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  • Toilet paper is disappearing around the globe, and nobody is taking it sitting down.


  • The New York Post reported that it has triggered fistfights in supermarket aisles in Australia, where one family inadvertently contributed to the crisis by ordering 48 boxes of toilet paper instead of 48 rolls, roughly 12 years' worth.


  • Now she's sitting comfortably on more than 2,000 rolls.

    彼女は今、2,000 ロール以上もあるトイレットペーパーに鎮座しています。

  • The BBC reported on an audacious armed robbery at dawn in Hong Kong.


  • And in Japan, Sora News said that one shopkeeper decided the only way to protect his restroom from desperate toilet paper thieves was to draw up traditional curses to protect his stash of spare loo rolls.

    また日本では、ソラニュース 24 が、なりふり構わないトイレットペーパー泥棒から店を守ろうとする店主が考え出した唯一の手段として、呪いのお札で予備のトイレットペーパーを目隠ししていると伝えました。

  • All over the world, news of the potentially widespread COVID-19 coronavirus infection has sent folks to supermarkets and drugstores looking to hoard essentials from face masks and hand sanitizers, to nonperishable food items like canned goods, oat milk, ramen, and, yes, toilet paper.

    世界各地で、今後拡大するであろうコビッド 19 コロナウイルスについて報じられ、人々はスーパーやドラッグストアへ急ぎ向かいます。生活必需品を買いだめするのです。その内容は、マスクや手指の消毒剤から、缶詰食品やオーツミルク、即席ラーメンなどの保存食にまで至ります。そしてもちろん、トイレットペーパーもです。

  • Shoppers in different countries were driven by different reasons for buying out toilet paper.


  • In China, folks who had no access to surgical masks went for toilet paper because, as Australian academic Nikita Garg said, "There's a thinking that toilet paper can be substituted for tissues and napkins and to make makeshift masks."

    中国では、マスクの入手が困難な人々がトイレットペーパーを買い求めました。オーストラリアの教育関係者 ニキータ・ガーグ氏が「トイレットペーパーは、ティッシュや紙ナプキンの代わりにしたり、即席マスクを作るのに利用できる」と発言したためです。

  • In Taiwan, toilet paper flew off the shelves because there were rumors that the island's paper stocks were being used to make surgical masks, which would subsequently affect toilet paper supplies.


  • Authorities later had to deny that this was the case.


  • In the case of countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia, panic buying and the need to hold on to as much toilet paper one can carry is most likely driven by fear of the unknown, not by any proven or actual need for more toilet paper.


  • Clinical psychologist Steven Taylor explained to CNN: "When people are told something dangerous is coming, but all you need to do is wash your hands, the action doesn't seem proportionate to the threat. Special danger needs special precautions."

    臨床心理士のスティーブン・テイラー氏が CNN に次のように話しています。「人間は、何かしらの危険が迫っているが、必要なのは手を洗うことだけだと言われても、それが脅威に見合ったものとは思えないのです。特殊な脅威には特殊な予防策が必要だと感じるのです。」

  • It doesn't help that news reports showing empty shelves urge people to believe that they're missing out if they don't go out and get more toilet paper right now.


  • There is an element of where you actually do get drawn into that, a psychology where you might fear like you may miss out. A fear of missing out.


  • In Ireland, shoppers admitted to The Irish Times that all the panic buying was admittedly over the top, but they were doing it anyway.


  • Researchers at INSEAD Singapore, where the city's toilet paper supplies were compromised early on in the crisis, said that panic buying there was also driven by an element of retail therapy.

    コロナ危機の早期の段階で、シンガポールではトイレットペーパーが品薄になっていたのですが、(ビジネススクールの)インシアード シンガポールの研究者たちは、ここでのパニック買いも、買い物療法 (買い物で心の安定を得る) の要素があるとしています。

  • Except instead of spending money on the latest gadgets and fashion, folks bought useful items as shopping for those things reinforced their sense of control over the crisis.


  • People are also spurred by the idea that a community coronavirus outbreak could result in quarantine or a lockdown, which will impose restrictions on their freedom of movement.


  • Psychologist Baruch Fischhoff told CNN: "Unless people have seen official promises that everyone will be taken care of, they are left to guess at the probability of needing the extra toilet paper, sooner rather than later. The fact that there are no official promises might increase those probabilities."

    心理学者のバルーク・フィショフは CNN に、「すべての人々の生活が守られると公的に約束されない限り、トイレットペーパーが必要かどうか判断するのが国民であることに変わりありません。公的な約束がなければ、手に入れようという衝動が増していく可能性もあるでしょう」と述べています。

  • More than anything else, there is a need to have a sense of control over a situation whose outcome no one can currently predict, and buying toilet paper could be one way of getting to grips with an unknown.


  • Fischhoff said: "Depending on how people estimate the chances of needing the toilet paper, the hassle might be worth it."


  • If it gave them the feeling that they had done everything that they could, it might free them to think about other things than coronavirus."


  • But for some folks who think a lockdown is imminent, the fact that they went all out to build their toilet paper stash was totally worth it.


  • Frank Farley, former president of the American Psychological Association told CNN: "[The novel coronavirus] is engendering a sort of survivalist psychology, where we must live as much as possible at home and thus must 'stock up' on essentials, and that certainly includes toilet paper. After all, if we run out of [toilet paper], what do we replace it with?"

    フランク・ファーリー氏はアメリカ心理学会の元会長ですが、CNN に次のように述べています。「『新型コロナウイルス』がある種の生存主義的心理を作り出しています。人々はできる限り家で生活しなければいけない状況の中で、生活必需品を『確保』しておかなければならないと考えるのです。そしてトイレットペーパーは必需品に確実に含まれています。結局、『トイレットペーパー』が足りなくなったら、何で代用すれば良いのでしょうか?ということです。」

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Toilet paper is disappearing around the globe, and nobody is taking it sitting down.


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