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  • Welcome back Too much.

  • You're all thank you.

  • Haven't just like this.

  • Yeah, We're just seeing, like eight times have been here.

  • I think it could be six.

  • Could be 11.

  • Could I know what my 1st 1 was?

  • Two dozen four on.

  • I'm here now, so it's definitely more than two, right?

  • There has been some in the middle.

  • Right?

  • Do you find a difference with community nine sisters All at all?

  • Um, no.

  • There's that stereotype that, you know, you guys are a little bit more polite, but polite can sometimes be code for a little bit more quiet.

  • You don't want that.

  • But no.

  • The audiences for the most part of great, you know, they're I that I don't think I have a lot of French people who come to my show, so I can't tell if they're different.

  • I think that, uh, hey, probably.

  • Well, I heard to say that interesting experience.

  • Or have you had interesting experiences with customs coming through the camera?

  • I just a bit slow, slow, You know, one's yelling at you need todo hold out a bit more.

  • Everyone's just a little nervousness.

  • Like maybe I am hiding something.

  • Yeah.

  • Everywhere everywhere it's it's the trays of two big everyone else's tries to this big your trays of that big.

  • I assume that in case you get snowed in so you can all Tokyo in there.

  • You got your goose, Whatever you got, you got, you got you a club seal that you have to take with you and to Twitter tells me they may be talking about rolling to the rim toe win.

  • I have identified a rock twitter.

  • Twitter has These things are like, look, roll up.

  • The rain was, um I know that happens every February, you know?

  • And that's That's Tim Hortons big promotion, that you guys will have 1/2 digested bit of cardboard in your pocket and you'll keep that.

  • Oh, yeah, so you're ready to get your free coffee free doughnuts, but it's not.

  • They picked the shortest month of the year.

  • Well, that's true.

  • See, they know they know.

  • I know what it's like.

  • It's like the middle of windy, miserable they go.

  • We can just slip in, roll up the ring.

  • It's like the end of winter.

  • So gets us through to know we have that free donut.

  • I have a Canadian friend, he said.

  • He's too favorite months to roll up the rim.

  • And then when McDonald's bring out the monopoly money, it's the little things that how bad is your weather?

  • They go.

  • You guys are monopoly months coming up here.

  • Well, then we get Christmas and then roll up the rim.

  • That's the way we look at the calendar that way.

  • How's the show going?

  • Houses and three were saying we were right.

  • It's way you've got 10 more episodes to do this year.

  • Um, we've already done on the field pieces and stuff, so I'm just chilling out, man, I can't come to this festival.

  • I think my next gig's I'm gigging in Vegas next weekend.

  • So life's good?

  • Yeah, I'm getting I'm getting award today.

  • I'm gonna have ah trophy to carry around everywhere, just going around with my first ever trophy in anything in any facility, anything in life.

  • I've never gotten one for sports, really never had one.

  • You go over like people's houses when you're a kid.

  • There was that sporty family and they would have that wall of all the kids achievements.

  • My family did not have that wall d I a spot in the hearse.

  • You're gonna put this in my hand?

  • I have a have a fireplace.

  • Is a mental?

  • I don't know.

  • I haven't office in me house.

  • I'll probably put it in the office or I might make it like a doorstop.

  • But the bathroom or something?

  • Something a bit more.

  • Kitchen ya tonight, Right now.

  • Since you're doing this show, it's in America.

  • A lot of things happen in America these days.

  • I find sometimes it's hard to find the funny and some of the things Well, I got to talk about what I don't like.

  • I don't like how people think that since they are, you must love Trump because the jokes Yeah, a maze like No, no.

  • It is more the divisive than anything because you said joke about him and people are so passionate about me, the way they get angry.

  • Hillary would have been the better person to write jokes about right because it would have just bean.

  • And also you would have to work hard and see.

  • Now people could be comedians by just going.

  • Can you believe he tweeted this?

  • And that's not a joke that's just reporting the news down and It is funny, Yeah, but it's just reporting the news.

  • I liked it when we were the ones being intelligent.

  • Now, with Trump, everyone's a comedian.

  • Everyone can do it, you know, Now we got buddy Boris Johnson.

  • It's not gonna help things that seem like I.

  • I like all the jokes about, like your prime minister being handsome and all the stuff.

  • That's the more fun stuff.

  • Do you find that you see, or do you look at what the other guys are doing like this seems to be a real camaraderie.

  • Now, going on with the people that doing late night or these commercials, You look at what other people are doing.

  • Oh, I try not to, because I want to get too influenced by the comics you know, remain so.

  • I'm trying to do my own thing, but I do like the hair of the festival, the camaraderie that you get with.

  • It's like being on summer camp because most of us headline acts.

  • Many of us have theater acts, so when you're a theater actor, you don't work with anyone.

  • You just go around from town to town to see that you don't see any comedians you know when you're in the comedy clubs you'll work with.

  • Three other comics will be on the bill, so there's a bit more camaraderie there.

  • But then when you become a bigger act, you don't see anyone.

  • So these festivals the any time that we all hang out together and you know, we all it's like we'll have all roads, stories and stuff.

  • It's like there's, like, people have come back from Vietnam.

  • Yeah, so it's nice.

  • Also, if you've heard that Canadian girl Louise Sing is getting her own late night talk show is gonna start September 16th we now know the date, right?

  • Would you have any advice for her knickers over starting her own show?

  • Stay off social media.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • You'll want to be on it a lot, but you gotta don't watch the criticism, you know, is that hard to do to disrupt our start?

  • But I look, I look right from beginning reading.

  • I'm not getting on that roll over.

  • It took me three h t get that bit of advice going here.

  • This stuff.

  • So that's what you said.

  • Someone on Twitter said something about Roll up the remodel, you know, with this sign of that, Me and Twitter.

  • Did that stuff bother you at all when you first were starting out?

  • Um, yeah.

  • You start second guessing yourself, if you like.

  • All people don't like.

  • When I do These people like that, You just gotta stick to what you think will be good.

  • And then hopefully three audience response or the ratings respond positively.

  • You know, if they don't get canceled, You know what?

  • You'll just move on with your life.

  • Your incentive is a man.

  • You got somebody shows going on.

  • So how funny.

  • Just for laughs.

  • All right.

  • You're very busy, man.

  • Congratulations on the award.

  • Thank you.

  • Awesome.

  • Great.

  • Thank you.

Welcome back Too much.


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Jim Jefferies on Donald Trump, Lilly Singh, and 'Roll Up The Rim'|EXTENDED (Jim Jefferies on Donald Trump, Lilly Singh, and 'Roll Up The Rim' | EXTENDED)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日