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  • in Tasmania, the popular winter festival Dark Mofo has been cancelled over the virus fears.

  • The fortnight event was due to start in Hobart in June.

  • Organizer's have called it off three months ahead of schedule, saying a last minute cancellation would cost them millions.

  • Last year's event drew record crowds and more than 100,000 tickets for so the festival, a major contributor to the region's tourism industry celebrating our culture and music.

in Tasmania, the popular winter festival Dark Mofo has been cancelled over the virus fears.


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A2 初級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

タスマニアのフェスティバル「Dark Mofo」がコロナウイルスの影響で中止に (Tasmanian festival Dark Mofo cancelled due to coronavirus)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日