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  • well, it's being called a stunning upset.

  • After a two year search and thousands of votes cast, Canada now has a national bird.

  • But it's probably not the bird you would expect.

  • See TV's Aaron Paul is joining us now with the details.

  • Erin, I know you are personally upset about this.

  • This is causing a real flap.

  • It is in the newsroom.

  • Indeed, we It's the story everybody is talking about because it is a bit of a stunning upset.

  • So the bird chosen is known as the Gray J, otherwise called the Whiskey.

  • Jack beat out a number of better known, perhaps more favored Canadian birds like the Loon, for example, the snowy owl, the Canada Goose and the chickadee.

  • Now this contest was run by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, and more than 50,000 Canadians voted online for their favorite Burt.

  • But and this is the stunning upset.

  • The Gray J actually came in third in voting behind the loon in the snowy owl, but was chosen after a public debate and deliberations by a panel of experts.

  • So why is the Gray J so quintessentially Canadian have a listen to this avian expert whose name is Dr David Bird Range almost mirrors the borders of Canada.

  • It's a very hardy bird.

  • It does not migrate from count in the wintertime.

  • You've got smart, friendly and tough.

  • Does that epitomize a Canadian or what?

  • Sobered also said, Science has proven it's the smartest bird on the planet, very friendly.

  • They will come out and land on your outstretched hand.

  • And he defended skipping over the more favored loon and snowy owl by saying those were symbols for Ontario and Quebec.

  • So hardy, friendly, smart lives in all parts of this country doesn't go south in the winter.

  • That is the official argument for picking the great J.

  • Do not do looks not count.

  • I'm so compare that bird to the snowy Oh, which is majestic than your team's new yo, I mean, loon Loon.

  • Oh, Aaron, nothing more Canadian.

  • Then they call a balloon.

  • Okay, this argument is being played on a social media.

  • Yeah, tweeting.

  • If I may have ruffled feathers for sure.

  • Look, I'm sorry.

  • I can't let this go.

  • We need to protest what we want.

  • Common loon with three wanted Canada's 150th birthday, Also even in Canada, popular vote doesn't seem doesn't win.

  • It seems I don't mind, though I still love these guys.

  • And why is the great J now Canada's bird?

  • Does its call sound like Sorey?

  • Does it live on poutine?

  • There is one person very happy about this choice, though NBC reporter Jay Gray.

  • We often have him on this channel.

  • He tweeted this out.

  • Yes, Canada, you are the wind beneath my wings, and he's proudly wearing a Canda sweatshirt.

  • Now a lot of people are comparing this stunning upset to that of Donald Trump's victory.

  • So much So.

  • In fact, there's now a hashtag trending Garcia, not my national bird.

  • I'll send it back to you.

  • It's a great year and make the stuff you can't see.

  • Awesome, Thank you.

well, it's being called a stunning upset.


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B2 中上級

どけよ、アホ。地理的社会がカナダの国鳥としてカケスを選ぶ (Step aside, loon: Geographic society plucks gray jay as Canada's national bird)

  • 19 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日