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  • It was a hard fought Siri's and a wild night turn into a very dangerous situation in that city.

  • And our Josh Element, Elliot has been tracking all of this overnight.

  • Nasty.

  • Yeah, as we can see.

  • I mean, it was a terrifying scene there in Vancouver, angry fans obviously pouring out into the streets.

  • Emotion heightened as four stabbings in its result were reported.

  • The scene so chaotic and violent ambulances actually couldn't get through to help those injured Vancouver transformed into a war zone.

  • Fires erupted in busy downtown intersections.

  • Flames shot 30 feet into the air, storefronts smashed by looters grabbing everything in sight as people dangled from light poles.

  • While police in full force struggled to contain the crowd with tear gas, two of their cruisers set ablaze.

  • The city's mayor described the participants as hooligans.

  • The reason for all of this chaos.

  • Ah, hockey game.

  • Lost by the hometown Canucks to the visiting Boston Bruins For the first time in 39 years, the Boston Bruins have won the Stanley Cup.

  • It was the seventh and last game of hockey's Stanley Cup finals.

  • A winner take all end to what had been a brutal Siri's and that intensity exacerbated first by last night's loss and the riotous result left the city broken and burning is wrong for the city.

  • This isn't the reputation.

  • We want to know what the people want.

  • You there.

  • I'm embarrassed.

  • We have reports of more than 100 people that had been treated for exposure to tear gas, and police aren't saying just how many people they have arrested.

  • Of course, if you remember, Vancouver erupted in similar riots in 1994 the last time the team robin lost Game seven of the Stanley Cup.

  • Fine.

  • It's so tough to lose at home like that, No excuse and, unfortunately, the ugly side that we sometimes see in sports all right, Josh thinks.

It was a hard fought Siri's and a wild night turn into a very dangerous situation in that city.


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B1 中級

バンクーバー暴動2011。ボストンブルーインズはスタンレーカップを獲得した後の破壊 (Vancouver Riots 2011: Destruction After Boston Bruins Win Stanley Cup)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日