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  • hello people boo she's carrying malaria coming to you

  • live from me up there yeah from the office

  • Gary's trying to find a catchphrase to start a video with if the look vest boom

  • was that good no so we wanted to do to make this video because we why why do we

  • want to make this video okay so the video because the other night when we

  • were lying in bed you asked me Thanks I'm just getting it out of the way

  • Kagome and here you asked me what are our goals we want to accomplish what we

  • want to do and you kind of caught me off guard so I started thinking about it I

  • thought it was like a really good question and I thought it'd be good for

  • you guys to do it on your own to think about well they already did it but I

  • think it's very interesting to do it as a couple I think that's very important

  • because I think a lot of people do it like for themselves for their own

  • personal growth but when you were in a relationship marriage partnership it's

  • very good to kind of see if we are on the same page to what we want 2008 team

  • to look like and then at the end of 2019 we're gonna look at this video and be

  • like so when she asked me there you know I kind of categorize things so I

  • categorized it as on the personal side on the business side on the relationship

  • side with the kids to start things off we talked about goals with you know with

  • the kids I want to be more patient with the kids so this year my goal is to

  • really be like way more patient especially look Jake because Jake is

  • just like he's a firecracker and once he's difficult he's just a very

  • spirited little dude he's my mother he does run on emotion they love you pika

  • yeah I was I definitely wanna spend more time with them I want more one-on-one

  • time more a little time with them I want to be more patient with them and I want

  • to be more about positive reinforcement for the boys so as opposed to waiting to

  • discipline them when they do something good I really want to support that not

  • that they lack in love but even more so so even last night when I was putting

  • jakey to bed you know I give a hug and a kiss and I tell them every night you're

  • my boy love you and just repeating that letting

  • them know that I think is really really crucial that's with Jake with Ben he's a

  • bit of a different character I want to be more interactive with him because you

  • and last night you wanted a place for Mario's with me but not in the video

  • game in real life so I really want to spend a lot more time you know Ben as

  • well and I wanna I want to spend individual time with him I want to take

  • them out like one on one once a week with Jake then once a week with Ben

  • because we have our family time together on the weekends but maybe in the

  • evenings oh I think that's for me I would like to be more vulnerable with

  • them this book that I was reading by Renee brown brain Abram she was saying

  • how it's important also for kids to not look at us as these like perfect human

  • beings but you know to be open and showing them that we don't know it all

  • and that we're also human as they are - parents you always like don't do this

  • and don't do that and you didn't do that right in instead of criticizing being

  • open about you know I've found that before and it's not a good idea because

  • so I feel like they connect with you living on another level yeah

  • so I think just like learning more about ways to make our bond stronger I so

  • really want to travel with them that's for sure I find with Jake because he's

  • older you can reason with him more you can explain things to them more so that

  • that's really working with Max I just don't want to miss it I don't want to

  • miss these ik he's such a little cutie pie with Jake I was just like scared

  • because he was our first kid and I was just scared cuz he was a baby and he was

  • so fragile with Ben I was more like trying to juggle the two of them but now

  • I feel like we have this infrastructure in place in terms of you know the people

  • who help us we've known each other now a lot longer so I feel like we're more

  • kind of comfortable with our relationship so I really want to put you

  • know a lot of attention on on Maximus I mean he's just such a easy honey but

  • okay on our purse on the personal level of you and I we're talking how we would

  • like to connect more we are very close and we're very open and honest

  • each other but life gets so hectic and there's so much going on and now that

  • we're working together and just like have three boys and a newborn there's

  • it's like we're always together but we're not really together we definitely

  • want to make an effort to reconnect yeah absolutely

  • I mean I'm will sugarcoat it I feel that we we've been disconnected especially

  • this last year with so many changes in our lives and it's not the kind of

  • disconnected where I'm worried about our relationship or I'm scared or anything

  • like that it's just that I feel like I don't have enough of you and actually

  • mentioned this in the previous video I just don't have enough as much as we

  • have to be you know parents and business people we also need to really need to be

  • there for each other and I think we've been kind of negligent in not

  • prioritizing ourselves and putting our our relationship last where I think our

  • relationship should be first and I also think that our relationship

  • should be ahead of our relationship with the kids the kids need to see that you

  • and I are are strong and tight and were cool to each other because if they have

  • that as an example I feel is gonna help them their whole lives have you like

  • watched some of my videos maybe I also know that I have to spend the rest of my

  • life with you and the kids in however many years like 19 20 22 years yeah

  • they're gonna be out the house yeah and it is you and me baby we're gonna be

  • we're gonna be partying so we got to make sure that we're tight because that

  • time is gonna come why would you want to achieve this year for yourself with 2019

  • for sure in the basket I mean I definitely want to get into into better

  • shape I've been working with a trainer you know I have been doing amazing I've

  • been consistent but I'm still not seeing the results that I want to see so I

  • really want to focus on on my diet that's something that I really need to

  • pay a lot more attention to I'll be really interested to see the progress a

  • year from now where I'm gonna be that's what I want and I know that's what you

  • want too and I hope that we'll be able to actually work out together you

  • mention the other day that maybe we could you know we could work out

  • together I think that would be really cool so that's kind of what it is for me

  • also I came to the realization of what it is that I love was funny I was

  • talking to a buddy of mine yesterday he was telling me about how he built his

  • house really motivated him and he was telling me that he was basically his own

  • Foreman for this project that it was beautiful and then he asked me Gary what

  • do you get to I'm asking myself what am i into I don't know what I'm into and

  • then I realize what I'm into I mean to me it's a business I know I

  • know but you know what when you spend most of your time doing something you

  • actually eventually come to the realization that you an amazing so now I

  • know and I'm enjoying the process so much I'm a business with you of my other

  • ventures that I run and that I'm involved with my goal is to just

  • continue growing as a business person and to invest more time and effort and I

  • guess that's maybe a nice transition to what you know what our goals are for

  • Larry but before we do how about you thank you see I go straight to business

  • I just read the business it's okay you cut yourself for myself I think I don't

  • want to take the time to just find my place in that role of like a mother of

  • three I want to have more fun adventures and experiences with you I'm excited to

  • move into a new house that would be fun I feel like 2018 was really like a good

  • year for me kind of personally on an emotional or mental level so I think I

  • would just want to kind of progress with it I just want to try different things

  • and challenge myself more become like Beyonce in the hip-hop world become

  • Beyonce a little bit like in the dancing I'm gonna be like dancing I don't know

  • just like keep on you know doing things and taking risks and just keep doing my

  • thing so that's something that I want to continue in 2018 it's not something like

  • specific I would say ages I see you like I think a little differently than you

  • see yourself I see you evolving as a human being and I've seen it since we

  • met when you and I met you were 20 years old

  • yeah just seeing your evolution on all aspects with motherhood you were just

  • pushed into that you're just like being pushed into the deep end of a swimming

  • pool and you've done you've done great with it what do you mean we've been

  • pushed we planned a child we planned we planned that the child

  • I'm just saying again just to see you evolve and to see you evolve as a

  • businessperson has just been amazing to me and I've just been really happy

  • the fact that I've been around to be able to mentor you to coach you like

  • this is gonna sound really conceited but I'm a muse of you that you have me

  • because nobody do I tell you all the time I know I know I mean I tell Gary

  • all the time that in our company Valera Inc we have a few girls that like Kimmie

  • and Jessica Gary helps a lot with the process and establishing a process and I

  • always tell Gary it's like every time they spend time with him I'm jealous of

  • their time with him because the amount of information and valuable lessons and

  • just like how to manage yourself as a business person and as a person they

  • learned so much from you so yeah I have the same benefit but you are you you

  • have you you but the thing is the thing is is that when I was this age when I

  • was 28 years old I had nobody so I was figuring things out as I went along I

  • obviously have a you know a business partner who are still business partners

  • with who have a great relationship with but he was just as inexperienced as me

  • so we were both figuring stuff out I never had that older friend for whatever

  • reason I lost friends with younger people and hence I married somebody much

  • younger so I didn't have that kind of mentorship so it was really it was

  • really trial and error getting back to you your ability to make decisions your

  • ability to delegate and I think that that's been that's been I think the most

  • challenging thing for you is to let go of certain tasks both on the business

  • side and at home when we started the business you did everything I remember

  • the first time I saw like the video went up and it had like 50,000 views 100,000

  • views I look at the video and I said to you I said who made this video you said

  • well you know I made this video I said we mean you made this video so you made

  • this video ok but who edited the video and who uploaded it to YouTube and she

  • said I did all that and I said but how did you do all of that

  • she was I just searched YouTube how to edit video I was like what that's what I

  • still do with my life when I don't know what to do something I know you do it

  • when you're like how to so then you figured every piece out as we went along

  • and then we've come so far from the days where with the days was 18 months ago

  • were you doing everything by yourself and now you know we have this team in

  • place of very talented people anyways I really enjoyed seeing your development

  • and I look forward to see you continue with

  • your development well thank you on the business side because now we kind of

  • covered everything on the profile on the personal side what would you want to

  • happen this year if we're just talking about malaria ink and all the other

  • stuff that I'm involved in um you know there's obvious things like the growth

  • of your brand altogether and as much as I don't only look at the numbers and

  • place like ultimate value only on the numbers they certainly are really

  • important we have a crazy like a few crazy milestones this year I think we're

  • like almost eight hundred and ninety thousand subscribers on YouTube so the

  • numbers getting close so the numbers are definitely going in the right direction

  • so yeah I mean at the end of this year I mean I'd love to see you know

  • subscribers at two to three million I think that's all very very possible I

  • think the content that you are creating with your team I think that content is

  • continuing to resonate with people so I definitely wanna see those numbers going

  • up that's a huge goal of mine you know the ebooks the e-commerce that we're

  • gonna be launching the collaboration we have a lot of cool collaborations set up

  • which is very humbling to me because the people that you are talking to are just

  • world-class influencers world-class businesspeople experts in their fields

  • but we're doing something like 10 to 15 million video views a month on YouTube

  • I'd love to see that number go to like 100 200 million video views just

  • reaching more people healthy public goal setting you guys this is the perfect

  • example of specific goal setting I mean you're on the analytical side but on the

  • less analytical side which is me I'm the creative person here although you know

  • great um I would love to keep creating content that just like resonates with

  • people and impacts them getting the letters and emails and cards from you

  • guys that tell me like your story and if I helped you in any way like all of

  • those things at the end of the day that's what I'm really trying to do here

  • and that's the reason why I started you too so I can really share more of the

  • things that make my life easier the lessons that I've learned and share it

  • with as many people as possible I really feel like I created this family

  • worldwide and think that professionally I would like

  • to do this year is to meet more of my social media families so when we travel

  • I really want to make sure that we're trying to set up meet up so I can meet

  • them and like get to know them because I truly I creep almost every one of you

  • seriously I know people have been with me for a while now I know that they when

  • they had a baby I know when they got married like I feel like I'm part of

  • your lives as much as you're part of mine so and that's what I enjoy about

  • this the most so I would definitely you would want to keep kind of finding more

  • ways to bring me the real value into the videos and content that we create for

  • you guys that's my professional goal for this year I just want you to murder

  • everything moving I want to just like by the way that's Gary's phrase for 2019

  • murder everything it's not my phrase it's from rap lyrics I just don't

  • remember which song wait what is it murder everything on the way no it's

  • murder everything moving with what yeah well murder everything moving no it's

  • not it's not literal okay um and yeah that's it

  • that's really good is there any other goals that you can think of I feel like

  • my I feel like we covered everything well I don't know if it's too personal

  • to mention and of course we can always edit the stuff out but wait what well

  • I'm just gonna say it I don't want you to say yeah I'm gonna say yeah you know

  • what are you worried about so we didn't really talk about this before in any of

  • the content it's not something like I want to spend too much time on but my

  • father died this year and he died a few months ago to say that me and my dad had

  • had a strained relationship would be putting it lightly but I can say that

  • the lesson that my dad taught me and his death was really to appreciate what you

  • have so you know I know that gratitude is a reoccurring theme but it really

  • does put things into perspective we do only live once

  • and for me for this year I really want to focus on the currency's in life that

  • are truly truly important money is definitely a currency but with

  • age and with experience I'm learning that it's actually not the most

  • important currency the relationship you have with your loved ones you know as

  • much as it sounds cliche and crazy but it's not crazy but it sounds like cliche

  • it sounds like so obvious but in all of the running around guys that we do to

  • make ourselves happy we really forget the things that really really aren't

  • important for this year I really want to continue to develop the relationships

  • that we have with our family and that's why we're actually going away in a

  • couple of weeks to Mexico yes a few more like family trips we're going with the

  • family we're going with like your mom and dima and and all three kids to me

  • that's really the big thing is really focusing on what's important guys we did

  • it BAM we set our goals future Valier and that future Valyrian Gary for Larry

  • and Gary 2020 better reach all those goals

  • hope you guys enjoy this video why don't you let us know in the comments Gary

  • weeds all of them all I gotta do I'm obsessed I'm obsessed I love it I love

  • getting the feedback I love seeing what you guys think of all the content you

  • know what I don't I don't feel I read all the stuff in like the makeup

  • tutorials because I understand what you guys were talking about I really love to

  • know what it is the motivates you guys I feel like the audience really looks to

  • you for not one specific thing but for direction in general on how to be happy

  • so I'd really love to know what it is it that makes you guys happy yeah I think

  • we always do good it's just us we just do our thing

  • yeah that's fairly you know I'm gonna work

hello people boo she's carrying malaria coming to you


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A2 初級

2019年最初のカップル動画|目標。結婚・子供・ビジネス (First Couple Video of 2019 | Goals: Marriage, Kids & Business)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日