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  • Williams trying to untie it.

  • He has had a miserable shooting night.

  • He's headed out on that one as well.

  • William just three of 15.

  • Durant for three.

  • Well, you cannot.

  • He took the quick one because the words get the final possession.

  • Williams beat Milwaukee on a floater.

  • Six second difference.

  • Game time.

  • Game shot clock down to seven.

  • Gondola's got it.

  • There's a crafty Williams again, down to three.

  • Gondola stayed down.

  • That's an almost airball.

  • It ticked iron.

  • They don't use a time out of three.

  • Dream on it, too.

  • They've got to get a shot off.

  • They don't It will go to overtime, which is still a win for the Warriors, but you would have loved to have had a shot to win the game.

  • So five minutes extra period.

  • Warriors finish in a 19 to 5 run person that score in the final 5 15 The Warriors scored the last 11 points.

  • They didn't take a shot at the end of regulation, which is a little frustrating.

  • Raymond was trying to get it to Somebody got tangled up there.

  • A lot of defenders.

  • They were down eight with 3 32 to go.

  • They were down 5 to 51 to go.

  • And Thompson came through in the clutch here.

  • So now you've done this work and then it defensively.

  • 11 nothing.

  • Now, can you go grab this wind?

  • You want to survive in the puddles?

  • Regulation team spirit, team spirit.

  • You know, God, different outcomes, guys, my basketball in big things happen like that.

  • But it was good to see fires.

Williams trying to untie it.


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B1 中級

ケビン・デュラントとドレイモンド・グリーンがレギュレーション終了間際のクリッパーズ戦で白熱する|NBA on ESPN (Kevin Durant, Draymond Green get heated at end of regulation vs. Clippers | NBA on ESPN)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日