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  • What's up, guys?

  • It's ran here, so I almost don't know I said that last video.

  • But now it's almost closer to being almost done.

  • There's so many little danger of driving me absolutely crazy that aren't done yet.

  • But because I think it's been a little bit over weeks is that I'm just gonna do another one another.

  • And with this video, it seems like every little video has a bit of a lesson to it.

  • The lesson in this video is how to save money when it comes to remarkable in a place like weirdo.

  • Look, what did you so the first will get into walking, By the way, did the backsplash turned out like I want a very light, great ground and apparently what they thought I meant when I said Like Ray is like this dark like black sharp.

  • It looks terrible, so they know ripping it all out, doing it again.

  • And with this, I decided to put the subway tiles closer together in the ground.

  • I think it's a lot given in the kitchen, but when it comes to saving money, you'll notice the appliances.

  • I went with a generic gallery.

  • Siri's got microwave so refrigerator and a dishwasher all in one.

  • So how will I save some money?

  • I was reading online, and I heard that one of the best things to do is gonna get a quote from Home Depot.

  • And then what you do is you take that photo lows.

  • You ask them to beat the Home Depot prices.

  • So I did that to you right now.

  • So we're gonna try a quick experiment here to try to get the best deal in appliances and what I was reading online.

  • Apparently, this strategy goes, You got a Home Depot, you get a quote for the appliances you want to get, and then you take that quota lows and you ask them to beat that price.

  • So what I did, I went to Home Depot and thank Leads Labor Day in the next week, and everyone's offering like these insane discounts.

  • So I went with the Frigidaire Gallery, Siri's for the four piece like this stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave and the total.

  • After all, the labor Day sales and stuff like that was 2600 $68 and 93 cents.

  • Okay, which honestly, is a pretty good price like If I were paying retail for this, this would easily be like 3 $500 already.

  • I'm saving like, $900 but I'm not subtle lows right now, So we're gonna test this theory and see if lows will actually beat the price.

  • So let's do it 20 minutes later.

  • All right?

  • So just finished.

  • And this is amazing.

  • The total came out to $2281.35 a savings of about $400 they threw in next day delivery.

  • So yeah, I just say $400 by driving down the street.

  • So lows getting another quote and next day delivery this strategy, it actually works.

  • So if you want to save a lot of money and appliances, do the Home Depot to lowest strategy.

  • I can't believe I didn't do this sooner.

  • So anyway, you could see that's how I got such a good deal on these appliances and also really helps.

  • That is Labor Day.

  • So when it comes to leave, But I like only sales, it's basically I got sale then on top of like, another sale shopping it around.

  • So I highly recommend anybody who's buying appliances, wait for some sort of like special holiday deal and then pin Home Depot lows.

  • And so you guys were saying like I should have taken that goes back to Home Depot and seeing what they like, what they would do.

  • I'm gonna do that because I'm gonna buy a washer dryer.

  • So I'm gonna start Home Depot, Goto Lo's back Home Depot and see what they say they get, like, roll together and see who will actually get the lowest price.

  • So the second thing that I did to save money is when it came to window coverings and I thought I would go on Amazon because Amazon has always been, like go to for buying, like, anything, like pictures from Amazon.

  • I bought, like, mine only.

  • What else did I ended up buying a lot of stuff, man, but I thought it would look on Amazon for window coverings, and I did.

  • And then I thought, Well, let me do like, Google And then, like a move shopping to find out more stuff.

  • Oh, before that actually went to my Kia and I priced it.

  • I like it like it was like a little bit more expensive, and an Amazon was like down here.

  • Then let's do a little shopping.

  • And I came up with this website select blinds dot com.

  • They actually beat the price off Amazon and Kia for custom made blind.

  • So let me show you.

  • And this was actually really easy to do.

  • And I'm like, terrible doing stuff.

  • But like me and a few friends put up the blinds so I would recommend anybody is like you're looking for blinds these companies and they slept blinds and really anything.

  • I don't think it has a blind necessarily going school shopping, and it kind of like pins the prices for, like, each different thing.

  • And you could find out who actually has the best price, whatever.

  • So the third would say, money is that my contractor wanted money for replacing all the outlets in the place, and it was way too much wanted, like four year $50 which we all know that's way too much money.

  • So instead what I did, you go on Amazon and you buy like these little things that bolt for like, two or $3 each, and they take, like, 10 minutes maximum to put it So I did the entire place where I think it was under $20 of actual material and not even out.

  • So there you go.

  • That seems a lot of money.

  • And, well, we're in you, the kitchen, this whole thing I got from Amazon.

  • So I recommend, like, little like miscellaneous and is on his place.

  • So and we finished the hardwood floors now the fourth way to save a life.

  • So the bathroom is just about there.

  • I'm almost I'm really happy with it.

  • You know, it might not be everyone's style, but what I really wanted to go for is like a 19 twenties kind of by mixed with something a little bit your mixed with something Spanish.

  • I know it's a lot of styles, but I think it looks pretty good.

  • The shower door came in by the way, this looks at that super happy with this, and I'll see all I think about the needs of this boy is like people holder, talent, rack and shelving, which probably going to take you to the bedroom here.

  • Yeah, you should like that's pretty good.

  • Probably get like something over the top of them.

  • Just so it was a little bit cleaner.

  • It's nothing to do with the blinds.

  • It's just these windows, like very 19 twenties, not straight.

  • So I'm gonna do something to taper off a little bit more.

  • The other thing to say, mind you a lot of stuff himself.

  • You write this $60 to put in Dorne off law.

  • 60 bucks.

  • Now, Home Depot is like $17.

  • The whole kit.

  • Take 20 minutes to putting yourself saving money.

  • 60 bucks is 60 bucks is actually more like $40.

  • Say there But again, $40.40 dollars.

  • And one of the last things that you guys haven't seen last year.

  • All this crap is good, which so much better.

  • So I'm gonna wait until war.

  • This stuff cleared out along the side.

  • They left trash.

  • So wait until everything is cleaned out and power wash this and then in the garage.

  • And I get a little bit more serious about landscaping, and I'm gonna make another video about the landscaping coming up.

  • I just want to wait for it to be perfect cleaned.

  • I think that's pretty much it.

  • Thank you guys watching it, By the way, I apologize for not uploading war videos, like in the last week or so.

  • I honestly has been so stressed out with this place and getting it done and try to have this place down by September 1st, which passed.

  • Not quite there yet, You silly little miscellaneous things.

  • And I've just been so stressed out by that I haven't had time to make videos, To be honest with you guys, it's like I'm not going to make a video.

  • I won't make it.

  • No TV crap.

  • I don't want to release anything.

  • It's not like I'm really proud of it.

  • Like a 10 out of 10.

  • Otherwise, you feel like this is gonna be lacking.

  • So anyway, that's the reason why I'll get back to do it.

  • I'm just gonna wait for you to settle down for me to have a little bit more time to dedicate this.

  • But as always, you guys thank you so much for watching.

  • If you have already make sure to Snapchat.

  • I try.

  • But I told you to present it like hit the little bell.

  • So I'm gonna ask you guys hit that little bells.

  • You know what you're missing?

  • That's it.

  • That's it.

  • That's all I can ask you guys to d'oh!

  • Thank you for watching.

  • And it's like so So.

  • One of the thing I noticed when you were modeling place is that if you have an idea of something in your head and the actual finished product turns out a little bit different than had you had a vision, you instinctually hate it.

  • And that's been the way it was with me.

  • There's been a few things in this place, and I just had a different idea of how it looked like in life, and it came up with different than it.

  • Not that it looks worse, because I have a lot of compliments.

  • Seems like nobody notices little things that I know, but I just don't like it.

  • And that's one of those things where it's very hard not to get on in your head.

  • Just because you think of something that you think it was gonna turn out a certain way and it doesn't doesn't always mean it's bad.

  • That's something for me.

  • It is very difficult to get over, and also when it's your place and you notice like a little things and you're the one doing the work, you're the one that's like their time.

  • You notice all the little subtleties that no one else pays attention to, like just the clerk.

  • That backsplash was one of those things that you know for something really liked it and you didn't notice.

  • But for me, it just looked terrible.

  • Maybe did look.

  • Terror probably probably actually did something like this.

  • Stone juts out each, and that really bothers me that most people wouldn't even notice something like that.

  • It really bothers me like something like that fix.

  • They're also a little tiny things, like baseboards that are totally lined up, that I just can't stand or there are several pieces of paint would force that I just can't stand.

  • There are little things all around here.

  • It's very difficult to get over.

  • That's one of those things that I think release it and just accept that there are laws and then nothing will be 100% perfect.

  • And you do your best because otherwise stop chasing that 1% where it could be like 99%.

  • And then like that, 1% takes like 10 hours to do a little thing.

  • I'm stealing.

  • Anthony's behind me filming.

  • I'm stealing his quote on this one.

  • But it's very true when you start getting that point where you're chasing a 1% where it doesn't really make a difference.

  • But it takes you like 100 times over everything else.

  • That's when you know, stop.

  • So I'm about getting that point where it's just like, No, I'm chasing those little details really don't make any difference and that's something I'm working on myself, so I'm not perfect.

  • It's best when it comes to that sort of stuff.

What's up, guys?


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A2 初級

リノベーション35日目:ホームデポvsローリーズのプライスマッチ!そしてお金を節約する他の方法! (Renovation Day 35: Home Depot vs Lowes price match! And other ways to save money!)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日