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  • So guys, today I am going to try on some of my new ever lay in pieces.

  • I actually wanted to where a lot more basics like replenish my basics in my closet, says It's been about a year since I've done that.

  • You know, I needed some more like T shirts, jeans, that type of thing.

  • So I actually result every lane that gave me a couple of new items to that I want to show you.

  • So let's get started.

  • So first, let's stop jeans.

  • I got this pair that I think is really a good addition to my closet.

  • Um, I needed like a new pair of basic jeans that I could wear every day.

  • So I went with the cheeky gene, which, you know they're more of like a straight leg, which I think is really popular, I know, but also something that would last for years.

  • And then it also has a really high rise, which is important in my life.

  • Oh, and also in the back has more like Mom Jean pockets where they're higher up on the booty.

  • The aren't necessarily like a mom Jean, either.

  • They're really just like a standard straight life Jean, so they're really perfect for basics.

  • So I also got some dresses that I think will be really great for summertime, This one I'm super excited about.

  • It's one of my absolute favorite dresses.

  • It's an A line, and it's called their Japanese Go.

  • We've dress and I like this one, had short sleeves on it.

  • It just has, like, this billowy, flowy look.

  • It's really casual.

  • It even has pockets.

  • So it's got all these, like pleats in the back to just really cool.

  • And I don't know, I just feel like super artsy when I wear this dress.

  • I just love it so much so of course you can just wear it like loose and flowy.

  • Another way that I like to wear mine that I've found is I like to wear it with just a small spaghetti belt.

  • So they're called.

  • But I got that one from my Osma dress, and I just happened to slip it on with anything else that I feel needs it in my closet.

  • But just like a really thin belt or string just really pulls this outfit together, too.

  • So I was really excited that every lane sent me this dress to try it is the wrap dress, which actually after after I got this one actually saw.

  • Like all of these different articles, they were saying how awesome the stress is from like pure wow and stuff.

  • But I think why everyone's flipping out about it is because you can get it for, like, any size that you are.

  • And then there's, like so many colors to that you wear it with and then it also has a V neck, Which V Neck is like one of the most versatile necklines that there is.

  • I also wanted to try out the royal blue because I was thinking about introducing some blues into my outfits in my wardrobe.

  • And so this was kind of a nice way for me to try out that color and see how it worked, because Blue is almost like a neutral, so it's kind of neat to be able to try on a blue.

  • So next this dress is the same type of dress, but in a short sleeve.

  • So it's the wrap dress, so you're able to like where just exactly how it fits you.

  • And this would actually be really good for like a date night look or, you know, there's just so many ways that you can have, like a black dress that's like a go to it doesn't seem like it wrinkles too much, either.

  • I mean, there's just a little bit of ironing that just, you know, when it's folded or when it comes out of the package.

  • But really, I think that this would resist a lot of wrinkles.

  • So even though I bought this dress like, really, really recently, like within the last week, I've already found different ways that I've been wearing it.

  • It's just been fun to wear as like a spring summer dress, and I just find that it's like, so flattering on the top.

  • Especially so it's the slip dress, and it really feels just really nice in summary, and it actually has one slit on the side.

  • I thought that they would be, too, but there's really just one, and I think that that kind of helps with wind control.

  • Otherwise, both flaps would just be like getting carried away in the wind.

  • I'll probably get it, Taylor, just a little bit on the bottom, like hemmed up.

  • This would be really good for anybody's height, but just that little bit extra.

  • That I like to bring it up would be a little bit more flattering on me.

  • So moving in the tops, I was really happy with this one so far.

  • I worry a few times in the last week or so, and I just think that's really fun to be able to wear linen in the summertime because it's so extremely like breathe, herbal.

  • And so this was a really good option.

  • Usually, Lennon can be pretty expensive, so it was really nice to find something from every lane.

  • It's a notch top, so it's got, like, this beautiful collar around it.

  • It's also been like a really popular top right now, too, because right now it's sold out.

  • But all stilling get down below in case they restock it.

  • Okay, so next I got a bunch of different teas of all different sizes and lengths and everything, but the one that I really love is this oversized one that has, like, longer sleeves.

  • So this is the oversized air T It's just kind of got, like, this drapey look, so I actually prefer, like, longer sleeves if they're gonna be sure its leaves because, like the cap sleeve thing, I just don't feel like as confident in.

  • So I just love the look of having a longer drape your sleeve t.

  • So I got a couple of versions of that shirt of white, one in a black one, and then I did the same thing with the air cam E.

  • So I got a black and white version of this.

  • I just really was looking for a really nice light cam e that I can wear in the summertime.

  • I feel like tanks in general are just so nice for summer.

  • They just match everything.

  • And you know, it's like a very basic thing toe have.

  • And I think it looks really good for like, any occasion to so I can always find good use for Commies.

  • So actually, a note about the air Cam E and the Air T is that they are a more lighter fabric like you will see a broth through it, most likely, And so people ask me all the time like, how do I wear these shirts that are a little bit transparent or translucent?

  • And I were nip ease from Bristol six those just allow me to be able to wear whatever I want without it looking like I am brawl iss Or like I am wearing a broad you can see through it.

  • A lot of people just don't want thio like, have that look.

  • So yeah, um, nippy is from Bristol Six.

  • Why tell everyone and a lot of people online I have seen like them say that they were him to his next one.

  • I'm super happy with its the Pema Stretch T and I've gotten a Pema stretch long sleeved and I really liked that material.

  • And I love that it comes in gray because I feel like I just overlook gray a lot like I don't remember to invest in that in my neutral wardrobe and again with the longer sleeves.

  • I'm just so thrilled.

  • This one is really pretty.

  • I just love the color off this pocket t I've gotten a few pocket tees from ever lied before, so I knew really what to expect when I see this in photos of me, I always feel like it's more flattering than I expect.

  • Like when I'm wearing it, I just kind of feel like I'm wearing a T shirt.

  • But then afterwards, when I see photos, I'm like, Wow, I'm actually really impressed with the look of the sea.

  • I think it'll look different on me as I like, get more of a tan this summer and stuff.

  • So I got this color.

  • I also got an ivory, so I'm pretty set on the pocket box Cut tease.

  • So I almost didn't get this, but I realized that I really didn't have, like, any black teas.

  • And it was really noticeable Ivory like, you know, what would be really great for this outfit today?

  • It's a black tea, and I didn't have one.

  • So I reached for this one, which I feel like V necks are just my favorite neckline, especially for t use, because it's like Slouchy would still is, like, feminine and sexy.

  • And yeah, I just love it so much.

  • So definitely needed a V neck, and I definitely needed a black tea.

  • So finally, I just have to talk about these shoes.

  • Um, I am so incredibly happy with the day gloves.

  • Now I personally have, like, narrow feet.

  • So that's really important to me.

  • Is that shoes like this stay on my feet, and people have asked me like how it would work if I have, like, wider toes.

  • And I think that that would be okay, too, because it's such a flexible type of leather.

  • I actually saw shoes just like this on the Jesse Cam website, but it wasn't like for sale.

  • It was just like what the model was wearing.

  • And so when I saw these ones, I was super excited that I'd be able to wear my campaigns with shoes like these.

  • I have worn them for, like, three miles at a time, and they did make my feet just a little bit red on the outside.

  • But that was, you know, pretty typical, I think, because I am used to just having to wear band aids and everything when I'm breaking in shoes.

  • And I didn't have to do that with these.

  • So, um, just, you know, use your judgment on how they feel and how sensitive your skin is.

  • But overall, they're supposed to be worn, like all day, so yeah, really great.

  • So that's a wrap on my everyday basics update to my closet.

  • I'm really thankful to have tried out some of these pieces from every land that they sent me.

  • But overall, like I did splurge and spend a lot just myself on trying to update all of these.

  • So I'm just really happy with them.

  • And yeah, overall, I think that they will be great additions.

  • If you've tried any of these or like you have questions about him, you can always put him in the comments below.

  • Now it's you guys.

  • Next time.

  • Bye.

So guys, today I am going to try on some of my new ever lay in pieces.


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エバーレーンのエブリデイサマーベーシック|Dearly Bethany(ディアリー・ベサニー (Everyday Summer Basics with Everlane | Dearly Bethany)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日