Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • This is one l 19.

  • I got a hit and run.

  • Felony westbound on seventh.

  • Really Lights all the way.

  • Seventh and Broadway right now.

  • Hold it on.

  • Do exactly what I say exactly.

  • Don't move.

  • Unless I say don't make a sound unless I say you understand.

  • Do you understand?

  • Please don't hurt me, okay?

  • Help you.

  • I'm Reese.

  • Starts tech cock being 38416 Assigned to protect you.

  • You've been targeted for termination.

  • This one l 19 westbound on Olympic approaching overland.

  • I think it's a mistake.

  • I didn't do anything.

  • So what, you will very important to live.

  • This isn't true.

  • How could that man just get up after you?

  • Not a man.

  • Racine terminated.

  • Cyberdyne Systems model 101 A machine like a robot.

  • Not a robot sideboard.

  • Cybernetic organism?

  • No.

This is one l 19.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

私はリースです。テックコム軍曹 DN38416|ザ・ターミネーター [オープンマット、リマスター版] (I'm Reese. Sergeant Tech-Com DN38416 | The Terminator [Open Matte, Remastered])

  • 0 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日