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  • Hello, everyone.

  • Welcome to another video.

  • Now, before we get started, Have you ever wondered what a high end PC from 2014 is capable of in 2020?

  • Well, my friend Darren Short Woz.

  • And if you check out the latest video on his channel, you'll see how well the 47 90 k on GTX 9 80 dough in 2020 with some modern games.

  • I thoroughly enjoyed the video, and I think you guys will as well.

  • His camera work on production.

  • Quality is vastly superior to mine, too, so you might enjoy that because you won't get that level of editing here anyway.

  • Moving on Andi I want to discuss AM these drivers because it's no secret that a lot of people have been experiencing issues with the drivers over the past few months, myself included.

  • So I bought 5760 a while back.

  • You may remember the video I made on it, and in that one I detailed a few problems that I was having.

  • I was experiencing black screens and the odd, crackling sound bug that could only be resolved by uninstalling in reinstalling the audio drivers.

  • It was it wasn't ideal, to say the least, put it that way on with the recent release off their radio and software, I've seen a lot of reports that most off the problems have Bean fixed.

  • So I want to detail my experiences with regards to the radio on a 5000 serious cards right now, just to give you guys some idea of any issues that have been resolved and any issues that still remain before, let's say I fired up again like Fallout four, for example, now for what for would run for about half an hour before freezing.

  • And the only way to resolve this would be to restart the whole system.

  • I tested the game with a couple of in video cards on this problem was non existent, and therefore I could pin it down to a driver problem because I also tested it with a couple of older radio on cards with older driver versions.

  • And again, the problem didn't exist.

  • Take another game, for example, Battlefield five off and found that running that at a resolution that was lower than the native one of my monitor and I would see a black screen.

  • The only way to resolve.

  • This was to walk tab out of the game on close it from the taskbar.

  • This again was pretty inconvenient.

  • It wasn't just those two games, and I found a Google chrome started messing around as well.

  • Very occasionally, when I opened that up, I would just get a black screen with the only thing visible being the address bar, which again isn't exactly ideal when you're trying to browse the Web.

  • So have aimed these latest drivers fixed my problems well, I'm happy to report that.

  • Yes, they have the majority of them, at least no longer a my experiencing black screens.

  • And no longer am I experiencing freezes most of the time.

  • But it wasn't a straightforward as updating the graphics software.

  • So yesterday I had to totally reformat my PC and reinstall Windows 10 because of a totally separate issue.

  • I just found that everything was running a bit off, so I thought, You know what?

  • Let's treat the PC to a complete rainstorm Before this.

  • Well, I was still experiencing a couple off problems, namely with older games that would black screen when trying to run them at lower resolutions.

  • This was despite numerous attempts at performing, cleaning stores off the uninstalling, everything with DD you or display driver uninstaller.

  • I had also found that upgrading from the previous version to the newest version without running the display driver and install it first of all again, would cause a black screen.

  • And again, this is what I would call a mild inconvenience.

  • So when are installed?

  • Windows 10 Pro Version 1909 This morning, Andi reinstalled the latest Andy drivers from the website, the version of which will be somewhere on screen here just because I can't quite remember what the latest revision is cold, but it will be on screen.

  • When I reinstalled these drivers.

  • Of course, it was a clean installation.

  • After installing Windows 10 I found everything worked.

  • This is the way I had always wanted my 5700 x t to run.

  • I still noticed a couple of black screen issues in older games, but I found it turning on GPU.

  • Scaling resolved this something that I was also doing before, but didn't guarantee that the problem would be fixed.

  • As far as I can tell, there has been much improvement to aim these latest drivers and I am experiencing a lot less issues than I were Waas beforehand.

  • That includes the fuzzy sound issue I had before as well, which is now completely gone.

  • But it did take a complete reinstall of Windows to get rid of the majority of my problems.

  • And again, that isn't an ideal situation for most people.

  • But you know, no, everyone's experiences are going to be the same.

  • The reason I wanted to make this video was because I felt like I should talk to you about what I've been experiencing with this GPU, just in case any of you are thinking of buying something from the Rx 5000 range.

  • When I bought the card, I did say I was going to stick with it through thick and thin.

  • I didn't want to just give up on it and go for a video card, because that's what I have ended up doing in the past.

  • This hasn't been the most exciting video in the world, more of just a detailed description of software issues as opposed to anything else.

  • But I wanted to talk to you guys about it because it's something I have noticed, and I feel that it's someone who primarily talks about or tests PC hardware.

  • I should at least give you my opinions.

  • I seem to have found that the drivers are now a lot better.

  • Then they were, and that's all I could ever ask for.

  • Thank you for watching, and hopefully I'll see all of you in the next one.

  • If I had to pen a letter to a M.

  • D, then I would probably say, Dear am, do you thank you for sticking with your new cards and improving the drivers, but I guess we'll just have to see how the new revisions will impact things because it could always get worse.

  • You never know.

  • I'm sure it won't a lot off.

Hello, everyone.


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A2 初級

私のPCの悩みは、ようやく解決しました。 (My PC Woes Are Finally Resolved, For Now...)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日