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  • a What is going on, guys today?

  • We're going to take a look here at the HT Bill.

  • Divers, rear.

  • I's gonna mentor.

  • She, um Now we've already taken a look at the gun himself.

  • Someone.

  • This is pretty much gonna be mostly the same thing That obviously doesn't have the big, iconic arm of the cell phone.

  • We do see sell some face there in the background.

  • Just notice, which is pretty cool.

  • That and it is, has a kind of normal ish head there as well.

  • So it's gonna be a step towards the kind of normal mark three.

  • But we're still not quite the mark three.

  • So I don't know if we're ever gonna get h do you see Gonna mark three?

  • I assume Probably at some point, but this is at least a little bit closer to that anyway.

  • Pretty cool design between this and the Celts.

  • I'm honestly don't know which one I prefer.

  • Let's just build it and compare to find out.

  • So anyway, cool box are here on the front of actually really surprised this is a standard release and not a peep and released.

  • But whatever the reason, I'm not gonna complain.

  • about that, right?

  • So really nice.

  • The box are here, and we're going here onto the side.

  • Got 16 in the lines.

  • Take a look down here.

  • The bottom of the box was here.

  • Just a couple of action poses with rifle and beam saber, their details Shot of the head.

  • And then I look at that, packs.

  • You can see the backpack is gonna also be the same.

  • So if you got the option parts there from the salty arms option parts that you could use those weapons here you to replace the armor, obviously.

  • And you could praise the lands there on the back as well.

  • So just something you could do if you got that options that you could use those parts on here.

  • Something like this.

  • Over here, you can see shield in the lance.

  • They're used with that.

  • If you just get that option parts, it's so pretty cool.

  • It looks like you unplugged the rifle onto the Baxter as well.

  • Nice on going on here onto the top of the box.

  • Here.

  • You just see a nice front and back.

  • Look.

  • Oh, yeah, I forgot.

  • Actually has two rifles.

  • Yeah, one of them plugs into the backseat of the other one just is held in the hand.

  • I'm not sure if that one also is able to be logged onto the back skirt or not, but I guess we'll find out honestly.

  • The backpack without anything plugged into it, looks a little bit playing.

  • I wish they would have given us like some, like little bit.

  • Still, he's plugged into the side.

  • There's something like, I don't know, elected Delta Gundam like the Shiki is sort of like wing binders or something like that on.

  • There may be a little cool on something.

  • An idea for a kid bash?

  • Maybe so.

  • This price for this gate was about 1900 yen.

  • So should be costing you around 20 bucks to me.

  • Something like that.

  • For this case, which is pretty standard for an HD.

  • You've got just some black, very dark grey, blackish purple parts for guys color scheme for this as well, with the black, white, purple and some yellow accents on there, some kind of bluish purple color there.

  • I wish, I guess.

  • So.

  • It's a nice colors for this.

  • I like the color scheme for the top half of the front of the manual there.

  • We got the box are once again on the bottom half, as usual.

  • We've got a nice illustration of the Gundam and some information here.

  • We'll take a look there at the illustration.

  • Looks very cool.

  • Really?

  • Like that illustration style.

  • And then over here is the information about the goddamn turkey.

  • Mm, down here about Sid or Masaki Chateau like this is the pilot of that.

  • And then the palace there goes to get some information.

  • All about that stuff on the back here.

  • Customized plan about the material.

  • Gumpawa obviously being the gun, the mark three.

  • But we don't have any sort of reference for that quite yet.

  • We got a little bit about beam Sabres.

  • It's got two of those.

  • It's also got the beam rifle.

  • It says that has two types of being rifle, and it uses each type depending on the mission.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • And then once again, if you get the Celts, um, arms parts, you can use those on here.

  • Of course, as well down here, we've got the colored guy that's there in Japanese and in English.

  • You want to refer to that and opening it up to our parts list Here.

  • It looks like we're gonna have a couple of crossed off parts on there.

  • We're gonna be using most of everything.

  • Looks like just a couple parts over here on the C and D Runner.

  • It will have a couple of leftovers, but not a whole lot.

  • Otherwise, the construction looks pretty standard.

  • Their torso, head, arms, legs, legs, legs, legs, neck around to our color construction pages here got the waste unit and then the weapons.

  • Pretty simple.

  • They're just a couple of parts.

  • Each beam saber is the same thing.

  • And then just how to quit the weapons, how to equip the sell, some arms weapons.

  • Also pretty straightforward.

  • Just plug them onto the back.

  • Back.

  • So simple enough.

  • Let's just take a look at the runners, then.

  • All rights for a foil stickers, as you can see.

  • Very minimal here.

  • Just one for the eyes and two for a couple of cameras there.

  • And that's it.

  • We got a standard PC a 00 to public.

  • Epps and SP 13 clear pink beam saber effect parts.

  • We're skipping runner and going right to run Derby one here, which is just parts in white, as you can see.

  • And it's a very bright white color.

  • Actually, As it looks in there, it does look like it has a slight tinto purple to it and taking a look at the manual here, it does say a small dose of purple.

  • So basically just means white with a tiny drop of purple in it.

  • Anyway, it's gonna be the same runner that we saw with the Sultan, except it has the addition of these parts down here for the new parts for the head.

  • We do also have Aaron or be, too, which is a copy of this half of the runner over here.

  • Their undersea one is in this really dark navy color here for a bunch of joint parts, weapons, parts, things like that.

  • This runner as well.

  • You can see we've got the parts added on there.

  • They're new for this kid, for the rifles over here on this side.

  • And yeah, so you've got some different new parts there.

  • We also got one.

  • RC two is a copy of this section of the runner there.

  • Bernard de here.

  • Just a couple of parts in this very purplish blue color.

  • Very similar to the color that we saw recently with the master grade faz.

  • Burqa Got two of this.

  • The runner E one here is a nice kind of de saturated purple color like this as well.

  • Governor E two for a copy of this section of the runner over here, minus these parts for the torso.

  • And lastly, runner F for just a couple parts here in a very nice, slightly pale yellow color.

  • So that is it for all the runners.

  • Let me go ahead and get this put together, and then we'll see how it looks.

  • All right.

  • And here is how it's gonna look when it's all built up.

  • And I gotta say, I was expecting to like this much more than the Celts.

  • I'm going to marry Liam.

  • There's things I like about the Sultan, but it was just expecting to like this kind of little more standard design a little bit more.

  • But actually, now that it's built up, I'm not sure if I really prefer this one or not, but it is very cool.

  • I mean, I still like both of them Well, that these designs are really interesting.

  • And this one I think I would like it a lot more when it's posed up.

  • Everything, but also just the color strapped the box while every like the purple, The white is just really bright, and this doesn't really look under, I think, with some pen aligning and some flat coat will look a lot better now.

  • Just that really bright, shiny white is just very toy like looking.

  • So it's definitely a kid that I think you should plan on, at least doing some pen aligning and topcoat on this, even if you don't want to pay enough the whole thing.

  • But compared to the South Summit as we'll see in a coma when we do a comparison, there's really not a whole lot knew about this.

  • I mean, just the head is new.

  • Otherwise, every single they're part of this has been built already with Celts.

  • I'm going home.

  • So that means we can skip over going through all of the articulation cause it's gonna be exactly the same.

  • But let's talk about the accessories cause those air at least knew what this one as well, right upper hand options.

  • We just got the two regular holding hands on there.

  • There's gonna be the ones you're primarily gonna use.

  • But the manual does also tell you to cut out and use these other hands.

  • Which are these open holding hands.

  • Presumably this is gonna use for the eventual H g C mark three gunmen.

  • But for this they're not really actually able to be used with anything with this.

  • The mail just says to use them freely.

  • We've got our two beams, sabers with the handles and the beams of perfect parts there.

  • These handles can't actually be stored anywhere on the kids.

  • So they just had to be hand held or not at all.

  • That we've got are two different beam rifles.

  • Now, this limit more kind of slick design here doesn't have any sticker there for the camera.

  • But I think you cut off a little tiny piece off the sticker sheet and stick it on there if you want it.

  • Otherwise, it's pretty simple.

  • We have a little connection point here that will allow you to plug this onto the back skirt.

  • Here, you order to store the rifle on there like that otherwise is just held in the hand like normal other rifle does have a little sticker that goes on the front for the camera there, and this is really cool.

  • These I don't really like the design of this rifle.

  • It's quite interesting has this little bit that goes off to the side here with little cable going out to the back.

  • This one could also be plugged onto the back square here in the same way so you can choose that one.

  • So it's pretty cool that you just comes with two rifles.

  • I actually wouldn't really want to keep my I'm having two different rifles, so probably I will end up just using one and giving the other one to a different kid later on.

  • It's just, uh, Kit bashed through things.

  • So, like the fact that we get a spare rifle that you can use for something else.

  • And here's a look just at the two kids side by side, as you can see.

  • Gotta be pretty much all the same.

  • The shoulder armor of the arms, the legs, the waste that the body is all the same here.

  • Just in this case, sell some case.

  • You're only building one of the arm.

  • In the case of the turkey in here, you're just building the same Martin twice and then just the head is just gonna be a little bit different.

  • Even the backpack, as I mentioned before, not gonna be any different at all, unfortunately.

  • But I suppose the nice part about that is that all the weapons and accessories are compatible between the two of them.

  • If you want to mix, match like, say, giving your second rifle to the cell time or something like that, you could do that or giving some of the Celts, um, different weaponry, armor parts onto the turkey.

  • I'm gonna hear.

  • So anyway, one other thing that just wanted to point out is that I didn't really notice this with the Celts.

  • I'm gonna, but I definitely am noticing it here at the turkey.

  • I'm gonna miss that.

  • The head is like, really deep Seems really deep inside this tourist a part of yourself part comes real, like, really high up there.

  • So it seems like head is like, really sunken into the torso there.

  • If you have opposed down like it, any downward angle like that.

  • So you have to kind of have the head of pointed up that doesn't look like he's totally sunken.

  • down into the tourists, which is kind of strange.

  • But unfortunately, one thing I am noticing about the beam saber handles that the beam saber handles very thin, and it doesn't really fit super well in the hands.

  • So if you have like, it just stood straight up.

  • The whole thing was basically just fall straight through the hands, so you have to kind of at an angle like that.

  • Of course, there's very simple ways to fix that.

  • Just to make the beam saber handle sticking his hand, just a heads up to you guys.

  • That is not exactly the best fit.

  • They're also just want to point out to while I'm trying out.

  • Supposed with the kit is that I'm finding the wrist joints very tight and the shoulder joint where the arm plugged into the body to be quite loose.

  • The arms fall out kind of a little bit too easy, in my opinion.

  • So again, very easy fixes.

  • I would just stand the bald right on the wrist a little bit.

  • Just that's not quite so tight, and the others ways you could just put some whatever you want on their glue paint.

  • Whatever onto the Baldwin on the shoulder to make that little bit tighter in the Poly cap there but overall, still a pretty cool kid.

  • I gotta say the two different rifles is really nice, and just the overall design is a cool design.

  • Cool colors and the also the Caymans in the front of legs, also still pretty cool as well.

  • It's kind of a nice little hidden feature there, and just I like the design.

  • It's a good, solid kid.

  • It just doesn't really think have anything that really makes it super exciting.

  • If you're into the design, then you'll love it.

  • It's a nice good kit, but it's not a design that you're really particularly into, that I don't think that's gonna really do a whole lot for you otherwise, cause it's just a pretty simple HD.

  • But that's not necessarily in a bad away.

  • It's just just relatively simple.

  • It's a case where it doesn't really make sense that this was a standard release, as it seems like.

  • This is exactly the sort of thing that bend I would typically make into a P van Dyke it, but whatever reason, they didn't and they just made a stand released so we should be happy about that.

  • That it was not made into a people, and I really still anyway, well, interested to know what you guys think about it.

  • Is that something that you're really excited about or not?

  • Let me know your thoughts.

  • And of course, if you have any other questions about the kid, do feel free to let me know down there in the comment section as well.

  • Thanks so much.

  • And again.

  • Just a reminder to check out us again in the store.

  • The link is innovative description as well that you guys all so much for watching Elsie next time.

  • Bye, guys.

a What is going on, guys today?


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HGBD:RガンダムテルティウムUNBOXINGとレビュー (HGBD:R Gundam Tertium UNBOXING and Review)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日