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  • Come here...

  • How are you roaming so cleanly on this occasion of holi

  • I don't like to play holi

  • it damages our skin, hair, house & everything

  • you have to play Holi with me...

  • You came to beat me with this?

  • are you trying to bully me....

  • No... Forgive me...

  • i say put colours on her as you want

  • Yes I'll do so..

  • and I'll tell you the way so that you will not be afraid of playing holi next time

  • and you surely will hit 1,00,000 LIKES

  • ARE you ready to play holi?

  • yes! now all set

  • & what about your coloured hair.. if they got damaged

  • and what will you do when colours entered in your hair root

  • First I’ll massage my hair with

  • Parachute advanced hair oil

  • & what about that stickiness

  • for that you can use Parachute advanced Jasmine hair oil

  • or use this Parachute advanced aloe vera hair oil

  • done with massage now I make braid

  • and you need to make a tight braid

  • as less colour enters if your hair remain tied

  • this coconut oil along with aloe vera makes our hair soft

  • done with braid

  • but its new from where did we get it?

  • Order it online

  • I don't believe in your hack

  • ok but then don't weep later

  • Anku I'll beat you if tiles will get dirty with the colours...

  • leave it

  • I'll do the same to your friends too

  • don't worry I am here

  • & yeah first of I'll beat this Vishal

  • oh.. this stain

  • Now only need to use Lemon Juice, Baking Soda and vinegar mixture

  • hmm.. what happened?

  • Nothing... see all remains clean

  • I am going to play holi

  • what's the benefit of this manicure

  • as this colours will not get removed from out nails

  • I know that why I am already prepared for it

  • so what youve done?

  • Apply a coat of transparent nail paint

  • then apply 2-3 coats of a dark coloured nail paint over it

  • if you too have long nails like me

  • then apply a coat from inside as well like this

  • and what about the cuticles

  • For that massage your nail cuticle with

  • Parachute Advanced Aloe vera oil for about five minutes

  • this will create a shield on your nails which saves your nails from holi colours

  • & now remove this colour with nail remover in just one swipe

  • so dirty here and this broom too remains worse

  • do we have a new broom?

  • no!! get it done with Anku’s hair

  • do you remember what I told you

  • now its too late

  • No..its not be too late

  • add some lemon juice in one cup of curd

  • then just add coconut oil and mix well

  • & get fix your hair problems

  • first wash your hair

  • then apply this mask

  • then leave it for 20 minutes

  • then rinse it off with water

  • then let dry your hair

  • now.. worry not..

  • got tired

  • now how do we remove this colour from our body ?

  • bring that Parachute advanced hair oil and cotton

  • but what should we do with it

  • let me tell you

  • but how do you know this

  • you like Aloe vera

  • thats aloe vera goodness is in it

  • and this doesn't irritate your skin

  • let make them see its before after

  • they are not in the house please come later

  • but Mummy....

  • this colour didn't removed

  • oho.. messed up with holi colours

  • get out from house

  • ok come one by one

  • sit down

  • I am coming after face wash

  • first remove the colour with a dry cloth & you three too do the same

  • i knew that you returned messed up

  • so I've already prepared this Turmeric & Gram Flour pack since morning

  • now leave it for one minute

  • now remove it with gentle massaging with oil

  • then rinse off your face with normal water

  • Wow.. All colours got removed..

  • Rekha are you coming to play holi ?

  • No.. she is sleeping..

  • now you all three come here

  • you know Rinky got rashes on her whole body

  • she was wearing polyester fabric and remained wet for too long

  • you why this didn't happened to us... due to these cotton clothes

  • and I’ll make it white after wash

  • let me show..

  • first wash it with any detergent

  • then add 1/2 tsp of fabric bleach in water

  • and let it remain in this solution for about 30 minutes

  • really enjoyed to playing holi

  • and how did you like our Holi hacks?

  • they really loved a lot to both of us

  • yes true we asked them for 70,000 LIKES but you did more than that

  • yes they are our true friends

  • and seeing our videos on trending reminds us only one thing that is our 5 million family

  • so we posted a story on Instagram to thanks to all

  • so to watch for more stories follow

  • and now there is no need to ask for

  • shower some colour on that grey thumb to turn it to blue

Come here...


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

絶対に試したい7つのLIFE Saving HOLI Hacks|#美容 #ヘアケア #スキンケア #Anaysa (7 LIFE Saving HOLI Hacks You MUST Try | #Beauty #Haircare #Skincare # Anaysa)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日