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  • well, we won't be sleeping tonight, that's for sure.

  • Welcome to watch model dot com, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 American horror Story moments.

  • Just look at the spread we got for you today before we begin.

  • We publish new videos every day, so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list, we're taking a look at the most memorable scenes from this anthology Horror Siri's.

  • Since the show has a habit of killing characters off, a spoiler alert is now in effect here.

  • Number 10 Devil's Night Dinner.

  • Well, that's unusual.

  • American Horror Story has assembled some bizarre characters over the years.

  • In Season five, the most infamous serial killers in history come together for a dinner party on Devil's Night.

  • The guest list includes the spirits of Richard Ramirez, Aileen Warn Us, Jeffrey Dahmer's John Wayne gacey and the Zodiac Killer.

  • Also in attendance is Detective John Lowe, who's essentially Alice at a tea party in Wonderland and extremely demented Wonderland.

  • We guess that would make the hotel's founder, James Patrick, march the Mad Hatter.

  • Now that's all introduce ourselves.

  • It's an inventive set up overflowing with dark humor and Gothic atmosphere delivering a killer resolution.

  • I look around and I see the definition of American success.

  • Number nine.

  • Elsa's snuff film vehicle.

  • Early in Season four, it's revealed that freak show owner Elsa Mars has a set of artificial legs, which had fans clamoring to learn her backstory.

  • Thankfully, we didn't have to wait Long in.

  • Episode four also explains that she was once a dominatrix with a flair for theatrics and torture, attracting only the most depraved clients in search of sick thrills among her clientele, where the watchers who drugged Elsa made her the star of their snuff film and stole her legs in the process.

  • What makes this even more shocking is that the man who amputated else's legs is later exposed to be a man also known as Dr Arthur Arden, whom you might remember from Season two.

  • A small number eight Rubber Man, one of the first season's biggest mysteries revolves around the rubber man's true identity.

  • This enigmatic foe plants his demon seed inside Vivian, who's under the impression that her husband is wearing the bondage suit.

  • You really want to go for round two, huh?

  • When I could be kinky rape by deception is already an incredibly disturbing concept.

  • But this scene reaches another level of uncomfortable once the rubber man finally takes off his mask in a flash back later in the season.

  • The father of the anti Christ growing inside Vivian is none other than Tate.

  • Although we already knew that Tate was a messed up kid capable of unspeakable atrocities, this twist still caught everybody off guard.

  • Adding to the creep factor is the fact that Tate also had a sexual relationship with Vivian's teenage daughter, Violet.

  • Number seven.

  • Dr Thredson is bloody face.

  • What did you do Know Dr Oliver Thredson initially seems like a decent human being, especially compared to some of the other employees at Briar Cliff Mental Institution.

  • Present the evidence.

  • Together we shut down Briarcliff.

  • The audience eventually learns, however, that he's actually the most immoral person in this madhouse, committing acts far more disturbing than any of the patients.

  • When journalist Lana Winters is wrongfully locked up, Thredson helps her escape from the asylum.

  • He takes her to his house, and all appears to be well, that is, until Lana notices threat sends home decor falling down a trap door.

  • Lana trades one prison for another.

  • Now, at the mercy of the serial killer bloody face talk about a satisfyingly chill inducing twist.

  • Number six Cordelia stabs her eyes reminiscent of daredevil Cordelia.

  • Foxx loses her sight after getting acid in her eyes.

  • In exchange, however, rather than heightened senses, she gains the power of second sight.

  • My eyes, I promise.

  • I'm going to prove that to you in the group, for Delia eventually receives a new set of eyes on Lee to find her ability stripped away as a result.

  • Unable to brew up a cure, the headmistress settles on a truly gruesome solution.

  • As a trembling Cordelia holds a pair of gardening shears up to her eyes, the audience prepares for a ghastly display.

  • Thean suing carnage, will leave anybody cringing in horror, no matter how strong their stomach is.

  • Gritty, unexpected and genuinely unsettling, It's a sight you'll never be able to unsee.

  • Number five.

  • Lana escapes Briar Cliff.

  • She'll never tell me what that tape so much like Cordelia, Lana is another Sarah Paulson character that just can't seem to catch a break.

  • The woman she loves is murdered.

  • She's thrown into a loony bin and a homicidal maniac impregnates her after a season of torment.

  • We just want to see those poor lady get away.

  • To our delight, Atlanta at long last comes out on top In this episode, with some help from Mother Superior, Claudia and Kit, Lana is able to sneak past the authorities unnoticed if anyone can reach her.

  • Three audiences overcome with relief as Lana makes it to a taxi before leaving, she bids threats and farewell with an incriminating tape and the finger.

  • All that's missing is the mic drop Number four school shooting.

  • As nerve racking as this show can be, much of the horror is rooted in fantasy.

  • However, this alarming sequence felt all to riel as it brings the Columbine massacre and other school shootings to mind.

  • Flashing back to 1994 it's a seemingly ordinary day at Westfield High School until multiple gunshots are heard.

  • Several students and a teacher seek refuge in the library, but they can't keep take out the camera.

  • Cuts away is take guns down each of his victims.

  • No, no, please, no, We don't even really see any blood or gore, but that's what makes this scene so effective.

  • The haunting cinematography editing and sound effects are more than enough to send us into a state of panic, please Number three Twist Ease Face Thea Early 21st Century has seen people in evil clown attire popping up twisty could be seen as a trendsetter for this bizarre fad.

  • As his name suggests, this serial killer has a twisted face and an even more twisted past.

  • Removing his mask twisty delves into his jaw dropping back.

  • Story was once a friendly clown that made Children laugh the other, Carney's had a different definition of humor.

  • Though setting twisty upto look like a pedophile with nowhere to go, the sad clown put a shotgun in his mouth on Lee to survive the suicide attempt.

  • Whether you fear twist your sympathize with him, the punch line of his story is sure to make an impression.

  • I'm so dumb I can't even kill myself.

  • Number two.

  • The name Game Do you know your name?

  • American horror story is full of surprising moments, but never in a 1,000,000 years could we have anticipated a peppy musical number.

  • Then again, co creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk also brought us glee, so maybe we actually should have expected.

  • This committed to the asylum she once worked at Judy is subjected to electro convulsive therapy when Lana approaches her.

  • Afterwards, Sister Jude responds with a rendition of this classic pop song, The Name game.

  • Judy Judy, Judy Bo Booty, Banana Fana fo foodie.

  • While this might be among the most colorful and upbeat moments in the Siri's, it's also one of the most depressing.

  • As Judy is pulled back to reality, we see just how far she's descended into madness, barely able to remember her own name.

  • Your name is Judy Martin way before we unveil our number one pick.

  • Here are some honorable mentions.

  • Number one.

  • Violet's Death.

  • Since this show focuses on a new cast of characters every season, pretty much anyone is expendable going into Season one.

  • Though audiences generally weren't aware of the producer's long term plans, what do you think us?

  • We all assumed that the Harmon family could overcome whatever the murder house through with, Um, imagine our surprise when Violet stumbled upon her own dead body.

  • It's too late for that.

  • It turns out that Violet did not survive her suicide attempt from several episodes earlier.

  • Unbeknownst to even herself, she's been a ghost this entire time.

  • Although in retrospect there were clues.

  • Nobody saw this one coming.

  • It's a twist worthy of the sixth Sensor Psycho, complete with brilliant buildup and an unbelievable payoff.

  • So sorry.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Check out these other great clips from Watch Mojo and subscribe for new videos every day.

well, we won't be sleeping tonight, that's for sure.


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アメリカン・ホラー・ストーリーの瞬間トップ10 (Top 10 American Horror Story Moments)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日