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Hey, what is going on?
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We're taking a look at code book is one of 35th scale border break ki se Cruze shiki kit.
And I gotta say, it's pretty awesome.
If you guys didn't watch the live bill of this, you can go back and watch the live stream bill that I did building this kid.
It was pretty fun to put together again.
It's a very interesting build, I can say that.
But this kid, as you guys may well know, is very expensive.
It's list price around 100 $1520 gonna be paying for this so it's not cheap by any means.
And it's not that big of a kid, either.
Later on, I'll do a size comparison and show you guys just how big it is.
But it's about this size about the height of like a small master grade.
Basically, obviously it's a little bit wider, justcause different proportions, but well, it's not very big has a ton of detail on there.
The part separation is very good, very minimal steam lines on there as well, which is pretty nice.
So the kid quality and articulation everything that again just the level of detail that's in there is all absolutely fantastic.
That is all.
Nothing to complain about with this kid by any means s.
I think just the price is gonna be the main thing that's gonna be holding people back from wanting to pick up this kid.
And so that's why I want to do the live stream.
So if you guys are really interested in still on the fence, just go watch the live stream as well for some or kind of additional information or just kind of to see the building process how they went together.
But over the course of this review, I'll let you guys know as much as I can about this kid to help you decide if you were the one to break out to your wallets or break your wallets and pick up this kid and, as always, guys a huge thing into a second store for their support and making this review possible, check the link their site down below.
In the video description where you can get this kits and everything else they're on their site for 10% off, especially for a expensive get like this.
Saving a little money on that will definitely always help.
So just make sure you use that coupon code there.
Zachary Leah's 10.
Now, first off, let's just go through the accessories that you get here included with kids.
So first that we do have some hand options here.
You just got the closed fists on their Those can be swapped out for these open hands, which are very nicely detailed, as you can see for the weapon holding trigger finger hands here for with left on the right side.
And you also have this optional part here for around on the back.
Now, again, I'm not familiar with the game.
Hard the lower very much at all.
So this just basically replaces this part here on the back.
If you pop this one out, which I think I'm gonna need my knife to help me dio they got one that's out, Then you can just put this on here instead for this part here on the back that is fit onto their like cell.
And then we have two different options for the weapons.
So this 1st 1 is this rifle again?
Just really cool Design a super nice part separation here as well, with a little green parts there for the tip little green parts here, here and here and all the gray and white parts going in between each other like that.
Now, this does also fold for being stored.
You can see this part here, this hinge where it falls.
Now the thing is at the hinge there, where it rotates around is really tight.
But the connection here into the body, you see, is just these two pegs in here.
And they've already got some stress marks on there because those just plug into their now, that's not a very strong connection, but this hinge is pretty strong.
So when you're bending, that is really tight, and I almost bent and broke those pegs off at first.
So just make sure you hold everything in place while you're rotating that around.
But you fold that up like so and this could be plugged on to his back.
Here, you've got this kind of rail here on the left side or the right side you can choose.
But according to the manual, it's supposed to be plugged in here on this side, like so Like that so that'll be just stored up over a shoulder, which is pretty cool as the weapon is this big giant sword wife would, which is also pretty nice.
So this one, the back end of that will extend out the front part will extend out like that.
This is for the full length when it's gonna be in use.
And then when you're storing that, you disclose that backup on this one also has this little pickle.
This will plug onto the backpack now you can if you want flood onto this side.
It does fit onto their kind of not really super well, it's mentally blood here onto the center section.
So I just wanted to clarify that for you guys mentally plugged onto their and then both its weapons were stored on its back, which is pretty cool.
And that is the extent of the accessories.
So not a whole lot of accessories, but the weapons that it does have, I think, are pretty cool and options a rice very nice to detail.
The weapons are cool and the way those fold up or store onto the body are also really interesting.
I like that.
Now that is it.
for the accessories.
Let's take a look at some of the articulation for this guy.
So starting off here at the head, this is one area where unfortunately, articulation is not very good.
Head will only go like up to about there.
That's about the extent of that.
And of course, you can rotate that side aside as well.
And it's all really nicely detailed.
And these just one area where you do want to be a little careful cause these antenna bits on the side of the head can pop off kind of easily.
So just a little drop of glue on there and you should be good in the midsection.
Here, you've got a bend forward and back like that for a pretty nice AB crunch to the front.
There's no side to side Ben, but you can also just rotate that they're at the waist as well for the shoulders.
This kind of grey bit here on the side of the torso is kind of separate in between the main body and the arm.
It doesn't really move a lot that you can kind of move in and out a little bit and you can sort of rotate that a little bit, but it doesn't really do a whole lot to kind of just meant to be there.
I think the shoulder is really just start over here.
So basically, Ford and back move into the shoulder is you're gonna have a little bit of movement there, but not a whole lot.
This part here on the outside of the shoulder is just on a ball joint, so that can move around, as you might need our rotate, whatever might like.
There's a little bent up inside there.
Ultimately, you could get the arms up to about 90 degrees.
It looks like they're to the body and then at the top of the arm.
You've got some rotation there, and your elbow joint is gonna give you more than 90 degrees.
But you can see just a nice full bend.
Their the arms are asymmetrical.
So you've got this bit here on the back, This arm I'm not I don't know what that is, but that's there on the back of the arm.
If you want to pull that off, that just comes off really easily like that.
If you didn't want to have that on there that just plugs onto their on the other side is gonna see.
Just got a little different equipment with this thing here on the side of the arm, whatever that is.
And you could plug this bit on the back of this time onto this storm if you want it against up to you and then the wrist is just on there via Vaulx Joint, which is just in there in the socket, which is not really all that time.
It doesn't feel like it's gonna come out all that easily.
I mean, it feels like it's not gonna just fall out of there, but it is.
Does feel like it's maybe a little bit loose, a lot to see once it gets to holding the weapons.
If it has trouble holding up the weapons, that might be a possibility.
I think moving down here to waste section, no front scrip movement, anything with this part.
But on the back, this flap here does move up and down a little bit.
You can see that will move like so you have a point there to load this onto an action based there at the back of a hip section As for the sides of the hips here, a countdown to the sides of the thighs.
You have these parts which will rotate around their own, Baldwin says.
Well, you can't really get too much of a rocking motion out of them.
Basically, this rotation They do have some cool gimmicks, though.
With this, the little flap here on the side will move that will open up just ever so slightly like that.
You can open that up in this little thruster nozzle here at the back, can also extend out.
So there is the extension of that and then pushed in.
So that's kind of another cool, small little gimmick about that for when it's actually in use full that the flat pull that out and it gives them more kind of boosting.
Look to that which is pretty cool.
Otherwise, like at the top of the hip, will rotate there as well.
They're just connected onto the main hip section of you, a ball joint, so you're just going to have to get them out to the side only to about there, and I did notice this is just about to mention that it's another weak point of it is just this part here means pull off the leg there so you guys can see that very well.
This part here for basically holding the leg onto the waist section there, that's just two parts sandwich together with a poly captain between.
And then this little white part that fits onto the top of their and I'm finding that this part comes apart pretty easily, so just make sure again, just glue that, and you'll be totally fine that I mean, just those two great parts is glue them together.
So those don't pop a part in that white part again if you're painting or not, you know, just glue that ultimately on top of there and you'll be totally fine with this section's Just because I'm moving it around, nothing's glued that is just a little bit loose, and I think it's mostly just because the poly cap in there, but it's a small thing.
Not really anything to complain about, ultimately was very easily fixable.
So then moving down on here to the knees and the knee joint is very stiff, so just make sure you're moving this carefully as well.
Just give that a good band there, as you can see and get a really nice full bend there at the knee.
No separation of this part of the front, but just kind of all connected into, like the lower leg there, down here at the angles.
Those will move side to side like that and then also forward up to there and back all the way to there and then just some rotation here as well.
Some rotation there like that, and the tow part does also move on its own as well.
Up and down a little bit like so.
This part here on the side of the foot doesn't move at all.
It's just plugged straight on there to the side of the foot, but beneath that we got wheels.
Both of these wheels just rotate freely inside there.
So those were actually working Healy's that he's got on, and that is it for the articulation.
But while we've got him up close and personal here, another thing that this one of mention is about just the color separation, which is fantastic, as you guys can see just all the little bits of green everything.
No, that's a sticker.
Doesn't have any stickers included.
But on the opposite side of that whole side do kind of wish that this would have come with some waterside decals for some markings.
For us, that's unfortunate, but at least no color correcting stickers or anything like that.
Of course, nothing is about the steam lines on this kid.
Now a lot of quotable get gets at least a lot of the ones that I've built always have a lot of seam lines on them, unfortunately, but this one really doesn't has a small C minor here on the white parts on the back of the head as little seam line between those two on the back of the arms.
A little seam line here, and that's pretty much it on the whole kit itself.
The rest of the arms legs body doesn't have any seam lines anywhere around on their on the weapons.
There are a couple, as you might expect, the pretty obviously here on the sword's going down through the center of these white parts.
You've got a seam line there and the same thing for the rifle between the two halves of the white parts.
For that, you've got steam lines down there, but that's still pretty minimal for the schizo, the steam lines and the details.
The color separation on this is all pretty dang good, and I mentioned before about this not being all that big.
So here's the size comparison.
As you can see, it's coming right about in between 1 44 scale Gundam and 100 scale Gundam size.
It's gonna be right about in the center of that.
So again, about the same height as a small master grade or, I guess, alternatively, a pretty big high grade.
But well, it's not very tall.
It is obviously living more wide, so it's got a lot of parts in there.
So it's essentially, like comparable to a master grade K.
I would say, in just the parts and the complexity, the level of detail on there and just the articulation is similar to a masquerade kit if we had to compare.
But of course, the price being double what most master grades cost.
That is obviously going to be a pretty big hindering factor and a lot of you wanting to pick up this kid.
So while this definitely does look really cool once you get it, post up with the weapons and inaction post.
I already broke off the trigger finger on the left hand of they're holding onto the sword, so that's unfortunate.
Just the connection for that finger is this really tiny little bit of plastic.
So just getting the hand into place, the finger just popped off.
So be very careful with that.
It's gonna be in very easy fix again with just a little bit of glue, not the worst thing in the world.
But just be careful with that tiny little trigger finger part that it has was ultimately, let's just without the pros and cons here.
So the pros, it has fantastic detail.
It's got some pretty good articulation on there.
I will say it does have a couple week points of articulation.
Overall, it is pretty good.
It's got some really nice color separation, and they're so painting.
This kid's gonna mean you have very little to do in the way of masking.
That's always nice.
It's also got very minimal seems, which is also good.
That's just one less thing you have to worry about.
If you're gonna be painting the kit and then, of course, just overall cool factor is just a really cool, very unique design.
It's definitely got that going for now.
As for the cons, obviously the big one is just going to be the price.
That's just gonna be the number one biggest con for this case, obviously.
But then, aside from that one other just small, kind of nit pick, I guess that it could make is just the fact that doesn't come with a stand for it.
That would have been nice.
Just a really simple little stand just to help it stand up, because, uh, I'm noticing that in action post, it does have a little bit of trouble standing because, well, it's not standing entirely on the wheels.
Just balancing on those wheels can be a little bit tricky because they are actually is protruding out the bottom of the feet a little bit.
So when you're trying to get it to stand up while the feet are pretty large and you know you got a lot of surface area there on the field, you wouldn't think standing would be that difficult.
But I'm actually I have been having a little bit of trouble just getting to stand up easily.
So if they would have included just a simple base along with this, that would have been nice on Dhe, I guess.
Also, like I mentioned before, a couple of waterside decals for just for some markings of this would have been nice as well.
But they're pretty minor things.
Ultimately, this is a pretty cool kids, definitely.
It's a really cool design, and I think they pulled off the kit really well.
But for most people out there, I wouldn't really recommend this just because of the price.
But if you're a big fan of the design, and if you can justify spending the money on a down say go for it's the kind of kid that, as I mentioned during the Lifestream, I think if you just want to get the kit and build it, just snap it together and put it up on your shelf, then you might not find it.
It's really worth the price.
But if you're willing to put in time on it, you know, give it a really nice paint job.
Detail it all up, do a little bit of weathering on there as well.
So I'm Dr Rushing to bring all those nice, sharp, pointy edges around on all the armor and everything, and you want to make it look really pristine.
Then you're gonna have a really super nice looking piece when it's all said and done for the majority of you watching out there, I imagine most of you are going to prefer to spend your $120 on you know, 23 or four bend I Gundam kits or something like that instead.
But if you're looking for something more unique, Maur difference and really nicely detailed, then I would say Check the kit out.
But if you guys do still have another further questions or comments, of course, feel free to leave those down below.
Thinking I covered everything's There's not really too much else to say about this at this point, but again, just a big thing.
Get to us.
They gonna store for their support and letting me take a look at this kid, review it here for you guys.
Hopefully, the review has been helpful for anything for any of you who were looking for some more information on the kit.