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  • Hey, it's hailing from TRAV yourself and I'm in Chicago for the same Patrick's Day celebration.

  • Travel yourself if they say hey isn't on Saturday in The celebrations happened Saturday beforehand, here in Chicago, and the first thing is dying of this boat.

  • They've been dying the river here in Chicago for over 50 years.

  • 40 something, I think four.

Hey, it's hailing from TRAV yourself and I'm in Chicago for the same Patrick's Day celebration.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

セント・パトリックス・デイ・イン・シカゴ2020中止 (St Patricks Day in Chicago 2020 CANCELLED)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日