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  • as we await this news conference from City Hall.

  • conference from City Hall. But that’s the very latest on

  • But that’s the very latest on Mauritius reporting live after

  • Mauritius reporting live after a better way of KPRC Channel

  • a better way of KPRC Channel 2 news.

  • 2 news. >> Mario thanks so weve been

  • >> Mario thanks so weve been getting reports into our

  • getting reports into our newsroom that some of the

  • newsroom that some of the volunteers Christine

  • volunteers Christine are being told not to show up

  • are being told not to show up for their shifts at the Houston

  • for their shifts at the Houston Livestock show and Rodeo and

  • Livestock show and Rodeo and that also speaks to what

  • that also speaks to what Mario’s been seeing

  • Mario’s been seeing and hearing from folks out

  • and hearing from folks out there want to get right out to

  • there want to get right out to our taisha Walker who is

  • our taisha Walker who is also live at NRG for at the

  • also live at NRG for at the fairway where the carnival is

  • fairway where the carnival is taking place taisha.

  • >> Okay and the NYPD is big

  • >> Okay and the NYPD is big with a lot of unhappy gas take

  • with a lot of unhappy gas take a look as to why you can see

  • a look as to why you can see there is no movement no light

  • there is no movement no light no one allowed

  • no one allowed to go on these carnival rides

  • to go on these carnival rides families telling me they spent

  • families telling me they spent hundreds of dollars on tickets

  • hundreds of dollars on tickets right outside

  • right outside the gate and they were told

  • the gate and they were told that there’s a possibility that

  • that there’s a possibility that this rodeo will shut down and

  • this rodeo will shut down and now they come inside and

  • now they come inside and theyre not able to use their

  • theyre not able to use their tickets so they

  • tickets so they are not Of these people line to

  • are not Of these people line to go.

  • go. >> We had just finished writing

  • >> We had just finished writing awry when they saw that we had

  • awry when they saw that we had It was around 12 oh 2 here

  • It was around 12 oh 2 here already I want to.

  • already I want to. >> The rise and then it just

  • >> The rise and then it just stopped and theyre like OK.

  • stopped and theyre like OK. The road

  • The road or did they tell you why know

  • or did they tell you why know they gave no

  • they gave no reasons why. Company carnival

  • reasons why. Company carnival tickets and you guys had you

  • tickets and you guys had you guys get to do more than one

  • guys get to do more than one riders Friday was our first one

  • riders Friday was our first one weve got here for a trip

  • weve got here for a trip anywhere is going to kids.

  • anywhere is going to kids. Dollars.

  • Dollars. $150 we can take

  • $150 we can take yeah it’s a point.

  • It was like we were ready for

  • It was like we were ready for the rodeo, so I guess it was it

  • the rodeo, so I guess it was it out.

  • out. The could you have covered them

  • The could you have covered them handle it differently when you

  • handle it differently when you walked in through the gates

  • walked in through the gates yeah he’s be like all the might

  • yeah he’s be like all the might be you know a problem or

  • be you know a problem or something but they just were

  • something but they just were on there for like 10 seconds in

  • on there for like 10 seconds in the night

  • the night

  • is over it could have worn

  • is over it could have worn does.

  • does. He’s got the right going a

  • He’s got the right going a little

  • yes as as you guys are hearing

  • yes as as you guys are hearing of the sentiment from some of

  • of the sentiment from some of these Gaston not happy they

  • these Gaston not happy they spent money to try

  • spent money to try to have.

  • to have. >> A good time here as the

  • >> A good time here as the carnival at the rodeo and as

  • carnival at the rodeo and as you can see a lot of people are

  • you can see a lot of people are starting to fan out there were

  • starting to fan out there were a lot more

  • a lot more people here on the carnival

  • people here on the carnival grounds when we got here as you

  • grounds when we got here as you can see it is starting to clear

  • can see it is starting to clear out his people

  • out his people and a lot to go on the ride so

  • and a lot to go on the ride so many of them are starting to

  • many of them are starting to leave the It at the back to you

as we await this news conference from City Hall.


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A2 初級

ヒューストンロデオの乗り物が閉鎖されたため、観光客はヒューストンロデオを離れるように言われています。 (Visitors told to leave Houston Rodeo as rides close)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日