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  • Throughout the Course the Holy Spirit is described

  • as being the Voice for God, the voice within our dream,

  • the voice within the split mind that reminds us

  • of our connection with our Source.

  • Other places He’s referred to as the Call for God.

  • He’s the call within our split minds to come back.

  • To go back to that choice point in our minds when we chose the ego,

  • and now make the correct choice and choose the Holy Spirit.

  • So it’s that ongoing call that is outside of the dream.

  • Now that call is going on all the time.

  • It was going on right from the original instant

  • when thetiny, mad idea,” seemed to arise.

  • But that voice has never been silenced.

  • The fact that we don’t hear it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

  • That voice is always there.

  • Now, when someone like Jesus appeared in the world 2000 years ago,

  • and he’s not the only one, obviously, but well just stay with Jesus,

  • he also represented in form a call that came from outside of the dream.

  • Two thousand years after that when we have A Course in Miracles,

  • also coming from him, even though it comes within an ego framework,

  • as the Course itself says, even though it comes in words and concepts,

  • obviously its message, its content, the love that is the true Source of the Course,

  • is outside of the dream. It has nothing to do with the wrong-minded box,

  • it certainly has nothing to do with the world.

  • It comes from the right-minded box.

  • Again, that’s the equivalent of Freud’s external stimulus.

  • And then of course there’s the key message of the Course,

  • which is forgiveness or healing.

  • These also are right-minded concepts whose purpose is to reflect

  • the other thought system that we had rejected, but which is still present.

  • And that thought system is that call from outside of the dream

  • whose call, to quote a line earlier in the text about the Holy Spirit,

  • It's the call to awaken and be glad.”

  • The problem, obviously, is that we don’t want to hear the call,

  • We don’t want to be awakened from this sleep for the very reason

  • that we chose against the call right from the beginning.

  • When we were confronted as one Son with the choice between

  • hearing the voice of the ego, that glorified the separation,

  • or the voice of the Holy Spirit that said, “What separation? Nothing happened,

  • we all chose as one son to hear the voice of the ego and to identify with that voice

  • because we like the idea of being separate,

  • which then means we like the idea of being asleep.

  • Because to choose the Holy Spirit is to choose

  • to hearthe call to awakenfrom the dream, from the sleep of separation,

  • and be glad,” be glad that it was all a dream and nothing happened.

  • So we then have a very serious problem.

  • Here we are nicely sleeping, having these wonderful dreams of pain,

  • and suffering, and death, and all the glories of specialness,

  • when for a brief instant it seems to work

  • only to be overcome by all the times it doesn’t work,

  • all of a sudden there is this Voice, there is this stimulus

  • that comes from outside of the dream, and we don’t want to awaken.

  • Just as Freud described the purpose of the dream is to keep us asleep,

  • it’s the guardian of our sleep, and when there’s an external stimulus

  • then the dream attempts to weave the stimulus into the dream

  • so we don’t awaken, we don’t awaken to the call.

  • Here is this presence, this message, this all loving content

  • that comes from outside of the dream.

  • It comes from only the right mind, there’s no ego in this.

  • There’s ego in form, just as Jesus appeared as a body,

  • but the content is beyond the dream.

  • And remember that content is non-dualistic,

  • it’s a reflection of the Oneness of Heaven.

  • Nothing could be more terrifying to the ego, for all the reasons that weve seen.

  • And so likewise the ego will attempt to bring this non-dualistic message

  • of the Atonement that says the separation never happened,

  • it will bring that message into the dream so we don’t

  • awaken from the dream and answer the call.

  • We bring the telephone into the dream.

  • So now were then very tempted, as many students of the Course have been tempted,

  • almost from the beginning, from the first day it was published,

  • is to bring Jesus and the Holy Spirit, or God Himself, into the dream

  • So rather than their purpose being to awaken us from the dream

  • by pointing out from the right mind that there’s another choice we can make,

  • Jesus and the Holy Spirit are brought into the dream,

  • into the world of bodies, into the world of illusory problems,

  • where theyre then asked to solve the illusory problems.

  • So rather than being the instruments of having us awaken from the dream,

  • they then turn into instruments of making the dream real

  • by helping us make it better.

  • It’s very difficult to avoid this temptation.

  • But it’s very, very important to realize how this is a direct sabotage

  • of any help this Course can be in your spiritual work.

  • The only help this Course can be is helping you reach above the battleground

  • to look with Jesus at the secret dream, at the world’s dream,

  • and realize that neither of these dreams really works,

  • both of them are insane, and that you’d be much, much better off

  • looking at everything in a different way,

  • realizing that nothing in this world will satisfy you

  • and that the only thing which will satisfy you

  • is to make another choice in your mind.

  • Making the world a better place, making the dream a happier place,

  • is not going to work.

  • When you bring light to darkness, all you get is more darkness.

  • That's what he meant in the line I read to you earlier,

  • from the beginning ofLight in the Dream”,

  • Each dream has led to other dreams, and every fantasy

  • that seemed to bring a light into the darkness but made the darkness deeper.”

  • That’s why for 2000 years Christianity has evolved into

  • a religion of hate and persecution, the Inquisition, the Crusades,

  • bigotry, judgment, condemnation, murder, specialness, exclusion.

  • Why? Because the darkness of the ego system got even darker,

  • because there was the illusion of it being light-filled,

  • what all Christianity did, which is the same as anyismdoes or has done,

  • is that it brought the light into the dream, into the darkness,

  • at which point it became part of the darkness.

  • But the followers believed they had the light,

  • which meant they were not aware of the darkness of the secret dream,

  • so the hate just kept spewing forth.

  • A savior, whose purpose was to lead everyone beyond specialness,

  • became so incredibly special that he elevated

  • specialness into a religion to be worshipped.

  • That’s why, in the Course in the early pages,

  • Jesus goes to such lengths to say, I am no different from you.

  • I am not the Son of God, we are all the Son of God.

  • He’s trying to undo and to correct all the mistakes of specialness

  • that the church has perpetrated in his name.

  • And they did it by bringing the light into the darkness,

  • rather than bring the darkness of specialness to the light

  • of the non-specific truth and reality of God’s Love,

  • they brought the non-specific reality of God’s Love into the dream of specialness.

  • What the writers of the New Testament did, however well meaning they were,

  • was they tried to understand the truth of Jesus

  • within their own context, their own frame of reference.

  • No wonder it got screwed up so badly.

  • There is no way as a student of the Course you could read the New Testament

  • and not be overwhelmed and horrified by the rampant specialness

  • that pervades almost every page there.

  • Not everybody is loved; only certain special groups are loved.

  • And certainly Jesus is loved more than anybody else.

  • If you try to understand truth from the perspective of fantasy

  • or you try to understand the state of awakening from the perspective of sleep,

  • all youre going to do is make the truth part of the dream.

  • That’s again, the dream of convenience.

  • I don’t want to wake up from my sleep and answer the phone,

  • so I’ll just bring the phone into my dream, and I’ll keep on sleeping.

  • That’s what the world did with Jesus 2000 years ago.

  • And that’s what it’s desperately, and unfortunately rather successfully,

  • doing with the Course. It becomes part of the world.

  • There is no way that you can integrate the love of God with this world.

  • What we can do is we can bring this world,

  • and the thought system that gave rise to this world,

  • to the reflection of Love’s presence that’s in our minds,

  • that’s what Jesus represents, that’s what the Holy Spirit represents.

Throughout the Course the Holy Spirit is described


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A2 初級

フロイトへの借金その3_「奇跡のコース」ワークショップより抜粋 (Our Debt to Freud, Part 3_Excerpt from "A Course in Miracles" Workshop)

  • 19 7
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日