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  • Selfless service.

  • High temperatures and high elevation doesn't stop troops from Joint Task Force Bravo

  • in Honduras from giving back to the communities that support them.

  • During a recent chaplain-sponsored hike,

  • volunteers filled their rucks with donated supplies

  • and braved the Honduran mountains as they gave food, toys, and other gifts to needy villagers.

  • [female solder] All uphill, of course, so we can find out what we're made of.

  • And when it is arduous coming up the mountainside, all I do is,

  • "Dear God, get me to the top."

  • Buenos dias.

  • I think it was all worth it when we got here and we saw all the people that were down here.

  • We heard they had to come down to meet us,

  • so I can't imagine having to hike even higher.

  • This is probably the only time they'll see Americans,

  • the only time they'll have contact with us.

  • I'm really appreciative that I'm here in Honduras and able to do that.

  • That's a 60-second Army Now from Soldiers Radio and Television.

  • [clock ticking] [♪bass guitar playing♪]

Selfless service.


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B1 中級

ホンジュラスでのボランティアハイキング (Volunteer hike in Honduras)

  • 60 3
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日