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Hey, all our tricks, guy here.
And I've got a very hopefully very temporary travel ban due to the Corona virus for IRS guys.
Venture Channel.
So, you know, I hope that countries throughout the world can inoculate the, ah, the Corona virus very quickly.
I hope that can prevent it from spreading.
But the problem is created not just for Irish guys of Inter Channel, but for people throughout the business world.
You know, business travel has become an issue because any time you're in an airport, anytime you're in a crowded ship, whether it's a cruise ship or fairy or anything along those lines, when you're in those closed air spaces, that type of ah, you know, airborne virus can spread very easily, you know?
And for that reason, hard guys, Venture Channel has a temporary travel man.
So, you know, again, I hope I hope that the powers that be can can ah completely inoculate the Corona virus.
Very soon, I had a ah, it's gonna it'll it'll happen soon as soon as the Corona viruses over with.
But I had a ah, a big adventure up for Carousel, which is an Alan.
Uh, it's kind of just a little bit above South America.
But because of the Corona virus that that business trip has been suspended.
So it's it's pretty.
And I know I'm complaining about small stuff because I mean, there's people that are actually directly impacted by the Corona virus, and that's obviously a lot worse then our skies of internal being unable to film a travel destination on schedule.
So anyway, I just want update everyone.
The good news is, is it because of the Corona virus?
While we wait for that Corona virus to disappear?
There's gonna be some really cool content here in our skies of internal.
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Hey, all Captain Eirik Sky here.
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