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  • Right now, trillions of chemical reactions

  • are humming away in the cells of your body.

  • You never feel them,

  • but without these reactions,

  • you wouldn't be alive.

  • Unfortunately, each of those reactions needs some help.

  • You see, most molecules are stable,

  • they are happy just the way they are.

  • The atoms in them are all bound-up and friendly with one another

  • and would prefer to stay that way.

  • The problem is, for a chemical reaction to happen,

  • the atoms that make up those stable molecules

  • need to break away from their friends

  • and go buddy up with another atom.

  • This break-up is where the molecules need a hand.

  • This initial kick-start is known as activation energy.

  • It's used to destabilize the molecule,

  • to push the bonds between the atoms

  • to a place where they are ready to break.

  • This unstable state is known as the molecule's transition state.

  • Once a transition state has been achieved,

  • the atoms become willing to leave their current molecular friends

  • and go make new friends elsewhere.

  • Once they are convinced, it's a piece of cake.

  • Bonds break,

  • atoms rearrange,

  • and the rest of the reaction happens automatically.

  • After that first push, the body doesn't need to put in

  • any more energy to help the reaction along.

  • Left alone, most of these reactions would be very slow

  • because it takes quite a while to build up

  • the activation energy the molecules need to get started.

  • Enter the enzyme.

  • Enzymes are proteins that speed up,

  • or catalyze, reactions

  • by lowering the activation energy.

  • They make it easier for the molecule,

  • also known as a substrate,

  • to get to the transition state.

  • You can think of a reaction like a race.

  • Some racers are running along,

  • while others have teammates to help them.

  • Meet Sam the Substrate.

  • His team is the MODS Squad.

  • Together, his team is able to get to the finish faster,

  • using less energy.

  • There are four special enzymes in Sam's team.

  • Each has a different strategy

  • for lowering the energy it takes to get going

  • and speeding up the pace to get the MODS to the finish line.

  • The "M" stands for "microenvironment".

  • This enzyme creates a tiny, special environment for the substrate,

  • resulting in a faster reaction time.

  • He runs ahead of the pack,

  • flattening out bumps in the road

  • and misting cool water on his team of molecules.

  • "O" is for "orientation".

  • Sometimes two molecules must be positioned

  • just right before they will react.

  • Like a friend at the finish line,

  • the O enzyme provides his molecules

  • with specially shaped spaces

  • that allow the substrates to interact in just the right way.

  • "D" stands for "direct participation".

  • Every now and again, a little muscle is needed.

  • And when his teammates are struggling to finish the race,

  • Teammate D is there to pick them up

  • and carry them over the line.

  • Finally, "S" is for "straining bonds".

  • This guy pushes the team

  • through some serious flexibility exercises:

  • splits,

  • lunges,

  • backbends,

  • the works.

  • Sometimes his substrate teammates

  • just need to be stressed and flexed

  • into their transition state.

  • So that's it.

  • Remember that all reactions need energy to get going.

  • This energy is known as the activation energy.

  • Enzymes lower that activation energy

  • and speed the reaction through team MODS:

  • microenvironment,

  • orientation,

  • direct participation,

  • and straining bonds.

Right now, trillions of chemical reactions


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

TED-ED】活性化エネルギー。化学反応をキックスタートさせる - バンス・カイト (【TED-Ed】Activation energy: Kickstarting chemical reactions - Vance Kite)

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    wikiHuang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日