  • Yet they did not provide solid evidence.

  • I admit videos do not have the best vocals, but they're certainly talented members or videos will write their own lyrics on dropped line off.

  • BDS has released a number off amazing tracks.

  • While the vocal line has improved a lot, there are many songs Do you have released with positive messages?

  • They have spoken openly about mental health on a bunch or social topics like feminism as well as struggle in the entertainment industry.

  • The scene there untalented, absolutely false.

  • If they were not talented, you wouldn't have lost this long.

  • What more on extremely competitive one Hate is a very strong world.

  • People who go I hate, tedious, always retold by saying It's just an opinion when it's simply a hate common.

  • There's blues who say they hate K pop because they don't understand.

  • Korean is also honorary excuse.

  • This positive is not an English song about people who say these things about Korean music lesson to it.

  • This passage is a song about sex.

  • Yet when it comes to Korean pop with positive messages, they don't even give it a chance.

  • Long which is nothing but a barrier.

  • As long as they're willinto overcome it.

  • You will find many hidden gems that were under your nose all along.

  • So that's it.

  • Really, guys, for today's video, let me know in the common down below what you think about BDS or cape up in general.

  • What you think about defendant are you offend yourself.

  • Leave a comment.

  • What are your favorite cape off bends or singers?

  • Keep in mind that I read most of you guys comments and I try to live heart in each and every one of you.

  • Subscribe.

  • If you haven't already like this video, I would really appreciate it.

  • My instagram will be into description down below.

is fired for many people, and I am so happy and on our cause of that song we can to came here.


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B1 中級

kpopが嫌われる理由(BTS、EXO、BLACKPINK。 (Why people hate kpop (BTS, EXO, BLACKPINK...))

  • 70 3
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日