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  • >>GOD: Lester, rise from your grave?

  • >>LESTER: I'm sleepy, what do you want?

  • >>GOD: The time to redeem your self has come. Do this final task and live in heaven for

  • eternity.

  • >>LESTER: What exactly am I supposed to do?

  • >>GOD: Help Lavender Williams. She will be under-taking a very dangerous journey.

  • >>LESTER: Wait. Lavender Williams you said? That little monster, I'd rather be dead.

  • >>GOD: You are dead, you idiot.

  • >>LESTER: I will burn in hell before I help her.

  • >>GOD: So be it.

  • >>LESTER: Okay, I'll help. I will.

  • >>GOD: Now that's the answer I want.

  • >>LESTER: I shall >>GOD: LANGUAGE.

  • >>SPEAKER1: Dear Lavender, happy birthday. On my eighth birthday, my father read me these

  • words. You have brains ...

  • >>MOM: You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can stir yourself

  • any direction you choose. You're on your own and you know what you know. You are the

  • one will decide where to go. Remember these words, sweetheart. They will make all the

  • difference. Love, Dad.

  • >>LAVENDER: Why can't I see dad?

  • >>MOM: It's complicated honey.

  • >>LAVENDER: It isn't complicated, it's your fault.

  • >>MOM: Honey ... (Cough) Lavender ... (cough)

  • >>LAVENDER: The doctor is coming.

  • >>SPEAKER 2: Mrs. Williams?

  • >>LAVENDER: She doesn't live here.

  • >>MOM: Go back to your room.

  • >>LAVENDER: I don't want to.

  • >>MOM: Go back to your room. Please go.

  • >>SPEAKER 2: My name is Mr. Carcenoma. You may call me Cancer.

  • >>SPEAKER 3: You're not crying.

  • >>LAVENDER: What's there to cry about?

  • >>SPEAKER 3: You should. My aunt and uncle died in an accident 30 years ago. He came and

  • took my cousin, Mike. Never saw him again. Sheriff Murdstone, the dread sheriff of Calabas

  • County. They say, he roams the lonely country roads in his old car, collecting

  • orphan kids.

  • >>LAVENDER: I'm not an orphan. I have a dad.

  • Dear dad, I'm coming your way. Now that mom is dead, we can finally be together. You'll

  • like me very much. You'll see. I don't eat much and I have a wonderful conversation.

  • Maybe I'll be there before this letter arrives. Love, Lavender.

  • >>LESTER: I hate that. Only too sure things in this life. Death & fleas.

  • >>LAVENDER: Lester?

  • >>LESTER: In the flesh. Yeah. Are we there yet? Are we ever going to get there?

  • >>LESTER: Are we there yet? Are we ever going to get there? (Coughing, gasping)

  • >>LAVENDER: Stop following me.

  • >>LESTER: Bury my bones if I could. Unfortunately, I got to sent to watch over you. We're in

  • this together lady.

  • >>LAVENDER: You're my guardian angel?

  • >>LESTER: Ha. An irony, isn't it?

  • >>LAVENDER: An irony? A tragedy.

  • >>LESTER: Listen girly, you don't like me and I don't like you. Fine, but if I don't

  • babysit you, I'll spend eternity in hell. Frankly, I'd rather spend the day asleep

  • surrounded by milk bones and sexy French poodles. So, break it up. You're my only door to

  • heaven. Do we understand each other?

  • >>LAVENDER: I don't need a guardian angel and I don't need you. Leave me alone.

  • >>GOD: Lester.

  • >>LESTER: Yes?

  • >>GOD: Where do you think you're going?

  • >>LESTER: On to meet some cute poodles.

  • >>GOD: Move your butt back there, she's in danger.

  • >>LESTER: I'm not listening. I'm not listening.

  • >>GOD: Oh, come on Lester. You're better than this. She's just a little girl and

  • she needs you.

  • >>SHERIFF: You need a ride, sweetheart?

  • >>SHERIFF: Get in here you lil Orphan ... Agghh ...

  • >>LAVENDER: You.

  • >>LESTER: 1928, good year. Very tender meal.

  • >>LAVENDER: Thanks for helping me back there.

  • >>LESTER: You told me to go away.

  • >>LAVENDER: Why didn't you bite him or something? Aren't you my guardian angel?

  • >>LESTER: Can't bite anyone. If I hurt someone, I go straight to hell.

  • >>LAVENDER: You can't bite? You bitten me.

  • >>LESTER: You hide at covering mist.

  • >>LAVENDER: I'm a kid, kid's play.

  • >>LESTER: I'm a dog, dog's bite.

  • (Background talking)

  • >>LESTER: You got that looked after, did you? By a doctor? It didn't hurt too much, did

  • it?

  • >>LAVENDER: No.

  • >>LESTER: It didn't hurt me either, that much. I'm sorry I bitten you.

  • >>LAVENDER: Sorry I pulled your ears.

  • >>LESTER: It wasn't your fault. I was a bad dog. I bit my best friend.

  • >>LAVENDER: When you are gone, I didn't have anyone else to play with.

  • >>LESTER: What about your mama?

  • >>LAVENDER: She left.

  • >>LESTER: Your dad?

  • >>LAVENDER: I've never met him. What if he doesn't like me?

  • >>LESTER: Are you crazy? He'll love you, kid. Oh, bones. You ain't going to cry,

  • are you?

  • >>LAVENDER: I'm not.

  • >>LESTER: Okay. No time for puppy love, an old manner, remember?

  • >>SHERIFF: Hello, hon. Get in.

  • >>LAVENDER: Let me out. Lester, help me. Why didn't you bite him or something?

  • >>LESTER: If I hurt someone, I will go straight to hell.

  • >>LAVENDER: He left me, like mom.

  • >>SHERIFF: You're ready to go, sweetheart? Now don't you worry, there are whole lot

  • of kids down there, just like you. You're going to love this place. You're going to

  • fit right here. (Laughs)

  • >>LESTER: Sorry, but the girl is with me.

  • >>SHERIFF: Ahh.

  • >>LAVENDER: Ahh.

  • >>LESTER: Lavender, get out quick.

  • >>SHERIFF: You orphan, you are to me.

  • >>LAVENDER: I'm not an orphan.

  • >>SHERIFF: You little brat, get back in here, you little brat.

  • >>LESTER: I'll take you to a place you'll like very much. You'll fit right here.

  • >>LAVENDER: Lester.

  • >>LESTER: Go. Follow the river, kid. You've got a dad to find.

  • >>SPEAKER1: Dear Lavender, happy birthday. On my eighth birthday, my father read me these

  • words. You have brains ...

  • >>MOM: You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can stir yourself

  • any direction you choose. You're on your own ...

  • >>LAVENDER: You lied to me. I hate you.

  • >>MOM: Dear Lavender, please don't hate me. I did what I did because I love you, more

  • than you'll ever know. You needed a father so badly. Always remember, you have brains

  • in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can stir yourself any direction you choose.

  • You're on your own and you know what you know. You are the one will decide where to

  • go. I didn't leave you, Lavender. I had to go. But I'll be watching over you from

  • heaven, forever. You'll never be alone. Love, Mom. I'm always with you.

  • Lavender Original (Completed 09/28/13) Page 1 of 6

>>GOD: Lester, rise from your grave?


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B1 中級

ラベンダー・ウィリアムズのマカブレな世界 - ニック・デルガドによる暗いおとぎ話 (The Macabre World of Lavender Williams - A Dark Fairy Tale by Nick Delgado)

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    姚易辰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日