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  • coming through life from Seoul.

  • I'm since Emin.

  • But before we get started, these are the stories topping the hour.

  • Travel restrictions for all people going in and out of South Korea and Japan begins with both countries nullifying short term visas over mounting Corona buyers beers they're ratcheting up in trouble curbs of being seen as an extension of their political spect.

  • Also starting today, new measures on buying face masks in South Korea.

  • Last purchases at pharmacies will require ideas as the government limits the number each person can buy to two a week.

  • North Korea added again, just a week after the regime carried out live fire artillery exercises.

  • Canyon fires three unidentified projectiles into the East Sea.

  • This after the leader Sunday condolence letter to South Korea's president over the Corona virus outbreak.

  • Our starting point this morning of the Cove.

  • It 19 outbreak Rekindling a long simmering diplomatic row between South Korea and Japan, both Seoul and Tokyo, starting today have tightened border control on travelers from each from and to each side.

  • It's the first time most of their air routes between the two neighboring countries are being halted since they were connected 70 years ago.

  • Our Kim heels on starting us off The South Korean government is imposing stronger entry restrictions and Japanese nationals entering the country starting Monday.

  • The move, which comes immediately after Tokyo, stronger restrictions of South Korea's, includes a three state screening scheme.

  • It's also suspending visas and visa waivers for Japanese nationals.

  • Currently, Japanese visitors can stay in Korea for 90 days without visa.

  • So says it will not issue visas for Japanese nationals unless a summit of health document, which states whether they have any coping 19 symptoms.

  • As of Monday midnight, the Japanese government also suspended the 90 day visa free entry program for South Koreans while adopting US 14 day self quarantine for those flying in from South Korea.

  • This means a South Korean see to get visas in order to travel to Japan, which the Japanese Embassy in Seoul explained would be time consuming, so describe such move as quote unfair and on scientific.

  • Japan is among more than 100 countries that have imposed curbs and travelers from South Korea, So foreign minister explained that so far nearly 1500 South Koreans have been quarantined in countries including China and Vietnam.

  • Que Masson added in use.

  • President Linda In will be meeting with his top aides this afternoon to discuss the Corona virus outbreak here in the nation.

  • He will likely call for the public's cooperation is well that five day rotation system for facemask purchases run smoothly.

  • He is also expected to stress the need for all out efforts with quarantine measures to stop the spread of the virus.

  • Another focus will be on whether President Boone will comment on Japan's new and tree restrictions on South Korea.

  • The National Security Council last week blasted Tokyo's decision, saying it was unreasonable and that there has been no prior consultations with soul.

  • As of early Monday morning I, the number of confirmed Cove it 19 cases in South Korea stands over 7300 now.

  • That's an increase of 179 cases since to start on Sunday.

  • The death toll remains at 50 with mostly older patients with underlying illnesses.

  • The 50th death was at a nursing home in counseling booked a province not far from Tegel, the center of the outbreak, and the country.

  • A 78 year old woman tested positive about the nursing home last Thursday and was moved to a hospital in Kimpton for treatment but later died on Saturday afternoon.

  • The Corona virus is sweeping through the world, especially Italy.

  • Now that country has now surpassed South Korea for the most number of confirmed patients outside of China, with hundreds dying of the virus have the surgeon numbers has alleged to Italy taking some historically strong counter measures are east India tells US more, with over 1400 new Koven 19 cases reported on Sunday alone, Italy surpassed South Korea as the country with the most confirmed Corona virus patients outside of China.

  • It's also reporting hundreds of virus related deaths in light of the surge.

  • Popular tourist sites and Italy were shut on Sunday as the Italian government began taking drastic measures to stop the spread of the virus.

  • We came with the intentional Vito or the beautiful places that there are in Rome, but we talked to another French couple and they told us that everything would be shut down until April 3rd.

  • The Italian government's measures include all museums, cinemas and theaters being closed until at least April 3rd meeting the cancellation of all concerts and public and private events.

  • It's also led to the shutdown of a major exhibition in Rome, showcasing more than 100 paintings and drawings by Rafael marking the 5/100 anniversary of his death.

  • The Vatican also announced on Sunday that it was shutting its museums, which includes banning public access to the Sistine Chapel.

  • The measures are part of the government's decree to close off its northern regions, putting 16 million people under quarantine and locking down the entire Lombardy region, which includes major urban areas like Milan, Venice and Parma.

  • Germany is also witnessing a spike in the number of confirmed patients, with numbers surpassing 1000 on Sunday.

  • Germany's health minister has ordered events with more than 1000 participants to be canceled.

  • The measures could mean the cancellation of many events, including Buddhist legal football matches and rock concerts.

  • The U.

  • S is also beginning to see an uptick in the number of patients, with New York the worst head and the state's most drastic measures to date.

  • New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday advised at New Yorkers refrained from gathering crowded places including workspaces and mass transportation.

  • Experts fear the latest surge in the number of confirmed patients worldwide could just be the start as the total number of cases globally surpasses 105,000 easing J Buddy Young use with protective face mask in short supply In light of the Corona virus outbreak, the South Korean government is limiting the number of mass each person can buy to two per person per week now.

  • This takes effect today, but there will be some exceptions for senior citizens and Children are, um, Dion tells us more.

  • Starting Monday, mask purchases at pharmacies will require I D because a five day rotation system will take effect, under which only two masks can be bought per person per week and only on designated days.

  • First Vice Finance Minister Kim Young Woman, at a press briefing on Sunday, mentioned some exceptions, though, saying pharmacies will be allowed to sell masks to people buying them for others if the other person is 10 or younger, 80 or older or if they have a disability.

  • People came by mass for someone else if their family registration says they live, which someone who is 10 were younger or 80 or older, but they can only purchase the mass on that person's assigned day under the five day rotation system.

  • The day for Buying mess is determined by the last digit of a person's Berthier.

  • People born in the year, ending with either one or six, can buy masks on Mondays.

  • Those ending in two or seven can buy on Tuesdays three or eight on Wednesdays, four or nine on Thursdays, and those boarding a year ending in five or zero can buy their masks on Fridays.

  • People unable to purchase mask during the week can do so on the weekend.

  • Meanwhile, speaking Sunday at Table City Hall, Prime Minister Tones Hagen urged people to cooperate so that the system can settle in smoothie just by the inconvenience that this may cause.

  • We ask people to show major sensible citizenship so that those who who really need the math can buy them first tongue also as people to use cotton masks, which can be washed and re used instead of the disposable ones.

  • Also, to further relieve the shortage, the South Korean government's decided to make it easier for ordinary people to buy masks from overseas.

  • According to the Korea Customs, servicemen buying masks, hand sanitizers and thermometers, there will be no import duties or special paperwork toe fall until the end of June, But this only applies to items for personal use.

  • People will be able to import on amount worth up to 1 50 U.

  • S.

  • Dollars, or $200 went bought from the United States on the young lady don't use.

  • With the Corona virus outbreak showing no signs of dying down, South Korea's three year government bond yield briefly fell below 1% dropping to 0.998% this morning before recovering.

  • This is after the three year government bond deal closed little over 1% on the final trading day of last week, with experts forecasting a more serious impact from the cove it 19.

  • On the first trading day of the week, shares in South Korea opened sharply lower over the Cove in 19 spread and falling oil prices.

  • The benchmark Kospi plunged at the start, falling below the psychologically important 2000 point level to 1980.99 in the 1st 15 minutes of trading.

  • Kirby a secondary boards.

  • Costa was also down a little over 2% in the first half an hour of trading.

  • The Corona virus outbreak has slammed the global airline industry.

  • South Korean airlines are forecast to see their sales drop by billions of dollars as a result, in an effort to help airlines as bookings dry up.

  • The United States is also considering offering tax relief for US airlines to help them navigate those stormy waters.

  • Our home, you've reports Corona virus outbreak continues to spread Around the world The global airline industry is facing what some are calling a shutdown crisis by the end of June.

  • South Korea's airline industry as forecast to see its combined sales slump by at least $4.2 billion.

  • This is due to entry restrictions in bands and travelers from South Korea and lower overall travel demand due to the virus.

  • The Korea Civil Aviation Association said the number of travelers for the fourth week of February was almost 66% lower than the same period last year, but the damage could be even bigger going forward.

  • Aziz numbers were calculated before Japan restricted entry of people coming in from South Korea and for low cost carriers that currently rely on domestic flights for the majority of their profits.

  • Losses are mounting up fast, making matters worse.

  • Starting Monday, T way Air Jean Air, Easter Jed and Air Poussin are temporarily suspending all flights to Japan.

  • South Korea's flagship carrier, Korean Air, saw its number of passengers dropped more than 37% a near in V Berry.

  • In response, South Korea's Transport Ministry offered up to $254 million in emergency loans last month to low cost carriers and delay payment of airport usage fees for up to three months.

  • The ministry officials will continue to meet airline executives to hear what they require in the U.

  • S.

  • The Trump Administration is considering a tax deferral to help us pieced airlines right out the crisis.

  • We may have to go back to Congress for additional appropriation request.

  • That's May.

  • We don't know yet.

  • But again, please, that the story I'm trying to tell is, um, a story of timely and targeted micro forms of assistance not gargantuan across the board.

  • Throw money at the problem which has never worked in the past because we think we will get out of this were then months.

  • President Trump also signed a pre $3 billion bill last Friday to boost the U.

  • S.

  • Response to Corona virus outbreak.

  • The International Air Transport Association forecast airlines worldwide Kalou's up to $113 billion because of the outbreak, it added.

  • The collapse of flyby, a low cost British airline, is proof that urgent action is needed to protect the industry.

  • But if the virus is contained and the world economy recovers fast enough, association says total losses could be limited to $63 billion.

  • Home you added an use shifting focused.

  • North Korea has fired three unidentified projectile assists morning, just one week after the regime conducted what it called live for artillery exercises.

  • South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the projectiles were fired northeastward into the E.

  • C from sundown in Holmdel, booked a province, and that it is closely monitoring the situation while maintaining a readiness posture.

  • One week ago today, the regime held what it called a long range artillery drill presided over by leader Kim Jong un, the first such provocation this year.

  • The details of today's launch, including the type of projectiles, flight range and altitude, are yet to be determined.

  • The North Korea previously used dislocation in its northeast last August to fire two projectiles presumed to be short range ballistic missiles.

  • Good morning.

  • It felt more like early April on Sunday afternoon and the warming trend continues on this Monday, with temperatures expected to reach to me to upper teens in moose ports of the country.

  • So we'll have a warm afternoon ranging from 15 to 17 degrees Celsius in Mooseport will become tree with what clouds moving in.

  • Meanwhile, Western region will have high levels of ultra finders or throughout today.

  • Rain is in store from the meat afternoon, starting from Children's Helen Amdo Province, which will gradually spread to rest of the country by tonight.

  • It's going to rain nationwide and the further south you are more rain.

  • You'll see changes will receive up to 60 millimeters of rainfall.

  • Southern provinces will see it 10 to 30 millimeters.

  • So it's going to be a rainy to stay for most regions, while temperatures will go up and down this week from a sub zero to double visit up to new memories.

  • That's Korea for you and your stay International weather for years around the world, that is it for us at this hour.

coming through life from Seoul.


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ARIRANG NEWS [LIVE]。韓国が東京の渡航制限に反応、ビザ免除プログラムを停止 (ARIRANG NEWS [LIVE]: S. Korea reacts to Tokyo's travel restrictions by suspending visa-waiver progra)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日