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  • Hello, I'm Mercedes Stevenson, and this is the West Walk Politics, Perspectives and players.

  • More than 50 countries are reporting cases of covert 19 as the battle to contain the virus intensifies.

  • Here in North America, many schools are preparing for a break this month, leaving parents to question the risks of that much desired vacation.

  • Have we reached the tipping point for Corona virus and can it be stopped?

  • Joining me now is Dr Marcos Espinal, the director of the Department of communicable diseases and environmental determinants of health at the Pan American Health Organization.

  • Thank you for taking the time to talk to us.

  • Doctor has been out my pleasure.

  • Each week we're hearing about more and more cases and countries reporting cove it 19 now within their borders.

  • Ah, lot of people are wondering at what point does this meet the criteria to become a pandemic?

  • That is a very important question, and there is a fine line that we could cross any time.

  • The pandemic issue has processing combs because the word pandemic can create also fear stigma and can also suggest that the international community cannot contain this virus.

  • On the other hand, uh, we we firmly believe that it is a pandemic when we start observing sustained transmission in the communities.

  • We have seen that in three countries so far Italy, South Korea and Iran.

  • So, um, we are watching this critically.

  • How prepared do you think we are here in Canada, the United States and the Americas for this virus?

  • So the health systems are really, really not homogeneous in turns off off preparation.

  • So there are stronger her systems.

  • Olders are weaker.

  • Canada in the United States has very strong health systems.

  • I think Canada, it's has done very well, cannot also has a lot of experience on the past corner vitals like SARS and and and and I think color has been able to handle the cases that have arrived related to China very well.

  • So far, the cases we've had coming into Canada have been people who have been in contact with somebody who had contact with someone in China, spouse of somebody who had it.

  • But when you really start to worry is when you start to see community transmission, that transmission of the disease to people who have not been or had a close relationship with someone who is considered to be high risk.

  • That is correct.

  • And that is the key issue for for calling it a pandemic event.

  • Ah, we don't rule out that is going to be called like that.

  • You know, we also don't rule out like, for instance, in China, cases are declining that he could come back.

  • But as the director general was saying few days ago, a couple of days ago, the organization still think that it can be contained.

  • What about places like Africa, where there is now a case in Nigeria, where there is not the kind of health care system that European and North American and may Latin American countries have?

  • Once it reaches there, does it become much harder to contain it?

  • There is no doubt that Nigeria will be committed to try to contain these.

  • We have office in for the whole of Africa, and certainly we're working with them.

  • But I agree view there.

  • There are several countries there where the health systems are are weak and they need to be strengthening.

  • Even in the United States.

  • In California, they were talking about a shortage of testing kits.

  • Are you concerned about whether or not even countries like Canada and the U.

  • S.

  • R.

  • Really prepared for this to come and for the health care system to have to deal with it.

  • One thing is containment, and the other thing is mitigation.

  • Mitigation measures can be implemented when we have our brakes or or community transmission.

  • Ah, lot of Canadian families.

  • They're getting ready to go on their march break.

  • They tend to go away.

  • People travel, they fly.

  • They go to places where there's lots of people like theme parks.

  • You know, should Canadian families be concerned about that?

  • And should be people be rethinking potentially their plans for the break or just carry on?

  • Well, that's an important question.

  • I think the key issue is tow.

  • Watch how these evolved and make the best decision close to the education of So I mean, some countries are already recommending canceling mass gathering events s O.

  • But it depends on on the country itself.

  • You know, each country within their boundaries can recommend what what they consider is good for their citizens.

  • One thing it is clear that is, there is community transmissions in a place, you know, it's important to avoid our place.

  • I mean for the time being, but But if the vacation is in two months or so, I recommend watch and see how these evolved.

  • If they see more cases coming into the vacation oh, holy day place, then it would be recommended.

  • It would be better to postpone that traveling because protecting life is more important than being a solid eight.

  • So for people at home watching, what should they be doing to protect themselves both from preventing getting the virus, but also dealing with a situation where there is an outbreak and things could change in terms of ability to get out of the house or use public transit or go shopping?

  • I think the important issue is not to create panic, the purchase off extra supplies.

  • It's related toe what I said earlier.

  • If on influx off cases arriving Canada, the authorities is to be prepared with stocks off supplies, protection, a Kate equipment and so on.

  • But they're not saying this is because the race is high or low.

  • I think this is called preparedness.

  • I mean to make sure they have they, the equipment, needles and the supplies needed to to face a major influx off off cases.

  • I think the issue of low reserves wise is also depend on on the health system of the of the country.

  • But nobody can control the virus like that.

  • Nobody can predict.

  • I'm sorry.

  • What is going to happen?

  • Uh, but we cannot also say that is going to be Armageddon or something like that.

  • I think countries are preparing, and Canada is one of them.

  • And And we fully, uh, confident that Canada is able to do Ah, good preparation for for for facing cases, off Corona virus like they have done already so far.

  • Thank you very much, Doctor.

  • Thank you.

  • That's all the time we have for today for the West block.

  • I'm Mercedes Stevenson.

  • Thanks for joining us.

Hello, I'm Mercedes Stevenson, and this is the West Walk Politics, Perspectives and players.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

コロナウイルス発生。COVID-19のため、今後の休日を遅らせる準備をしてください。 (Coronavirus outbreak: Be prepared to delay upcoming holidays because of COVID-19)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日