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  • a growing number of countries are closing their borders to visitors from China, the source of the virus on the country with by far the most cases, the U.

  • S and Australia have banned entry to foreigners.

  • You've recently been to any part of China.

  • Russia, Japan, Pakistan and Italy haven't out similar travel restrictions.

  • Vietnam has barred all flights to and from mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau until May 1st.

  • Nearly 10,000 flights have been canceled since the outbreak, according to global travel data company Syrian.

  • According to A F P, the death toll in China as of Saturday roasted 304.

  • It cited a report from whom a province which said 40 people had died on an additional 1900 people have been confirmed to be infected.

a growing number of countries are closing their borders to visitors from China, the source of the virus on the country with by far the most cases, the U.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

中国の観光客は旅行禁止に直面します、中国の死者数が 304 を打つように取り消された飛行 (Chinese tourists face travel ban, cancelled flights as death toll in China hits 304)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日