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  • however, wanna welcome to another video.

  • Now this is the Sousse GT 6 30 It has two gigs of DDR, three V Ram, 96 Cuticles and Cost Me £8.

  • Here is what it's capable of.

  • So the GT 6 30 came in a couple of different variants, aside from some having DDR three V RAM and others do DDR five.

  • These cards can also be found in both Fermi and Kepler versions.

  • I can't be sure what sort of performance difference you should expect between the two, but what I can say is that my Fermi model here is pretty weak, not to mention driver support for it has ended.

  • But let's over Crockett.

  • Okay, maybe we'll be a little more delicate than that.

  • This really isn't the ideal card for this, but it's certainly possible to turn up The stock clocks a bit too high, though, and you'll end up with artifacts like this.

  • Maybe one gigahertz was a little ambitious.

  • I found that these settings were the limit for this GPU.

  • The core memory and Schrader clocks have all been boosted.

  • While it's not going to win me any over clocking competitions, I was curious as to whether these changes could push us over 30 FBS, considering the 6 30 was coming close beforehand but falling ever so slightly short in the averages.

  • If we jump back into the same games, I'll talk you through the changes in frame rate, if any, on discuss any issues we may have had aside from the obvious artifact ing and what?

  • No.

  • So I bought this card with no real intentions.

  • I just never tested one before.

  • I think it certainly isn't the best version for over clocking, and it will struggle in a lot of modern Triple eight titles anyway.

  • So what's changed with our speed increase?

  • Well, dirt rally to came in just shy of 30 frames per second at stock speeds, with 26 on average and okay, 1% in 10.1%.

  • Lows are over clock pushed us over that 30 F.

  • P s mark ever so slightly and improve the percent whole figures as well.

  • It's not much and there will still be some slowdown, but it certainly felt a little smoother.

  • There's no real room to increase the graphical settings, though it was a similar story in fallout for the average increased a little, and so did the 1% low, but the 10.1% figure it remained the same, indicating some noticeable frame dips.

  • I took a similar walk around Concord, as I did first time around.

  • But please remember that because this is actual gameplay and not a set benchmark test, there's a larger margin of error to consider.

  • I'll include the results from a far cry nude on benchmark run at the end, just for fairness.

  • But I prefer real world gameplay as it's more representative of, well, exactly that fortnight.

  • So the biggest improvement that this really should be taken with a pinch of salt as it's hard to replicate similar conditions twice over in this game.

  • Still, it certainly felt like a smoother overall experience with less frame dips than before.

  • I was still using 7 20 p and the low settings here as I have been throughout.

  • Finally, it's pub G.

  • There was a couple of frames difference here and increased from 20 to 22 but the duty 6 30 didn't like running this title at all.

  • We were starting to see some artifacts on screen at this point, something that hadn't occurred thus far, and I thought it was a pretty stable over clock until now.

  • This is a sign that the card is to put, simply not enjoying what you're doing to it.

  • The game was still pretty much unplayable as well.

  • On killing your GP you for the sake of 22 frames per second, as opposed to 20 doesn't sound like a worthy trade off.

  • Anyway, let me talk about that far cry new dawn result.

  • It was a bit of an afterthought, so I didn't record the benchmark run that here's what you can expect in difference between the stock and overcooked card.

  • It really isn't much.

  • But then again, far cry.

  • New Dawn was never going to run smoothly on this thing anyway, what with all that said, I hope you've enjoyed this video.

  • It's been a little shorter than usual, but I wanted to check the GT 6 30 hour.

  • Anyway, I really wasn't sure what to do with it, and I thought, Why not over Crockett and see if that makes any difference.

  • Nonetheless, if you enjoy this video lever like on it, leave a dislike.

  • If you didn't subscribe to the channel.

  • If you haven't done so already.

  • And the next one will be looking at an old school.

  • Del x p s that.

  • I'm really excited about checking out so hopefully you can join me then.

however, wanna welcome to another video.


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B1 中級

10ドルのEbay GPUをオーバークロック (Overclocking a $10 Ebay GPU)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日